Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.

on getSnippet (htmltext, words, flHtmlSnippets=true) {
		<<8/7/02; 7:15:42 PM by JES
			<<Created. Take some html text and search terms and return a snippet of sample text from the page which contains the search terms, ala Google's snippets.
	words = string.replaceAll (words, "\"", "");
	htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, " ", " ");
	local (lowertext = string.lower (htmltext));
	bundle { //strip everything before <body>, if present
		local (ixbody);
		ixbody = string.patternMatch ("<body", lowertext);
		if ixbody > 0 {
			htmltext = string.delete (htmltext, 1, ixbody - 1);
			lowertext = string.delete (lowertext, 1, ixbody - 1)}};
	htmltext = searchEngine.stripMarkup (htmltext);
	lowertext = searchEngine.stripMarkup (lowertext);
	local (flFirstSnippet = true);
	on getOneSnippet (word) {
		local (lowerword = string.lower (word));
		local (ixword = string.patternMatch (lowerword, lowertext));
		if ixword > 0 {
			local (i, ix = ixword, flStartEllipses = true);
			for i = 1 to 50 { //try to find the start of the sentence
				if ix == 1 {
				case htmltext[ix] {
					']' {
						flStartEllipses = false;
			local (s = string.trimWhiteSpace (string.mid (htmltext, ix, 75 + i)));
			if flStartEllipses {
				local (firstword = string.nthField (s, " ", 1));
				s = string.delete (s, 1, sizeOf (firstword))};
			local (lastword = string.nthField (s, " ", string.countFields (s, " ")));
			s = string.trimWhiteSpace (string.mid (s, 1, sizeOf (s) - sizeOf (lastword)));
			if flStartEllipses and flFirstSnippet {
				s = "... " + s};
			flFirstSnippet = false;
			s = s + " ...";
			return (s)}
		else {
			return ("")}};
	local (snippets = "", snippet);
	local (ctwords = string.countFields (words, " "));
	local (i);
	for i = 1 to ctwords { //get snippets for the first 3 search terms
		if i > 3 { //only do first three search terms
		snippet = getOneSnippet (string.nthField (words, " ", i)) + " ";
		if not (snippets contains string.mid (snippet, 1, 30)) {
			snippets = snippets + snippet}};
	if flHtmlSnippets { //embolden search terms
		local (lowersnippet = string.lower (snippets));
		for i = 1 to ctwords {
			local (lowerword = string.lower (string.nthField (words, " ", i)));
			lowersnippet = string.replaceAll (lowersnippet, lowerword, "<b>" + lowerword + "</b>")};
		local (ct = sizeOf (lowersnippet) - 3);
		for i = 1 to ct {
			if lowersnippet[i] == '<' {
				if lowersnippet[i+1] == 'b' {
					snippets = string.insert ("<b>", snippets, i)}
				else { //closing tag
					snippets = string.insert ("</b>", snippets, i)}}}};
	if flHtmlSnippets { //make ellipses more visible
		snippets = string.replaceAll (snippets + " ", "... ", "<b>...</b> ")}; //make ellipses more visible
	return (string.popTrailing (snippets, " "))}
<<bundle //test code
	<<bundle //show snippet
		<<local (url = "")
		<<local (snippet = getSnippet (pageinfo.[url].text, "john"))
		<<dialog.notify (snippet)
	<<local (folder = file.folderFromPath (frontier.getProgramPath ()))
	<<local (s = file.readWholeFile (folder + "Guest Databases:www:users:0000003:index.html"))
	<<bundle //show snippet
		<<local (snippet = getSnippet (s, "radio copyright"))
		<<dialog.notify (snippet)
	<<bundle //benchmark
		<<local (ticks = clock.ticks ())
		<<for i = 1 to 10
			<<getSnippet (s, "radio copyright")
		<<dialog.notify ((clock.ticks () - ticks) / 60.0)

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.