Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.


<<Display the most recent sets of updates.
	<<11/23/99; 1:56:13 PM by PBS
		<<06/28/00; 11:55:48 AM by PBS
			<<If logging is off, say so, don't say that there haven't been recent updates.

local (pta = html.getPageTableAddress ());
pta^.title = "Most Recent Updates";

local (adrOutline);
adrOutline = user.rootUpdates.prefs.adrOutlineForUser;

local (htmlText);
on add (s) {
	htmlText = htmlText + s};

on noUpdates () {
	add ("There have been no recent updates.")};

bundle { //return if there haven't been any updates
	if not defined (adrOutline^) {
		<<noUpdates ()
		if not user.rootUpdates.prefs.flShowUpdatesToUser {
			add ("Root updates logging is not turned on.")} //PBS 06/28/00: if logging is off, say so, don't say that there haven't been recent updates
		else {
			noUpdates ()};
		return (htmlText)};
	if sizeOf (adrOutline^) < 1 {
		noUpdates ();
		return (htmlText)}};

bundle { //render the outline
	add ("Below are the most recent root updates.");
	local (oldTarget = target.set (adrOutline));
	on renderUpdates () {
		local (level = 0);
		local (ctHeads = 0, maxHeads = 10);
		op.firstSummit ();
		op.fullExpand ();
		on visit () {
			loop {
				local (s = op.getLineText ());
				case level {
					0 {
						if ctHeads > maxHeads {
						add ("<h4>" + s + "</h4>")}}
				else {
					if level > 1 {
					add ("    " + s + "<br>")};
				if level == 0 {
					if op.go (right, 1) { //cursor has subheads
						visit ();
						if ctHeads >= maxHeads {
						op.go (left, 1)}};
				if not op.go (down, 1) {
		visit ();
		return (true)};
	renderUpdates ();
	try {target.set (oldTarget)}};

return (htmlText)

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.