Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.
on getThreadData (adrTable, d, threadAliveDays, pta=nil, adrInDgCallback=nil) {
<<Build a table containing information about each live thread for a given day
<<10/10/00; 5:51:11 PM by JES
<<10/11/00; 1:29:52 PM by JES
<<Fixed bug where only two days of topics were alive, regardless of the value of threadAliveDays.
<<10/14/00; 2:32:23 PM by JES
<<Changed the message count to the count of the message and all responses, not just immediate daughters.
<<4/4/02; 12:57:40 AM by JES
<<New optional paramter, adrInDgCallback. If non-nil, call the callback for each message. If the callback returns false, don't list the message. If it returns true, preserve current behavior.
if pta == nil {
pta = html.getPageTableAddress ()};
local (adrData = mainResponder.discuss.openRoot (pta));
local (adrCal = @adrData^.calendar);
local (adrMsgs = @adrData^.messages);
on countResponses (adrMsgTable) { // count all the responses in a thread
local (responseCount);
local (i, ct = sizeOf (adrMsgTable^.responses));
responseCount = ct;
for i = 1 to ct {
local (adrResponse = @adrData^.messages.[string.padWithZeros (adrMsgTable^.responses[i], 7)]);
if sizeOf (adrResponse^.responses) {
responseCount = responseCount + countResponses (adrResponse)}};
return (responseCount)};
on yearAndMonthDefined (d) {
y = date.year (d);
if defined (adrCal^.[y]) {
if defined (adrCal^.[y].[string.padWithZeros (date.month (d), 2)]) {
return (true)}};
return (false)};
new (tableType, adrTable);
if not yearAndMonthDefined (d) { // don't return an error page if the calendar doesn't have an entry
return (0)};
local (adrDay = mainResponder.calendar.getDayAddress (adrCal, d, flCreate:false));
for i = 1 to threadAliveDays { // collect the thread-message data
if defined (adrDay^) {
local (ct = sizeOf (adrDay^));
for j = 1 to ct {
local (nomad = @adrMsgs^.[nameOf (adrDay^[j])]);
local (postDate = nomad^.postTime);
while (nomad^.inResponseTo > 0) {
nomad = mainResponder.discuss.getMessageTable (nomad^.inResponseTo, pta, adrData)};
if defined (nomad^.flDeleted) and nomad^.flDeleted {
if adrInDgCallback != nil {
if not adrInDgCallback^ (nomad) {
local (name = nameOf (nomad^));
local (adrMsgData = @adrTable^.[nameOf (nomad^)]);
if defined (adrMsgData^) {
if postDate > adrMsgData^.lastPost { // this should never happen... (?)
adrMsgData^.lastPost = postDate}}
else {
new (tableType, adrMsgData);
adrMsgData^.adrThread = nomad;
adrMsgData^.lastPost = postDate;
adrMsgData^.msgCount = countResponses (nomad) + 1}}};
d = date.yesterday (d);
if yearAndMonthDefined (d) {
adrDay = mainResponder.calendar.getDayAddress (adrCal, d, flCreate:false)}};
return (sizeOf (adrTable^))}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.