Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.
on postMessage (flAcceptFileUploads=false, ()) {
<<Post a discussion group message.
<<4/8/03; 2:56:30 PM by JES
<<Pass the address of a data table to mainResponder.discuss.addMessage. The data table contains the POST-ing client's IP address, which mainResponder.discuss.addMessage will save in the message table.
<<10/08/00; 4:58:57 PM by JES
<<Redirect if the postArgs contains a redirect url
<<04/02/00; 7:17:10 PM by PBS
<<Added postTime parameter so Manila can over-ride -- Manila can support time zone preferences.
<<5/26/99; 02:01:42 GMT by AR
<<Added groupName parameter to call to mainresponder.discuss.addmessage.
<<5/20/99; 16:28:38 GMT by AR
<<Added optional parameter named flAcceptFileUploads and defaulting to false. If true, the script saves attached files to the enclosure folder structure.
<<5/19/99; 14:59:20 GMT by DW
<<It now returns the msgNum of the new message so a caller can do stmemberKey with the table before returning.
local (pta = html.getPageTableAddress ());
local (subject = pta^.postArgs.subject);
local (memberKey = nameof (pta^.adrMemberInfo^));
local (inResponseTo = pta^.postArgs.inResponseTo);
local (data); new (tableType, @data);
bundle { //populate the data table
data.ipAddress = pta^.client};
local (msgNum = mainresponder.discuss.addMessage (subject, memberKey, inResponseTo, string (pta^.postArgs.text), groupName:pta^.members, postTime:postTime, adrdata:@data));
if flAcceptFileUploads {
if (defined (pta^.postArgs.attachFile) and (typeOf (pta^.postArgs.attachFile) == tableType)) {
mainResponder.discuss.postAttachedFile (@pta^.postArgs.attachFile, msgNum, pta^.members)}};
local (redirectUrl = pta^.responderAttributes.urls^.discussMsgReader);
if defined (pta^.postArgs.redirect) {
redirectUrl = pta^.postArgs.redirect};
mainResponder.redirect (redirectUrl + msgNum);
return (msgNum)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.