Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.


on getMessageFromClient (client, port) {
		<<Sat, 06 Mar 1999 17:21:35 GMT by AR
			<<Deactivated adrmsg^.htmlCache code.
		<<11/6/99; 7:59:01 PM by PBS
			<<Pass incoming text through mainResponder.neuterText, to make extra sure that unwanted macros and tags are neutered.
		<<11/16/99; 11:31:59 AM by PBS
			<<Use mainResponder's memberCanEdit callback to allow managing editors of Manila sites to edit pages using the Edit in Frontier button.
		<<05/01/00; 7:48:38 PM by JES
			<<Changed getString calls to use a replacement table address instead of a lists
	if client == "" {
		client = "localhost"};
	local (xmltext = base64.decode (betty.rpc.client (client, port, "editorial.returnMessage")));
	local (xtable);
	xml.compile (xmltext, @xtable);
	on cookieError (explanation) {
		local (replacementTable); new (tableType, @replacementTable); // 05/01/00 JES: use replacement table instead of a list
		replacementTable.explanation = explanation;
		scriptError (mainResponder.getString ("discuss.cantReceiveMsgBadAuthentication", @replacementTable))};
	on formatError (fieldname) {
		local (replacementTable); new (tableType, @replacementTable); // 05/01/00 JES: use replacement table instead of a list
		replacementTable.fieldname = fieldname;
		scriptError (mainResponder.getString ("discuss.cantReceiveMsgMissingField", @replacementTable))};
	local (adrcookie, adrmsgnum);
	if not xml.getpathaddress (@xtable, "ticket/cookie", @adrcookie) {
		cookieError (mainResponder.getString ("discuss.theCookieIsMissing"))};
	if not xml.getpathaddress (@xtable, "ticket/header/msgNum", @adrmsgnum) {
		cookieError (mainResponder.getString ("discuss.theMsgnumIsMissing"))};
	local (adrsubject, adrposttime, adrmember, adrctreads, adrinresponseto, adrresponses, adrbody);
	if not xml.getpathaddress (@xtable, "ticket/header/subject", @adrsubject) {
		formatError ("subject")};
	if not xml.getpathaddress (@xtable, "ticket/header/member", @adrmember) {
		formatError ("member")};
	if not xml.getpathaddress (@xtable, "ticket/body", @adrbody) {
		formatError ("body")};
	local (alsoListedList, flalsolist = false);
	bundle { //get alsoListedIn
		local (adrlist);
		if xml.getpathaddress (@xtable, "ticket/header/alsoListedIn", @adrlist) {
			local (i);
			alsoListedList = xml.getAddressList (adrlist, "category");
			for i = 1 to sizeof (alsoListedList) { //turn addresses into values
				alsoListedList [i] = alsoListedList [i]^;
				flalsolist = true}}};
	local (flenclosure = false, enclosureAddress, enclosureBits, enclosureType);
	bundle { //check for an enclosure
		local (adrenclosure);
		if xml.getpathaddress (@xtable, "ticket/header/enclosure", @adrenclosure) {
			enclosureAddress = xml.getvalue (adrenclosure, "enclosureAddress");
			enclosureType = xml.getvalue (adrenclosure, "enclosureType");
			enclosureBits = xml.getvalue (adrenclosure, "enclosureBits");
			local (prefix = "application/x-frontier-");
			if enclosureType beginswith prefix {
				local (type = string.delete (enclosureType, 1, sizeof (prefix)));
				local (bits = binary (base64.decode (enclosureBits)));
				setBinaryType (@bits, type);
				unpack (@bits, @enclosureBits)};
			flenclosure = true}};
	local (adrmemberinfo = html.getpagetableaddress ()^.adrmemberinfo);
	bundle { //check the cookie
		if adrcookie^ != mainresponder.discuss.getCheckSum (adrmsgnum^, adrmemberinfo) {
			cookieError (mainResponder.getString ("discuss.theChecksumIsIncorrect"))};
		delete (adrcookie)};
	local (adrmsg = mainresponder.discuss.getmessagetable (adrmsgnum^));
	if adrmsg^.member != nameof (adrmemberinfo^) { //not the author of the message
		<<PBS 11/16/99: use the memberCanEdit callback to allow managing editors of Manila sites to use the Edit in Frontier button for all stories and messages.
		if defined (config.mainResponder.callbacks.memberCanEdit) {
			local (pta = html.getPageTableAddress ());
			pta^.adrMsgToEdit = adrMsg;
			pta^.flMemberCanEdit = false;
			mainResponder.callbackLoop (@config.mainResponder.callbacks.memberCanEdit, pta);
			if not pta^.flMemberCanEdit {
				cookieError (mainResponder.getString ("discuss.theMemberIsNotAuthorOfMsg"))}}};
	try {delete (@adrmsg^.body)};
	adrBody^ = mainResponder.neuterText (string (adrbody^), true, true); //PBS 11/6/99: neuter text
	op.newoutlineobject (string (adrbody^), @adrmsg^.body);
	mainResponder.neuterOutline (@adrmsg^.body); //eliminate #directives in the outline
	adrmsg^.subject = adrsubject^;
	if flenclosure {
		adrmsg^.enclosureAddress = enclosureAddress;
		adrmsg^.enclosureBits = enclosureBits;
		adrmsg^.enclosureType = enclosureType};
	if flalsolist {
		adrmsg^.alsoListedIn = alsoListedList};
	<<try {delete (@adrmsg^.htmlcache)}  // Deactivated.
	try {delete (@adrmsg^.toptopicscache)};
	filemenu.savemyroot (adrmsg);
	return (true)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.