Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.

on indexOnePage (url, title, pageText, adrStopWords=nil, indexName=nil) {
	<<Index one page.
			<<8/20/99; 11:41:41 AM by PBS
				<<Index all words that are not in the stop words table. Don't ignore numbers. Don't ignore words that are shorter than 3 characters.
			<<07/18/00; 10:46:01 PM by PBS
				<<Instead of using string.nthField, just keep deleting from the leading edge of the text, and index the first word. Performance optimization.
	local (lowerTitle = string.lower (title));
	local (pageName);
	local (lowerAdr = string.lower (url));
	local (lowerParent);
	local (i, j, numFields);
	local (flMessages = true);
	local (indexPath = (indexName));
	local (adrIndex = @[indexPath].index);
	if adrStopWords == nil {
		adrStopWords =};
	on doMessage (s) {
		if flMessages {
			msg (s)}};
	on getLastField (s) {
		local (ctfields = string.countFields (s, '/'));
		s = string.nthField (s, '/', ctfields);
		return (s)};
	bundle { //get the page name
		pageName = url;
		pageName = getLastField (pageName)};
	bundle { //get the name of the parent folder
		lowerParent = string.lower (url);
		lowerParent = string.popSuffix (lowerParent, '/');
		lowerParent = getLastField (lowerParent)};
	bundle { //clean the text before indexing
		pageText = searchEngine.cleanText (pageText)};
	<<numFields = string.countFields (pageText,  ' ') //count potential words
	local (ct = 0);
	<<for i = 1 to numFields //loop through every potential word
		<<local (oneWord = string.nthField (pageText, ' ', i))
		<<if oneWord beginsWith '#'
			<<continue //it's a directive
		<<oneWord = string.dropNonAlphas (oneWord)
		<<oneWord = string.lower (oneWord)
		<<oneWord = string.popTrailing (oneWord, 's') //pop off trailing s's
		<<oneWord = string.trimWhiteSpace (oneWord)
		<<if oneWord == ""
		<<PBS 8/20/99: commented this out -- we now index all words that are not in the stop words table.
		<<if sizeOf (oneWord) < 3 //we don't index very short words, except for "op" and "wp"
			<<if oneWord != "op" and oneWord != "wp" and oneWord != "ii"
		<<if not (searchEngine.checkStopWords (oneWord, adrStopWords)) //check if this is on the list of words not to index
			<<continue //don't index
		<<sys.systemTask ()
		<<doMessage (oneWord)
		<<local (firstLetter = string.mid (oneWord, 1, 1))
		<<PBS 8/20/99: a word can start with a number. At this point we have letters and numbers only, so this check can be eliminated.
		<<if char (firstLetter) < 'a' or char (firstLetter) > 'z'
		<<local (adrLetter = @adrIndex^.[firstLetter]) //address of this letter's table in the index
		<<if not defined (adrLetter^)
			<<new (tableType, adrLetter)
		<<local (adrWord = @adrLetter^.[oneWord]) //address of this word in the index
		<<if not defined (adrWord^)
			<<new (tableType, adrWord)
		<<local (adrPageCount = @adrWord^.[url]) //address of the count for this page in this word
		<<if defined (adrPageCount^)
			<<adrPageCount^ = adrPageCount^ + 1 //this is a frequency count (plus the relevancy ranking, see below)
			<<adrPageCount^ = 1 //first occurence of this word in the page
		<<bundle //do relevancy ranking
			<<if lowerAdr contains oneWord //if the address of the page contains the word, add 100
				<<if adrPageCount^ < 100
					<<adrPageCount^ = adrPageCount^ + 100
			<<if string.lower (pageName) contains oneWord //if the name of the page contains the word, add 500
				<<if adrPageCount^ < 500
					<<adrPageCount^ = adrPageCount^ + 500
			<<if lowerParent == oneWord //if the name of the parent table equals the word and this is the default page, add 1000
				<<if pageName contains "default" or pageName contains "index"
					<<if adrPageCount^ < 1000
						<<adrPageCount^ = adrPageCount^ + 1000
			<<if lowerTitle contains oneWord //if the title of the page contains the word, add 2000
				<<if adrPageCount^ < 2000
					<<adrPageCount^ = adrPageCount^ + 2000
		<<sys.systemTask ()
		<<doMessage ("Indexing: " + url + ": " + oneWord)
	while sizeOf (pageText) > 0 { //PBS 07/18/00: loop through every potential word
		pageText = string.trimWhiteSpace (pageText);
		local (oneWord = string.nthField (pageText, ' ', 1));
		local (wordSize = sizeOf (oneWord));
		if oneWord beginsWith '#' {
			pageText = string.delete (pageText, 1, wordSize);
			continue}; //it's a directive
		oneWord = string.dropNonAlphas (oneWord);
		oneWord = string.lower (oneWord);
		oneWord = string.popTrailing (oneWord, 's'); //pop off trailing s's
		oneWord = string.trimWhiteSpace (oneWord);
		if oneWord == "" {
			pageText = string.delete (pageText, 1, wordSize);
		if not (searchEngine.checkStopWords (oneWord, adrStopWords)) { //check if this is on the list of words not to index
			pageText = string.delete (pageText, 1, wordSize);
			continue}; //don't index
		local (firstLetter = string.mid (oneWord, 1, 1));
		local (adrLetter = @adrIndex^.[firstLetter]); //address of this letter's table in the index
		if not defined (adrLetter^) {
			new (tableType, adrLetter)};
		local (adrWord = @adrLetter^.[oneWord]); //address of this word in the index
		if not defined (adrWord^) {
			new (tableType, adrWord)};
		local (adrPageCount = @adrWord^.[url]); //address of the count for this page in this word
		if defined (adrPageCount^) {
			adrPageCount^ = adrPageCount^ + 1} //this is a frequency count (plus the relevancy ranking, see below)
		else {
			adrPageCount^ = 1}; //first occurence of this word in the page
		bundle { //do relevancy ranking
			if lowerAdr contains oneWord { //if the address of the page contains the word, add 100
				if adrPageCount^ < 100 {
					adrPageCount^ = adrPageCount^ + 100}};
			if string.lower (pageName) contains oneWord { //if the name of the page contains the word, add 500
				if adrPageCount^ < 500 {
					adrPageCount^ = adrPageCount^ + 500}};
			if lowerParent == oneWord { //if the name of the parent table equals the word and this is the default page, add 1000
				if pageName contains "default" or pageName contains "index" {
					if adrPageCount^ < 1000 {
						adrPageCount^ = adrPageCount^ + 1000}}};
			if lowerTitle contains oneWord { //if the title of the page contains the word, add 2000
				if adrPageCount^ < 2000 {
					adrPageCount^ = adrPageCount^ + 2000}}};
		pageText = string.delete (pageText, 1, wordSize);
		<<if ct > 500 //relax on occassion
			<<thread.sleepFor (0)
			<<ct = 0
	msg ("");
	return (true)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.