Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.
on buildHtml (adrSearch, adrScreen, adrSearchRequest) {
<<Build the HTML results screen.
<<8/7/02; 6:21:54 PM by JES
<<Added support for #renderOneSearchResult callback. The callback takes two parameters, adrInfo and ranking.
<<adrInfo is the address of a table containing meta-data about the page, usually in the pageinfo sub-table of Index.root.
<<ranking is a number which can be converted to a pseudo-percentage by calling
<<8/7/02; 4:00:45 PM by JES
<<Call instead of calculating the rank percent here.
<<9/11/99; 12:52:52 PM by PBS
<<When displaying the title and text of a search result, replace < with < so any HTML in the title, for instance, doesn't add unwanted HTML to the search results page.
<<9/10/99; 9:35:21 PM by PBS
<<The feedback URL gets a .wsf suffix appended if pta^.wsfSuffixRequired is true.
<<Requested by Seth Dillingham on the Frontier-Server list, to facilitate running the search engine behind external servers.
<<8/20/99; 11:17:09 AM by PBS
<<If a #buildSearchResults script is defined, then call that script, allowing a scripter to over-ride the standard search engine results display.
local (pta);
local (adrRenderOneResultCallback);
bundle { //PBS 8/20/99: look for #buildSearchResults callback
try {
pta = html.getPageTableAddress ()};
if pta != nil { //this works only if we're running in the context of the website framework
if defined (pta^.responderAttributes.buildSearchResults) {
local (adrCallback = @pta^.responderAttributes.buildSearchResults);
while typeOf (adrCallback^) == addressType { //de-reference in a loop until it's no longer an address
adrCallback = adrCallback^};
return (adrCallback^ (adrSearch, adrScreen, adrSearchRequest))}}}; //call the callback script
bundle { //JES 8/7/02: look for #renderOneSearchResult callback
if pta != nil {
if defined (pta^.responderAttributes.renderOneSearchResult) {
local (adrCallback = @pta^.responderAttributes.renderOneSearchResult);
while typeOf (adrCallback^) == addressType { //de-reference in a loop until it's no longer an address
adrCallback = adrCallback^};
adrRenderOneResultCallback = adrCallback}}};
local (results);
local (adrResults = @adrSearch^.rawResults);
on buildOneHitHtml (pageID, ranking, adrSearch, adrScreen, adrSearchRequest) {
local (adrPageInfo);
local (htmlText = "");
local (rankPercent);
local (redirect = "feedback?url=");
local (linkText, dateString);
if pta != nil { //PBS 9/10/99: append .wsf suffix if needed.
<<This facilitates running the search engine behind an external server like WebTen, IIS, etc.
<<This code was contributed by Seth Dillingham, and edited slightly to remove a try statement.
if defined (pta^.wsfSuffixRequired) and pta^.wsfSuffixRequired {
redirect = "feedback.wsf?url="}};
if not (adrSearchRequest^.feedback) {
redirect = ""};
adrPageInfo = @[adrSearch^.index].pageInfo.[pageID];
if not defined (adrPageInfo^) { //safety check, in case the indexed page doesn't have an info table
return ("")};
if adrRenderOneResultCallback != nil {
return (adrRenderOneResultCallback^ (adrPageInfo, ranking))};
if not defined (adrScreen^.hitCounter) {
adrScreen^.hitCounter = 0};
<<htmlText = htmlText + "\r<table border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 width=90%>"
if adrScreen^.hitCounter % 2 == 1 {
htmlText = htmlText + "\r<tr bgcolor=\"" + adrSearchRequest^.altColor + "\">"}
else {
htmlText = htmlText + "\r<tr>"};
bundle { //determine rank percentage
rankPercent = (ranking, adrSearch^.min) + "%"};
<<bundle //old, now factored code
<<ranking = ranking - adrSearch^.min
<<case true
<<ranking > 2615
<<ranking = 100
<<ranking > 2609
<<ranking = 99
<<ranking > 2599
<<ranking = ranking - 2600
<<ranking = 90 + ranking
<<ranking > 2009
<<ranking = 89
<<ranking > 1999
<<ranking = ranking - 2000
<<ranking = 80 + ranking
<<ranking > 1209
<<ranking = 79
<<ranking > 1199
<<ranking = ranking - 1200
<<ranking = 70 + ranking
<<ranking > 1000
<<ranking = ranking - 1000
<<ranking = 70 + ranking
<<ranking > 609
<<ranking = 69
<<ranking > 599
<<ranking = ranking - 600
<<ranking = 60 + ranking
<<ranking > 500 and ranking < 1001
<<ranking = 60
<<ranking > 500
<<ranking = ranking - 500
<<ranking = 50 + ranking
<<ranking > 109
<<ranking = 49
<<ranking > 99
<<ranking = ranking - 100
<<ranking = ranking + 40
<<ranking < 100
<<if ranking > 39
<<ranking = 39
<<rankPercent = ranking + "%"
htmlText = htmlText + "\r<td valign=top align=left width=5%><font size=-2>" + rankPercent + "</font></td>\r<td valign=top align=right width=10%><nobr><font size=-2>" + string.nthField (adrPageInfo^.lastModDate, ";", 1) + " </font></nobr></td>";
if not defined (adrScreen^.linkQuery) {
adrScreen^.linkQuery = string.replaceAll (adrSearchRequest^.searchString, " ", "+");
adrScreen^.linkQuery = string.replaceAll (adrScreen^.linkQuery, "\"", """)};
if adrPageInfo^.showText {
<<linkText = string.replaceAll (adrPageInfo^.text, "<", "<")
linkText = adrPageInfo^.text}
else {
local (pageTitle = string.replaceAll (adrPageInfo^.title, "<", "<"));
if redirect == "" {
linkText = "<a href=\"" + adrPageInfo^.url + "\">" + pageTitle + "</a>"}
else {
linkText = "<a href=\"" + redirect + adrPageInfo^.url + "&q=" + adrScreen^.linkQuery + "\">" + pageTitle + "</a>"}};
if adrPageInfo^.siteName != "" and adrSearchRequest^.flShowSiteNames {
htmlText = htmlText + "\r<td valign=top align=left width=65%><font size=-1>" + linkText+ "</font></td>\r<td valign=top align=left width=20%><font size=-2>" + "<a href=\"" + adrPageInfo^.siteUrl + "\">" + adrPageInfo^.siteName + "</a></font></td>"}
else {
htmlText = htmlText + "\r<td valign=top align=left width=65%><font size=-1>" + linkText+ "</font></td>\r<td valign=top align=left width=20%><font size=-2> </font></td>"};
return (htmlText)}; // + "\r</tr></table>")
adrScreen^.hitsThisPage = 0;
adrScreen^.top = (sizeOf (adrResults^) + 1) - adrSearchRequest^.start;
adrScreen^.bottom = (adrScreen^.top + 1) - adrSearchRequest^.maxHitsPerPage;
adrScreen^.totalHits = nil;
adrScreen^.end = (adrSearchRequest^.start + adrSearchRequest^.maxHitsPerPage) - 1;
adrScreen^.totalHits = sizeOf (adrResults^);
if adrScreen^.end > adrScreen^.totalHits {
adrScreen^.end = adrScreen^.totalHits};
if adrScreen^.bottom < 1 {
adrScreen^.bottom = 1};
for i = adrScreen^.top downTo adrScreen^.bottom {
results = results + buildOneHitHtml (nameOf (adrResults^ [i]), adrResults^ [i], adrSearch, adrScreen, adrSearchRequest);
if adrScreen^.hitsThisPage == adrScreen^.totalHits {
results = "\r<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 width=90%>" + results;
results = results + "\r</tr></table>";
return (results)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.