Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.

on getResults (adrSearch, adrSearchRequest=nil) {
	<<Get the raw search results.
			<<8/8/02; 12:16:45 AM by JES
			<<10/29/99; 10:51:48 PM by PBS
				<<Get the page table address in a try. It's possible that this script is running outside the rendering context.
			<<10/1/99; 1:48:35 PM by PBS
				<<Support for multiple sites. Instead of searching one site or all sites, you can search a specified set of sites.
			<<9/13/99; 11:00:16 AM by PBS
				<<Drop not just trailing s but also trailing S from keywords.
			<<8/20/99; 12:01:36 PM by PBS
				<<Don't ignore keywords of less than 3 characters: only ignore keywords in the stop words list.
	local (i, j);
	local (ctIgnored = 0);
	local (results);
	local (sizeSearchTable);
	local (adrTable);
	local (indexPath = adrSearch^.index);
	local (termsTables);
	new (tableType, @termsTables);
	local (adrCache);
	bundle { //set up the cache
		local (siteName);
		if not defined ( {
			new (tableType,};
		if not defined ( {
			new (tableType,};
		if not defined ([adrSearch^.index]) {
			new (tableType,[adrSearch^.index])};
		if not defined (adrSearchRequest^.site) or adrSearchRequest^.site == "" {
			siteName = "all"}
		else {
			siteName = adrSearchRequest^.site};
		if not defined ([adrSearch^.index].[siteName]) {
			new (tableType,[adrSearch^.index].[siteName])};
		adrCache =[adrSearch^.index].[siteName].[adrSearch^.filteredSearchString]};
	bundle { //delete cache if expired
		if defined (adrCache^) {
			local (hoursToCache =;
			local (whenexpires = timeCreated (adrCache) + (hoursToCache * 60 * 60) );
			if whenExpires < () {
				delete (adrCache)}}};
	on intersectTables (adrTables, adrResults) {
		local (i, j);
		local (sizeResults = sizeOf (adrResults^));
		if sizeOf (adrTables^) > 0 {
			if sizeResults > sizeOf (adrTables^ [1]) { //switch tables: performance enhancement
				<<Switch the main table with the second term table.
					<<This is a quick way to get a performance boost when the first term
					<<is a super-common word like "Frontier."
				local (tempTable = adrResults^);
				adrResults^ = adrTables^ [1];
				adrTables^ [1] = tempTable;
				sizeResults = sizeOf (adrResults^)};
			for i = sizeResults downTo 1 {
				local (itemName = nameOf (adrResults^ [i]));
				for j = 1 to sizeOf (adrTables^) {
					if not defined (adrTables^ [j].[itemName]) {
						delete (@adrResults^ [i]);
					adrResults^ [i] = adrResults^ [i] + adrTables^ [j].[itemName] + 4000}}};
		return (true)};
	if not defined (adrSearch^.ignoredList) {
		adrSearch^.ignoredList = {}};
	if not defined (adrSearch^.notFoundList) {
		adrSearch^.notFoundList = {}};
	for i = 1 to adrSearch^.countKeywords { //loop through keywords, finding matches
		local (keyword = string.nthField (adrSearch^.filteredSearchString, ' ', i));
		local (origkeyword = keyword);
		<<PBS 8/20/99: don't ignore keywords of less than 3 characters.
		<<if sizeOf (keyWord) < 3
			<<adrSearch^.ignoredList [0] = origkeyword
		keyword = string.dropNonAlphas (keyword);
		keyword = string.popTrailing (keyword, 's');
		keyword = string.popTrailing (keyword, 'S'); //PBS 9/13/99: Drop trailing S also
		if not (searchEngine.checkStopWords (keyword)) {
			adrSearch^.ignoredList [0] = origkeyword;
		if not defined (adrCache^) {
			local (firstLetter = keyword [1]);
			if defined ([indexPath].index.[firstLetter].[keyword]) {
				local (adrResults = @[indexPath].index.[firstLetter].[keyword]);
				if i - ctIgnored == 1 {
					adrSearch^.rawResults = adrResults^}
				else {
					new (tableType, @termsTables.[i]);
					termsTables.[i] = adrResults^}}
			else {
				new (tableType, @adrSearch^.rawResults);
				return (true)}}};
	if not defined (adrCache^) {
		if sizeOf (termsTables) < 1 and adrSearch^.countKeywords - ctIgnored > 1 {
			new (tableType, @adrSearch^.rawResults);
			return (true)}};
	if not defined (adrCache^) {
		intersectTables (@termsTables, @adrSearch^.rawResults)};
	bundle { //handle "hot pages" -- pages that are often visited for this search string
		if not defined (adrCache^) {
			local (pta);
			try {
				pta = html.getPageTableAddress ()};
			if defined (pta^.displaySearchString) {
				local (adrHotPages = @[indexPath].hotPages);
				if defined (adrHotPages^) {
					local (adrSearchString = @adrHotPages^.[pta^.displaySearchString]);
					if defined (adrSearchString^) {
						local (i);
						local (size = sizeOf (adrSearchString^));
						for i = size downTo 1 {
							if defined (adrSearch^.rawResults.[nameOf (adrSearchString^ [i])]) {
								adrSearch^.rawResults.[nameOf (adrSearchString^ [i])] = adrSearch^.rawResults.[nameOf (adrSearchString^ [i])] + 1000;
								if i == size { //top hit goes to top
									adrSearch^.rawResults.[nameOf (adrSearchString^ [i])] = adrSearch^.rawResults.[nameOf (adrSearchString^ [i])] + 3000}};
							if size - i == 4 { //only do top 5
	bundle { //filter the results by siteName if needed
		if not defined (adrCache^) {
			<<Filter the results based on a site name.
				<<Also set adrScreen^.totalHits to the number of hits.
			if defined (adrSearchRequest^.site) and (adrSearchRequest^.site != "") and (string.lower (adrSearchRequest^.site) != "all") {
				local (sitesList = adrSearchRequest^.site); //PBS 10/1/99: search multiple sites
				local (flAll = false);
				if typeOf (sitesList) != listType {
					sitesList = {sitesList}};
				local (i);
				for i = 1 to sizeOf (sitesList) {
					sitesList [i] = string.lower (sitesList [i]);
					if sitesList [i] == "all" {
						flAll = true;
				if not flAll {
					local (indexName = adrSearchRequest^.indexName);
					local (indexPath = Frontier.getSubFolder ("/ops/") + indexName);
					for i = sizeOf (adrSearch^.rawResults) downTo 1 {
						local (adrPageInfo, url, pageID);
						pageID = nameOf (adrSearch^.rawResults [i]);
						url = string.nthField (pageID, '@', 1);
						adrPageInfo = @[indexPath].pageInfo.[pageID];
						local (lowerPageSite = string.lower (adrPageInfo^.siteName));
						if not (sitesList contains lowerPageSite) {
							delete (@adrSearch^.rawResults [i])};
						if lowerPageSite == "" {
							delete (@adrSearch^.rawResults [i])}};
					if sizeOf (adrSearch^.rawResults) < 1 {
						return ( (@search))}}}}};
	bundle { //sort results by relevancy
		if not defined (adrCache^) {
			local (oldTarget = target.set (@adrSearch^.rawResults));
			target.set (@adrSearch^.rawResults);
			table.sortBy ("Value");
			try {target.set (oldTarget)};
			adrCache^ = adrSearch^.rawResults;
			setTimeCreated (adrCache, ())}
		else {
			adrSearch^.rawResults = adrCache^}};
	<<Get the minimum relevancy ranking for AND searches.
	adrSearch^.min = ((adrSearch^.countKeywords - ctIgnored) - 1)  * 4000;
	<<Get the total number of raw hits.
	adrSearch^.totalHits = sizeOf (adrSearch^.rawResults);
	bundle { //handle quoted items
		local (s = adrSearch^.filteredSearchString);
		if s contains "\"" {
			loop {
				if adrSearch^.totalHits == 0 {
				if s == "" {
				local (quotedItem);
				local (ixquote = string.patternMatch ("\"", s));
				local (ixquote2, remainder);
				local (flQuote = false);
				if ixquote < 1 {
				if ixquote == 1 {
					flQuote = true};
				try {
					if s [ixquote - 1] == " " {
						flQuote = true}};
				if flQuote {
					remainder = string.mid (s, ixquote + 1, infinity);
					ixquote2 = string.patternMatch ("\"", remainder);
					quotedItem = string.mid (remainder, 1, ixquote2 - 1);
					quotedItem = string.lower (quotedItem);
					if not (quotedItem contains " ") {
						s = string.mid (remainder, ixquote2 + 1, infinity);
					local (i);
					for i = sizeOf (adrSearch^.rawResults) downTo 1 {
						if adrSearch^.totalHits == 0 {
						local (j);
						local (pageID = nameOf (adrSearch^.rawResults [i]));
						<<local (adrPageInfo = (pageID, adrSearch^.indicesFolder))
						local (adrPageInfo);
						adrPageInfo = @[indexPath].pageInfo.[pageID];
						on checkString (adr) {
							if defined (adr^) {
								return (string.lower (adr^) contains quotedItem)};
							return (false)};
						if not (checkString (@adrPageInfo^.content)) {
							if not (checkString (@adrPageInfo^.compactTitle)) {
								if not (checkString (@adrPageInfo^.title)) {
									delete (@adrSearch^.rawResults [i]); //the item doesn't contain the quoted string, delete it from the raw results
				else {
				s = string.mid (remainder, ixquote2 + 1, infinity)}}};
	return (true)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.