Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.


on rpcServerBrowser (lineCount, colors) { //a macro that returns HTML for the log
	<<Render the XML-RPC Server log as HTML.
		<<10/26/99; 4:03:18 AM by AR
			<<4/14/00; 5:44:49 PM by JES
			<<11/6/99; 6:10:17 PM by PBS
				<<Removed the HTML caching as it's causing display glitches.
	local (adrLog = log.getGuestSubTable ("rpcServer"));
	lineCount = number (lineCount); //I keep getting bit by this, when called thru a macro, it's a string DW
	local (htmlText = "", indentLevel = 0);
	on add (s) {
		htmlText = htmlText + string.filledString ("\t", indentLevel) + s + "\r"};
	on td (s) {
		return ("<td><font size=\"-1\">" + s + "</font></td>")};
	betty.init ();
	if not user.betty.prefs.flKeepServerLog {
		add (mainResponder.getString ("log.loggingIsDisabled")); // 4/14/00 JES: localizes
		return (htmlText)};
	local (i, j, adrHourTable, adrItem, sizeLog = sizeOf (adrLog^), ixLog, sizeHourTable);
	if sizeLog == 0 {
		add (mainResponder.getString ("log.noLogEntriesToday")); // 4/14/00 JES: localizes
		return (htmlText)};
	add ("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\">"); indentLevel++;
	<<add ("<table width=\"92%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">"); indentLevel++
	adrHourTable = @adrLog^ [sizeLog]; //generate for the most recent hour
	sizeHourTable = sizeOf (adrHourTable^);
	ixLog = sizeHourTable - lineCount + 1;
	if ixLog < 1 {
		ixLog = 1};
	for j = sizeHourTable downTo ixLog {
		adrItem = @adrHourTable^ [j];
		add ("<!-- " + j + " -->");
		local (ixHtmlText = sizeOf (htmlText));
		add ("<tr bgcolor=\"" + colors [(j % sizeOf (colors)) + 1] + "\">"); indentLevel++;
		add ("<td height=\"28\"></td>"); //a dummy table cell to establish row height
		with adrItem^ {
			local (ticksString = "", faultCodeString = "-");
			try { //get ticks, expressed in a fraction of a second, it's complicated
				ticksString = string.ratio (ticks, 60, 2);
				if ticks > 120 { //more than two seconds
					ticksString = "<b><font color=\"deeppink\">" + ticksString + "</font></b>"}};
			add (td (string.popLeading (string.nthField (time, ";", 2), ' ')));
			if defined (faultCode) {
				faultCodeString = "<b><font color=\"deeppink\">" + faultCode + "</font></b>"};
			add (td (faultCodeString));
			add (td (threads));
			add (td (ticksString));
			add (td (string.megabyteString (sizeIn)));
			add (td (string.megabyteString (sizeOut)));
			bundle { //do a DNS lookup
				local (client = xml.convertToDisplayName (nameof (adrItem^)));
				try {client = tcp.dns.getDomainName (client)};
				add (td (client))};
			bundle { //add the host
				if defined (host) {
					add (td (host))}
				else {
					add (td (" "))}};
			bundle { //add the procedure name
				if defined (methodName) {
					add (td (methodName))}
				else {
					add (td (" "))}}};
		add ("</tr>"); indentLevel--};
	add ("</table>"); indentLevel--;
	return (htmlText)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.