Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.

on buildSearchTable (adrObject, adrSearchTable, adrSitesTable=nil) {
	<<Build a table containing the search preferences for this object.
			<<adrObject is the address of the page.
			<<adrSearchTable is the address of the search table to build.
			<<adrSitesTable (optional) points to a table in to use.
		<<The search table contains:
			<<supportsIndexing: does this database support indexing? This value is the value from user.databases.[dbName].supportsIndexing.
			<<flIndexOnCheckIn: does this website want indexing turned on?
			<<addToIndex: XML-RPC procedure name for adding to an index. This comes from, the sites table, or the #search table.
			<<restartIndex: XML-RPC procedure name for restarting a site index.
			<<domain: the domain name of the search engine server.
			<<port: the port number of the search engine server.
			<<siteName: the name of the site this page is in.
			<<siteUrl: the URL of the home page of this site.
			<<url: the url of this page.
			<<The search table may contain additional items or fewer items, it's not guaranteed to contain the above and the above only.
	local (adrUserTable, adrSearchDirectiveTable);
	local (dbPath);
	on copyPrefs (adrSource) { //copy preferences from a table into the search table
		<<Copy everything but subtables.
		if defined (adrSource^) {
			local (i);
			for i = 1 to sizeOf (adrSource^) {
				local (adrItem = @adrSource^ [i]);
				if typeOf (adrItem^) != tableType {
					table.copy (adrItem, adrSearchTable)}};
			return (true)}};
	on getSiteRoot (adrObject) { //get the root address of this website
		local (nomad = adrObject);
		if typeOf (nomad^) != tableType {
			nomad = parentOf (nomad^)};
		loop {
			if defined (nomad^.["#ftpSite"]) {
				return (nomad)};
			if defined (nomad^.["#prefs"].ftpSite) {
				return (nomad)};
			if defined (nomad^.["#prefs"].["#ftpSite"]) {
				return (nomad)};
			nomad = parentOf (nomad^);
			if nomad == nil or nomad == @root {
				return (nomad)}}};
	on getSearchTable (adrObject) { //get the address of the search table for this website
		local (nomad = adrObject);
		if typeOf (nomad^) != tableType {
			nomad = parentOf (nomad^)};
		loop {
			if defined (nomad^.["#search"]) {
				return (@nomad^.["#search"])};
			if defined (nomad^.["#prefs"].search) {
				return (@nomad^.["#prefs"].search)};
			if defined (nomad^.["#prefs"].["#search"]) {
				return (@nomad^.["#prefs"].["#search"])};
			nomad = parentOf (nomad^);
			if nomad == nil or nomad == @root {
				return (false)}}};
	<<Get the path to this database.
	dbPath = window.getFile (table.getRootAddress (adrObject));
	<<Find the entry for this database in user.databases.
	bundle {
		<<local (dbName = file.fileFromPath (dbPath))
		<<if defined (user.databases.[dbName])
			<<adrUserTable = @user.databases.[dbName]
		<<Loop through the user.databases table, looking for an entry where the paths match.
		local (i);
		local (lowerPath = string.lower (dbPath));
		for i = 1 to sizeOf (user.databases) {
			if defined (user.databases [i].f) {
				if string.lower (user.databases [i].f) == lowerPath {
					adrUserTable = @user.databases [i];
	<<If the user.databases table doesn't exist, or supportsIndexing doesn't exist or is false, return right away.
	bundle {
		if adrUserTable == nil {
			return (false)};
		if not defined (adrUserTable^.supportsIndexing) {
			return (false)};
		if not adrUserTable^.supportsIndexing {
			return (false)}};
	<<Copy the user.databases table into the search table.
	copyPrefs (adrUserTable);
	<<Copy preferences from
	copyPrefs (;
	<<Next get the sites table from (It might not exist, that's okay.)
	bundle {
		if adrSitesTable == nil {
			local (adrSiteRoot = getSiteRoot (adrObject)); //get the root address of this website
			if (adrSiteRoot != nil) and (adrSiteRoot != @root) {
				local (i);
				local (adrTable =;
				for i = 1 to sizeOf (adrTable^) {
					if defined (adrTable^ [i].adrSite) {
						if adrTable^ [i].adrSite == adrSiteRoot {
							adrSitesTable = @adrTable^ [i];
	<<Copy prefs from the sites table.
	copyPrefs (adrSitesTable);
	<<Find the #search table for this site. It might not exist, that's okay.
	adrSearchDirectiveTable = getSearchTable (adrObject);
	<<Copy prefs from the #search table.
	copyPrefs (adrSearchDirectiveTable);
	return (true)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.