Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.
on getString (stringId, replacementTableAddress = nil, languageTableAddress = nil, pta = nil) {
<<Looks up a string in the localization table. 4/9/00; 9:49:38 PM by Jake
<<stringId is the dot-delimited id of the string, inside the language table's strings table
<<replacementTableAdr is the address of a table containing name/value pairs to replace in the localized string
<<languageTableAddress is the address of a language's lookup table.
<<If it's nil, we get the address using mainResponder.localization.getLanguageTableAddress.
<<05/01/00; 1:45:38 PM by JES
<<This script is now a wrapper for the new Frontier.getString verb.
<<Changed replacement handling to use a name/value pair table, instead of a list.
<<03/14/01; 3:06:57 PM by PBS
<<Optimization: look in the page table for the language table address.
<<03/14/01; 6:38:19 PM by PBS
<<Another optimization -- do caching when the replacementTableAddress is nil.
if pta == nil {
pta = html.getPageTableAddress ()};
if languageTableAddress == nil {
if defined (pta^.languageTableAddress) { //PBS 03/14/01: look in the page table
languageTableAddress = pta^.languageTableAddress}
else {
languageTableAddress = mainResponder.localization.getLanguageTableAddress (pta: pta)}};
local (adrLang, flCache = false);
if replacementTableAddress == nil { //PBS 03/14/01: do caching
flCache = true;
local (adrCache = @temp.mainResponder.localizationCache);
if not defined (adrCache^) {
new (tableType, adrCache)};
local (lang = nameOf (languageTableAddress^));
adrLang = @adrCache^.[lang];
if not defined (adrLang^) {
new (tableType, adrLang)};
if defined (adrLang^.[stringId]) {
return (adrLang^.[stringId])}};
local (s);
if defined (config.mainResponder.globals.language) {
s = Frontier.getString (stringId, languageTableAddress, replacementTableAddress, config.mainResponder.globals.language)}
else {
s = Frontier.getString (stringId, languageTableAddress, replacementTableAddress)};
if flCache {
adrLang^.[stringId] = s};
return (s)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.