Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.
on renderOneMessage (adrMsgTable, adrTemplate, flShowAuthor=true, flShowPostTime=true, flShowReadCount=true, flShowResponseCount=true, flShowEnclosures=true, flShowResponseForm=true, flShowCowSkullLink=false, editPageUrl="", adrData=nil, bgColor="ivory", otherColor="beige", headerColor="black", headerTextColor="ivory", adrGetBodyCallback=nil, adrGetTimeCallback=nil, cssPrefix="", y=nil, m=nil, d=nil, defaultMode="day", responseItemTemplate=nil, responseListHeader=nil, responseListFooter=nil, responseIndentTemplate=nil, responseSubThreadStartTemplate=nil, responseSubThreadEndTemplate=nil, pta=nil, userIcon=nil, adrInDgCallback=nil, depthToExpandResponses=0, flResponsesInChronologicalOrder=false, responseFullItemTemplate=nil, flUseMappedMemberKeys=false) {
<<Render a single message in a thread, flowing through a template if specified.
<<10/11/00; 10:30:27 PM by JES
<<4/8/03; 11:43:18 PM by JES
<<Added support for the {ipAddress} pseudo-macro in the template.
<<4/4/02; 1:07:05 AM by JES
<<New optional parameter, adrInDgCallback, is the address of a callback which determines whether a message should be included in the rendering. If the callback returns true, add the message. If it returns false, don't add the message.
<<More new optional params: depthToExpandResponses, flResponsesInChronologicalOrder and responseFullItemTemplate, used for displaying the full text of responses in the response list. These support the Slashdot-style discussion group renderings.
<<10/18/01; 11:11:11 AM by PBS
<<Don't use IP address when constructing URLs to built-in icons. Fixes a bug with machines with multiple IP addresses.
<<11/21/00; 6:04:09 PM by PBS
<<Use new bottleneck for displaying edit message in Pike button.
<<10/18/00; 10:48:50 PM by JES
<<Commented out code that adds the Edit in Frontier button.
<<10/14/00; 2:29:42 PM by JES
<<Added 'in response to xxx' to the msg number when rendered in a template.
<<10/13/00; 12:05:00 AM by JES
<<Added support for template-based rendering.
bundle { // get pta, adrData, y, m and d
if pta == nil {
pta = html.getPageTableAddress ()};
if adrData == nil {
adrData = mainResponder.discuss.openRoot (pta)};
if y == nil {
y = date.year ()};
if m == nil {
m = date.month ()};
if d == nil {
d = ()}};
bundle { //increment read stats on the top message
local (flMember = defined (pta^.adrMemberInfo));
local (membershipGroup = pta^.responderAttributes.defaultMembershipGroup);
local (flCss = (cssPrefix != ""));
local (msgReaderUrl = pta^.urls^.discussMsgReader);
if not (msgReaderUrl endsWith "$") {
msgReaderUrl = msgReaderUrl + "$"};
on buildSearchArgs (adrArgTable) {
local (ct = sizeOf (adrArgTable^), i, s = "?");
for i = 1 to ct {
s = s + nameOf (adrArgTable^[i]) + "=" + adrArgTable^[i] + "&"};
s = string.mid (s, 1, sizeOf (s) - 1);
return (s)};
local (mode, thisModeSearchArgs, otherModeSearchArgs, replyToThisSearchArgs, flShowResponses=true);
bundle { // get the mode, and the search args for preserving and switching the mode
local (searchArgs = "", argTable);
new (tableType, @argTable);
bundle { //parse search args
if defined (pta^.searchArgs) {
searchArgs = pta^.searchArgs};
webserver.parseArgs (searchArgs, @argTable)};
if not defined (argTable.mode) {
argTable.mode = defaultMode};
bundle { //user-specifiable search args
if defined (argTable.showResponses) {
flShowResponses = boolean (argTable.showResponses)};
if defined (argTable.expandToDepth) {
depthToExpandResponses = number (argTable.expandToDepth)};
if defined (argTable.newestFirst) {
flResponsesInChronologicalOrder = not boolean (argTable.newestFirst)}};
bundle { //this mode search args
argTable.mode = string.lower (argTable.mode);
mode = argTable.mode;
thisModeSearchArgs = buildSearchArgs (@argTable)};
bundle { //reply to this search args
local (replyArgsTable = argTable);
replyArgsTable.showResponses = false;
replyToThisSearchArgs = buildSearchArgs (@replyArgsTable)};
bundle { //other mode search args
local (otherModeArgsTable = argTable);
if otherModeArgsTable.mode == "day" {
otherModeArgsTable.mode = "topic"}
else {
otherModeArgsTable.mode = "day"};
otherModeSearchArgs = buildSearchArgs (@otherModeArgsTable)}};
local (htmltext);
local (msgnum = adrMsgTable^.msgnum);
local (template);
if adrTemplate != nil {
template = string (adrTemplate^)};
local (userIconUrl, userIconHeight = 16, userIconWidth = 16);
local (internalLinkImgUrl, internalLinkImgWidth = 11, internalLinkImgHeight = 9, internalLinkUrl);
bundle { // build image data for internal link arrows and message status icons
<<local (myDottedId = tcp.myDottedId ())
<<local (myPort = user.inetd.config.http.port)
<<local (portString = "")
<<if myPort != 80
<<portString = ":" + myPort
<<local (resourcesUrl = "http://" + myDottedId + portString + "/mainResponderResources/")
local (resourcesUrl = "/mainResponderResources/");
internalLinkImgUrl = resourcesUrl + "icons/leftArrow";
internalLinkUrl = pta^.responderAttributes.urls^.discussMsgReader;
if not (internalLinkUrl endsWith '$') {
internalLinkUrl = internalLinkUrl + "$"};
<<internalLinkUrl = internalLinkUrl + msgNum + "#"
userIconUrl = resourcesUrl + "icons/user";
<<msgIconUrl = resourcesUrl + "icons/message"
if userIcon == nil {
userIcon = "<img src=\"" + userIconUrl + "\" height=\"" + userIconHeight + "\" width=\"" + userIconWidth + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"user\">"}};
local (cowskullImg = mainResponder.discuss.cowSkullImage (pta), cowskullLink);
bundle { // get the cowskull link html
cowskullLink = "<a href=\"" + pta^.responderAttributes.urls^.discussMsgReader + msgNum + otherModeSearchArgs + "\">" + cowskullImg + "</a>"};
on add (s) {
htmlText = htmlText + s};
on countResponses (adrMsgTable) { // count all the responses in a thread
local (responseCount);
local (i, ct = sizeOf (adrMsgTable^.responses));
responseCount = ct;
for i = 1 to ct {
local (adrResponse = @adrData^.messages.[string.padWithZeros (adrMsgTable^.responses[i], 7)]);
if sizeOf (adrResponse^.responses) {
responseCount = responseCount + countResponses (adrResponse)}};
return (responseCount)};
on getBody (adrMsgTable) { // get the body of the message, calling callbacks if necessary
local (body, flCallbackReturnedBody = false);
if adrGetBodyCallback != nil {
body = adrGetBodyCallback^ (adrMsgTable);
if body != "" {
<<add (body)
flCallbackReturnedBody = true}};
if not flCallbackReturnedBody {
bundle { //PBS 10/20/99: if an image is attached to this message, display it above the body
if defined (adrMsgTable^.image) {
if defined (pta^.responderAttributes.urls^.imageViewer) { //must be defined: it's the link to the imageViewer script
<<The imageViewer script takes a msgNum as pathArgs and displays the picture attached to that dg message.
body = body + mainResponder.discuss.buildImageTag (adrMsgTable^.msgNum);
body = body + "<p>"}}};
if typeOf (adrMsgTable^.body) == outlineType { //outlines get passed through an outline renderer
local (oldRenderOutlineWith = nil);
if defined (pta^.renderOutlineWith) {
oldRenderOutlineWith = pta^.renderOutlineWith};
if defined (pta^.renderDiscussOutlinesWith) {
pta^.renderOutlineWith = pta^.renderDiscussOutlinesWith};
if defined (pta^.flReadMessageProcessMacros) and pta^.flReadMessageProcessMacros {
try {body = body + html.processMacros (html.tenderRender (@adrMsgTable^.body), false, pta)}}
else {
if defined (pta^.flReadMessageExpandUrls) and not pta^.flReadMessageExpandUrls {
try {body = body + html.tenderRender (@adrMsgTable^.body)}}
else { //default, original behavior
try {body = body + html.expandURLs (html.tenderRender (@adrMsgTable^.body))}}};
if oldRenderOutlineWith != nil {
pta^.renderOutlineWith = oldRenderOutlineWith}}
else { //it's not an outline
local (s = string (adrMsgTable^.body));
s = string.replaceAll (s, "\n", ""); //2/15/99 DW, inside <pre>s these cause extra line-skips
if not (defined (pta^.flReadMessageAutoParagraphs)) or pta^.flReadMessageAutoParagraphs {
s = string.replaceAll (s, "\r\r", "\r\r<p>")};
if not (defined (pta^.flReadMessageProcessMacros)) or pta^.flReadMessageProcessMacros {
s = html.processMacros (s, false, pta)};
body = body + s}};
return (body)};
on getEditButtons () { //add Edit button (or buttons) to the page
local (s, editableInFrontier = false);
<<s = s + "<table cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" bgcolor=\"white\"><tr>"
<<if defined (pta^.adrMemberInfo^.isFrontierSixAlpha) //edit in Frontier button
<<local (url = pta^.responderAttributes.urls^.discussEditInFrontier + msgNum)
<<Build the Edit in Frontier button.
<<s = s + "<td valign=\"baseline\">"
<<s = s + "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"" + url + "\">"
<<s = s + "<input name=\"msgnum\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + msgNum + "\">"
<<s = s + " <input type=\"submit\" value=\"" + mainResponder.getString ("discuss.editInFrontier") + "\">"
<<s = s + "</form>"
<<s = s + "</td>"
<<editableInFrontier = true
bundle { //edit in web browser button
if editPageURL == "" {
editPageURL = pta^.responderAttributes.urls^.discussEditInBrowser};
<<s = s + "<td valign=\"baseline\">"
s = s + "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"" + editPageURL + msgNum + "\">";
s = s + "<input name=\"msgnum\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + msgNum + "\">";
local (buttonValue = " " + mainResponder.getString ("discuss.editThisPage") + " ");
if editableInFrontier {
buttonValue = mainResponder.getString ("discuss.editInBrowser"); //change button name from Edit this Page to Edit in Browser
s = s + " "};
s = s + " <input type=\"submit\" value=\"" + buttonValue + "\">";
s = s + "</form>";
<<s = s + "</td>"
bundle { //PBS 01/13/00: Add the Edit in Pike button
<<if defined (pta^.responderAttributes.urls^.editInPike)
<<Pike support is a feature not of mainResponder but of Manila. However, this script, which displays the discussion group messages and the Edit this Page button, needs to be Pike-aware enough to display the Pike button.
<<if manilaSuite.pike.memberHasPike (pta)
<<local (editInPikeUrl = pta^.responderAttributes.urls^.editInPike)
<<if not (editInPikeUrl endsWith "$")
<<editInPikeUrl = editInPikeUrl + "$"
<<editInPikeUrl = editInPikeUrl + msgNum
<<local (adrSite = pta^.adrSiteRootTable)
<<local (adrMember = pta^.adrMemberInfo)
<<s = s + "<td valign=\"baseline\">"
<<s = s + " " + manilaSuite.pike.pikeButton (editInPikeUrl, adrMsgTable, adrMember, adrSite, true, mainResponder.getString ("discuss.editThisStoryInPikeOutline"), pta) //true because this is a message
<<s = s + "</td>"
s = s + " " + manilaSuite.pike.editMessageButton (adrMsgTable, pta:pta)}; //PBS 11/21/00: use new bottleneck for displaying edit message in Pike button
<<s = s + "</tr></table>"
return (s)};
on getTopicMsgTable () {
local (nomad = adrMsgTable);
while nomad^.inResponseTo > 0 {
<<nomad = @adrData^.messages.[string.padWithZeros (nomad^.inResponseTo, 7)]
nomad = mainResponder.discuss.getMessageTable (nomad^.inResponseTo, pta, adrData)};
return (nomad)};
on getNextMsgNum () {
local (lastMsgNum = adrData^.prefs.nextMsgNum - 1);
local (nomad, nextMsgNum = msgNum + 1);
while nextMsgNum <= lastMsgNum {
nomad = mainResponder.discuss.getMessageTable (nextMsgNum, pta, adrData);
if not (mainResponder.discuss.isMessageDeleted (nextMsgNum, nomad, pta:pta)) {
if adrInDgCallback == nil {
return (nextMsgNum)}
else {
local (adrmsg = mainResponder.discuss.getMessageTable (nextMsgNum, pta));
if adrInDgCallback^ (adrmsg) {
return (nextMsgNum)}}};
return (0)};
on getPrevMsgNum () {
local (nomad, prevMsgNum = msgNum - 1);
while prevMsgNum > 0 {
nomad = mainResponder.discuss.getMessageTable (prevMsgNum, pta, adrData);
if not (mainResponder.discuss.isMessageDeleted (prevMsgNum, nomad, pta:pta)) {
if adrInDgCallback == nil {
return (prevMsgNum)}
else {
local (adrmsg = mainResponder.discuss.getMessageTable (prevMsgNum, pta));
if adrInDgCallback^ (adrmsg) {
return (prevMsgNum)}}};
return (prevMsgNum)};
on obscureEmail (s, link=false) {
if s contains '@' {
local (part1 = string.nthField (s, '@', 1));
local (part2 = string.nthField (s, '@', 2));
if link {
return ("<a href=\"mailto:" + s + "\">" + part1 + "@" + part2[1] + "...</a>")}
else {
return (part1 + "@" + part2[1] + "...")}};
return (s)};
if mainResponder.discuss.isMessageDeleted (msgNum, adrMsgTable, pta) {
return ("")};
bundle { //calculate enclosure and edit buttons display flags
flShowEnclosures = flShowEnclosures and (defined (adrMsgTable^.enclosureAddress) and (adrMsgTable^.enclosureAddress != ""));
flShowEditButtons = (flMember and (mainResponder.discuss.memberCanEdit (adrMsgTable, pta^.adrMemberInfo, pta)))};
if adrTemplate == nil { //render the message in default fashion
bundle { //add member, internal link, read count and date
if flCss { // the header row and cell
add ("<tr class=\"" + cssPrefix + "HeaderRow\">");
add ("<td class=\"" + cssPrefix + "AuthorCell\">")}
else {
add ("<tr><td>")};
bundle { // the header table
add ("<table bgcolor=\"" + othercolor + "\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td>");
if flShowAuthor {
add (mainResponder.members.linkToMember (membershipGroup, adrMsgTable^.member, hideEmail: true, useMap:flUseMappedMemberKeys))}
else {
add (" ")};
bundle { // add internal link
add ("<a name=\"" + msgNum + "\"> </a>");
add ("<a href=\"" + internalLinkUrl + msgNum + "?y=" + y + "&m=" + m + "&d=" + d + "\" title=\"Permanent link to this message in archives.\">");
add ("<img src=\"" + internalLinkImgUrl + "\" height=\"" + internalLinkImgHeight + "\" width=\"" + internalLinkImgWidth + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"blueArrow\"></a>")};
if flShowReadCount or flShowResponseCount {
local (s = " (");
if flShowReadCount {
s = s + adrMsgTable^.ctReads + " read";
if adrMsgTable^.ctReads != 1 {
s = s + "s"};
if flShowResponseCount {
s = s + ", "}};
if flShowResponseCount {
local (responses = countResponses (adrMsgTable));
s = s + responses + " response";
if responses != 1 {
s = s + "s"}};
s = s + ")";
add ("<font size=\"-1\">" + s + "</font>")};
add ("</td>");
if flCss { // the post time cell and font
add ("<td class=\"" + cssPrefix + "DateCell\" align=\"right\"><font size=\"-1\">")}
else {
add ("<td align=\"right\" width=\"100%\"><font size=\"-1\">")};
if flShowPostTime {
local (postTime = adrMsgTable^.postTime);
if adrGetTimeCallback != nil {
postTime = adrGetTimeCallback^ (postTime)};
add (mainResponder.localization.abbrevDateString (postTime, pta) + " " + mainResponder.localization.timeString (postTime, pta))}
else {
add (" ")};
add ("</font></td>");
add ("</table>")};
add ("</td></tr>");
<<add ("</font></td></tr>")
bundle { //add the body of the message
if flCss { // the row and cell containing the body of the message
add ("<tr bgcolor=\"white\" class=\"" + cssPrefix + "BodyRow\">");
add ("<td class=\"" + cssPrefix + "BodyCell\">")}
else {
add ("<tr bgcolor=\"white\"><td>")};
bundle { // the body table
add ("<table cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td>");
add (getBody (adrMsgTable));
if flShowEditButtons {
add (getEditButtons ())};
if flShowCowSkullLink { //add cowskull link to standard msgReader page
<<The cowskull link is a link to the discussion group interface version of this page.
add ("<p>" + cowskullLink + "</p>")};
add ("</td></tr></table>")};
add ("</td></tr>")}}
else { //flow the message through the template, and add it
local (s = template, lowerTemplate = string.lower (template));
bundle { // replace bgcolor, headerColor and headerTextColor
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{bgcolor}", otherColor, false);
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{headerColor}", headerColor, false);
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{headerTextColor}", headerTextColor, false)};
bundle { // replace author
local (memberLink = mainResponder.members.linkToMember (membershipGroup, adrMsgTable^.member, hideEmail: true, useMap:flUseMappedMemberKeys));
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{author}", memberLink, false)};
bundle { // replace authorIcon
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{authorIcon}", userIcon, false)};
bundle { // replace subject
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{subject}", adrMsgTable^.subject, false)};
bundle { // replace topic link -- this does a mode flip
local (topicLink, topicMsgTable = getTopicMsgTable ());
topicLink = "<a href=\"" + msgReaderUrl + topicMsgTable^.msgNum + otherModeSearchArgs + "\"";
if flCss {
topicLink = topicLink + " class=\"" + cssPrefix + "TopicLink\""};
topicLink = topicLink + ">" + topicMsgTable^.subject + "</a>";
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{topicLink}", topicLink, false)};
bundle { // replace messageNumberLink -- this doea a mode flip
local (msgNumLink = "<a href=\"" + msgReaderUrl + msgNum + otherModeSearchArgs + "\"");
if flCss {
msgNumLink = msgNumLink + " class=\"" + cssPrefix + "MessageNumberLink\""};
msgNumLink = msgNumLink + ">" + msgNum + "</a>";
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{messageNumberLink}", msgNumLink, false)};
bundle { // replace inResponseToLink
local (inResponseToLink);
if adrMsgTable^.inResponseTo > 0 {
local (replacementTable); new (tableType, @replacementTable);
replacementTable.msglink = "<a href=\"" + msgReaderUrl + adrMsgTable^.inResponseTo + thisModeSearchArgs + "\">" + adrMsgTable^.inResponseTo + "</a>";
inResponseToLink = mainResponder.getString ("discuss.inResponseTo", @replacementTable, pta: pta)}
else {
inResponseToLink = mainResponder.getString ("discuss.topMsgInThread", pta: pta)};
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{inResponseToLink}", inResponseToLink, false)};
bundle { // replace previousMessageLink
local (prevMsgNum = getPrevMsgNum (), msgNumLink = "");
if prevMsgNum {
msgNumLink = "<a href=\"" + msgReaderUrl + prevMsgNum + thisModeSearchArgs + "\"";
if flCss {
msgNumLink = msgNumLink + " class=\"" + cssPrefix + "PreviousMessageLink\""};
msgNumLink = msgNumLink + ">" + prevMsgNum + "</a>"};
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{previousMessageLink}", msgNumLink, false)};
bundle { // replace nextMessageLink
local (nextMsgNum = getNextMsgNum (), msgNumLink = "");
if nextMsgNum {
msgNumLink = "<a href=\"" + msgReaderUrl + nextMsgNum + thisModeSearchArgs + "\"";
if flCss {
msgNumLink = msgNumLink + " class=\"" + cssPrefix + "NextMessageLink\""};
msgNumLink = msgNumLink + ">" + nextMsgNum + "</a>"};
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{nextMessageLink}", msgNumLink, false)};
bundle { // replace postTime
local (d = adrMsgTable^.postTime);
if adrGetTimeCallback != nil {
d = adrGetTimeCallback^ (d)};
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{postTime}", d, false)};
bundle { // replace readCount
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{readCount}", adrMsgTable^.ctReads, false)};
bundle { // replace response count
if lowerTemplate contains "{responsecount}" { // this may be time-consuming if there are lots of responses
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{responseCount}", countResponses (adrMsgTable), false)}};
bundle { // replace editLink
if flShowEditButtons {
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{editLink}", getEditButtons (), false)}
else { // replace with the empty string
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{editLink}", "", false)}};
bundle { // replace discussLink -- this is the cowskull, and it's a mode flip
if flShowCowSkullLink {
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{discussLink}", cowskullLink, false)}
else { // replace with the empty string
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{discussLink}", "", false)}};
bundle { // replace internal link
local (internalLink);
internalLink = internalLink + "<a name=\"" + msgNum + "\"> </a>";
internalLink = internalLink + "<a href=\"" + internalLinkUrl + msgNum + "?y=" + y + "&m=" + m + "&d=" + d + "\" title=\"Permanent link to this message in archives.\">";
internalLink = internalLink + "<img src=\"" + internalLinkImgUrl + "\" height=\"" + internalLinkImgHeight + "\" width=\"" + internalLinkImgWidth + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"blueArrow\"></a>";
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{internalLink}", internalLink, false)};
bundle { // replace responseList
if lowerTemplate contains "{responselist}" { // short circuit if the template doesn't include a responseList macro because it may be time-consuming
local (responseList = "");
if flShowResponses {
bundle { // set default templates, headers, etc.
<<It's not ideal, but we check to see if the value of mini-templates equals nil, and also that the type == typeOf (nil). That way we can tell the difference between the empty string and not having passed in a value. This is because the empty string equals nil, but its type is stringType, not typeOf (nil)
if responseListHeader == nil and typeOf (responseListHeader) == typeOf (nil) {
responseListHeader = "<p><hr><b>" + mainResponder.getString ("discuss.thereAreResponsesToThisMsg") + "</b></p>"};
if responseSubThreadStartTemplate == nil and typeOf (responseSubThreadStartTemplate) == typeOf (nil) {
responseSubThreadStartTemplate = "<ul>"};
if responseSubThreadEndTemplate == nil and typeOf (responseSubThreadEndTemplate) == typeOf (nil) {
responseSubThreadEndTemplate = "</ul>"};
if responseItemTemplate == nil and typeOf (responseItemTemplate) == typeOf (nil) {
responseItemTemplate = "<li><p><a href=\"{responseUrl}\">{responseSubject}</a>, {responseAuthor}, {responsePostTime}</p></li>"};
if responseFullItemTemplate == nil and typeOf (responseFullItemTemplate) == typeOf (nil) {
responseFullItemTemplate = responseItemTemplate}};
local (stack = {}); // keep track of which messages have been added to aviod infinite recursion
on addResponses (adrItem, level = 0) {
local (adrTable, msgNum, responseMember, i, ct = sizeOf (adrItem^.responses), itemHtml);
local (flFullMessage = level <= (depthToExpandResponses - 1) ); //level is zero-based but the pref is 1-based
if not flFullMessage { //add threadSubStartTemplate
responseList = responseList + responseSubThreadStartTemplate};
on addResponse () {
msgNum = adrItem^.responses [i];
if stack contains msgNum { //avoid infinite recursion
adrTable = mainResponder.discuss.getMessageTable (msgNum, pta, adrData);
if not defined (adrTable^) {
local (flAddMessage = not mainResponder.discuss.isMessageDeleted (msgNum, adrTable, pta) );
<<if flAddMessage
<<if adrInDgCallback != nil
<<flAddMessage = adrInDgCallback^ (adrTable)
if flAddMessage {
responseMember = mainResponder.members.getMemberName (membershipGroup, adrTable^.member);
if flFullMessage {
itemHtml = responseFullItemTemplate;
if string.lower (responseFullItemTemplate) contains "{responsetext}" { //bump read count
itemHtml = string.replaceAll (itemHtml, "{responseText}", adrTable^.body, false)}
else {
itemHtml = responseItemTemplate;
itemHtml = string.replaceAll (itemHtml, "{responseText}", "", false)};
itemHtml = string.replaceAll (itemHtml, "{replyUrl}", msgReaderUrl + msgNum + replyToThisSearchArgs, false);
itemHtml = string.replaceAll (itemHtml, "{responseUrl}", msgReaderUrl + msgNum + thisModeSearchArgs, false);
itemHtml = string.replaceAll (itemHtml, "{responseSubject}", adrTable^.subject, false);
itemHtml = string.replaceAll (itemHtml, "{responseAuthor}", obscureEmail (responseMember), false);
itemHtml = string.replaceAll (itemHtml, "{responsePostTime}", mainResponder.localization.dateTimeString (adrTable^.postTime, pta: pta), false);
itemHtml = string.replaceAll (itemHtml, "{responseMessageNumber}", adrTable^.msgNum, false);
if responseIndentTemplate != "" { // work around kernel bug on windows: string.filledString ("", n) == crash.
responseList = responseList + string.filledString (responseIndentTemplate, level)};
responseList = responseList + itemHtml;
if sizeof (adrTable^.responses) > 0 {
stack = stack + {adrTable^.msgNum};
addResponses (adrTable, level + 1);
delete (@stack [sizeof (stack)])}}};
if flResponsesInChronologicalOrder {
for i = 1 to ct {
addResponse ()}}
else {
for i = ct downTo 1 {
addResponse ()}};
if not flFullMessage { //add subThreadEntTemplate
responseList = responseList + responseSubThreadEndTemplate};
if sizeOf (adrMsgTable^.responses) {
responseList = responseListHeader;
addResponses (adrMsgTable); //it's recursive
responseList = responseList + responseListFooter}};
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{responseList}", responseList, false)}};
bundle { // replace messageText
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{messageText}", getBody (adrMsgTable), false)};
bundle { // replace responseForm
local (responseForm = "", responseFormHeader = "<p><hr>", responseFormFooter = "");
if flMember and flShowResponseForm {
local (subject = adrMsgTable^.subject);
if not (string.lower (subject) beginswith string.lower (string.trimWhiteSpace (mainResponder.getString ("discuss.rePrefix")))) {
subject = mainResponder.getString ("discuss.rePrefix") + subject};
local (subjectprompt, buttontext, bodyprompt);
subjectprompt = mainResponder.getString ("discuss.responseSubjectPrompt");
buttontext = mainResponder.getString ("discuss.postResponseButtonText");
bodyprompt = mainResponder.getString ("discuss.responseBodyPrompt");
responseForm = responseFormHeader + mainResponder.discuss.newMessageForm (msgNum, subject, subjectprompt, buttontext, bodyprompt: bodyprompt, pta:pta) + responseFormFooter};
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{responseForm}", responseForm, false)};
bundle { // 11/03/00 JES: replace enclosureLink
if flShowEnclosures {
local (viewingUrl = pta^.responderAttributes.urls^.discussEnclosureViewer + msgNum);
local (listingLink = "<a href=\"" + viewingUrl + "\">" + mainResponder.getString ("discuss.viewEnclosure") + "</a>");
local (fatPageLink = "<a href=\"" + pta^.responderAttributes.urls^.discussEnclosureDownloader + msgNum + "\">" + mainResponder.getString ("discuss.fatPageEnclosure") + "</a>");
local (rpcLink = "<a href=\"" + pta^.responderAttributes.urls^.discussEnclosureRPCer + msgNum + "\">" + mainResponder.getString ("discuss.RPCenclosure") + "</a>");
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{enclosureLink}", listingLink + ", " + fatPageLink + ", " + rpcLink, false)}
else {
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{enclosureLink}", "", false)}};
bundle { //replace ipAddress
local (ipAddress = "");
if defined (adrMsgTable^.ipAddress) {
ipAddress = adrMsgTable^.ipAddress};
s = string.replaceAll (s, "{ipAddress}", ipAddress, false)};
add (s)};
bundle { //set member info
<<For every member, store the highest message read for the current discussion group.
<<First make sure the discussionGroupInfo table exists for this member, then make sure there's a table for this dg, then set highestMessageRead for this dg for this member.
if flMember { //is this a member?
local (adrMember = pta^.adrMemberInfo);
if not defined (adrMember^.discussionGroupInfo) {
new (tabletype, @adrmember^.discussionGroupInfo)};
local (rootName = nameOf (adrData^));
local (adrTable = @adrMember^.discussionGroupInfo.[rootName]);
if not defined (adrTable^) {
new (tableType, adrTable)};
if not defined (adrTable^.highestMessageRead) {
adrTable^.highestMessageRead = 0};
if msgNum > adrTable^.highestMessageRead {
adrTable^.highestMessageRead = msgNum}}};
return (htmltext)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.