Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.
on postAttachedFile (adrFileArgs, msgNum, memberGroup) {
<<Store an attached file, either on disk or inside the discussion group.
<<Thu, 20 May 1999 16:39:55 GMT by AR
<<First implementation. Based on screenshotsSite.postCatcher in screenshots.root.
<<10/15/99; 1:13:09 AM by PBS
<<Added support for addresses, and strings that can be coerced to addresses, in discuss.root.
<<10/20/99; 12:16:56 PM by PBS
<<If an image is attached, store it in the dg in an image subtable.
<<Only do so if flDiscussStoreImages is true, otherwise write even images to disk.
<<03/15/00; 5:26:21 PM by PBS
<<When computing the path to the attachments folder for this message, it now calls mainResponder.discuss.getMessageAttachmentsFolder -- a new bottleneck script.
bundle { //error checking
if not defined (adrFileArgs^.filename) {
return (false)};
if not defined (adrFileArgs^.data) {
return (false)};
if string.length (adrFileArgs^.filename) == 0 {
return (false)};
if string.length (adrFileArgs^.data) == 0 {
return (false)}};
local (pta = html.getPageTableAddress ());
local (adrMsg = mainResponder.discuss.getMessageTable (msgNum));
local (flStoredInDg = false, f);
bundle { //possibly store this image in the dg, not to disk
if defined (pta^.responderAttributes.flDiscussStoreImages) {
if pta^.responderAttributes.flDiscussStoreImages {
if defined (adrFileArgs^.["Content-type"]) {
local (mimeType = adrFileArgs^.["Content-type"]);
local (flGif = false, flJpeg = false);
case string.lower (mimeType) { //is it a GIF or a JPEG?
"image/gif" {
flGif = true};
"image/pjpeg" {
flJpeg = true}};
if flGif or flJpeg { //store GIFs and JPEGs in the dg
if not defined (adrMsg^.image) {
new (tableType, @adrMsg^.image)};
adrMsg^.image.bits = binary (adrFileArgs^.data);
adrMsg^.image.mimeType = mimeType;
local (hwList);
if flGif {
hwList = html.getGifHeightWidth (@adrMsg^.image.bits);
setBinaryType (@adrMsg^.image.bits, 'GIFf')};
if flJpeg {
hwList = html.getJpegHeightWidth (@adrMsg^.image.bits);
setBinaryType (@adrMsg^.image.bits, 'JPEG')};
adrMsg^.image.height = hwList [1];
adrMsg^.image.width = hwList [2];
flStoredInDg = true}}}}};
if not flStoredInDg { //write to disk
local (fname, folderPath, s = adrFileArgs^.filename, i, ch);
local (pc = file.getPathChar ());
bundle { //compute folderPath
folderPath = mainResponder.discuss.getMessageAttachmentsFolder (adrMsg);
<<PBS 03/15/00: old code, now factored out
<<local (adrDiscuss = mainResponder.discuss.openRoot ())
<<local (dgName = nameOf (adrDiscuss^))
<<try //PBS 10/15/99: get the real name of the dg (it might be an address in discuss.root)
<<local (adr = @[system.temp.mainResponder.discussRootFile])
<<if defined (adr^.[pta^.discussionRoot])
<<dgName = nameOf (adr^.[pta^.discussionRoot])
<<local (discussionFolderName = nameOf (adrDiscuss^)) //PBS 10/15/99
<<if discussionFolderName beginsWith "#"
<<discussionFolderName = string.popLeading (discussionFolderName, '#')
<<on add (s) //append sub-folders to folderpath
<<folderPath = folderPath + s + pc
<<folderPath = adrDiscuss^.prefs.binaryServerFolder
<<add (memberGroup)
<<add (adrMsg^.member)
<<add (dgName)
<<add (msgNum)
for i = sizeOf (s) downTo 1 { //pop off everything but the file name
ch = s [i];
if not (string.isAlpha (ch) or string.isNumeric (ch) or (ch == ".") or (ch == " ")) {
s = string.delete (s, 1, i);
fname = s;
f = folderPath + fname;
file.sureFilePath (f);
file.writeWholeFile (f, adrFileArgs^.data)};
return (f)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.