Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.

<<Display the Tools page in the Frontier Control Panel which allows one to turn on and off Tools. Based on the Tools page in Radio UserLand.
		<<6/18/02; 6:55:01 PM by JES
			<<If the Tool's info table includes a localUrl, use that URL for the Tool's name-link.
		<<1/21/02; 9:38:38 PM by PBS
			<<Fixed an errant reference to
			<<Fixed a bug where sometimes a Tool wouldn't get enabled.
		<<12/3/01; 9:32:42 PM by PBS
			<<Created. ();

local (htmltext, indentlevel = 0);
on add (s) {
	htmltext = htmltext + string.filledstring ("\t", indentlevel) + s + "\r\n"};
on translateToEntities (s) {
	<<Before putting some text in an input field or textarea, translating certain entities will ensure that the HTML on the page won't get messed up.
		<<01/10/01; 4:49:47 PM by PBS
	s = string.replaceAll (s, "&", "&");
	s = string.replaceAll (s, "<", "<");
	s = string.replaceAll (s, "\"", """);
	s = string.replaceAll (s, "{", "{"); //no macros in these locations
	return (s)};
local (pta = html.getpagetableaddress ());
local (pc = file.getPathChar ());
pta^.title = "Tools";

local (checkboxval = "x");
if pta^.method == "POST" {
	local (adrargs = @pta^.postArgs);
	if defined (adrargs^.submit) and adrargs^.submit == "Submit" {
		local (adrtable);
		for adrtable in { //loop over all Tools, and enable/disable pased on args
			local (name = nameOf (adrtable^));
			local (f = adrtable^.path);
			if defined (adrargs^.[name]) { //enabled tool
				if defined ([f]) { //already enabled (f, true); (f);
				if file.exists (f) { //reality check (f, true); (f, true); (f)}}
					<<bundle //possibly install pages from the tool's website into the filesystem
						<<local (cleanName = (name))
						<<local (adrsite = @[f].[cleanName + "Website"])
						<<if defined (adrsite^)
							<<if not defined (adrsite^.["#template"])
								<<local (folder = + cleanName + pc)
								<<bundle //write a #upstream.xml to the folder, whose type is none
									<<local (f = folder +
									<<file.sureFilePath (f)
									<<file.writeWholeFile (f, "<upstream type=\"none\"/>")
								<<local (adritem)
								<<on installItem (adritem, folder)
									<<local (itemname = nameOf (adritem^))
									<<if not (itemname beginsWith "#") //a page or a table
										<<local (filetext, extension = ".txt")
										<<case typeOf (adritem^)
												<<local (subfolder = folder + itemname + pc)
												<<local (adrsubitem)
												<<for adrsubitem in adritem
													<<installItem (adrsubitem, subfolder)
											<<scriptType //make a wrapper file
												<<local (adrpage = string.popFileFromAddress (adritem))
												<<filetext = "<%" + adrpage + " ()%>"
											<<outlineType //convert to opml
												<<filetext = op.outlineToXml (adritem)
												<<extension = ".opml"
										<<else //coerce to string, and write the file
											<<filetext = string (adritem^)
										<<local (f = folder + itemname + extension)
										<<file.sureFilePath (f)
										<<file.writeWholeFile (f, filetext)
								<<for adritem in adrsite //install the tool's website pages into the www folder
									<<installItem (adritem, folder)
								<<bundle //delete the entry for the Tool's website in the websiteFramework responder's docTree, so the radio responder will handle the hits
									<<if defined ([cleanName])
										<<delete ([cleanName])
			else { //disabled tool
				if defined ([f]) {
					fileMenu.saveMyRoot (@[f]);
					<<bundle //possibly delete the tool's pages from the filesystem
						<<local (cleanName = (name))
						<<local (adrsite = @[f].[cleanName + "Website"])
						<<if defined (adrsite^)
							<<local (folder = + cleanname + pc)
							<<if file.exists (folder)
								<<if file.isFolder (folder)
									<<try //avoid file permissions errors
										<<file.deleteFolder (folder) (f);
					menus.buildMenuBar (); //PBS 10/23/01: refresh the menu (f, false);
					local (oldTarget = target.set (@[f]));
					fileMenu.close ();
					try {target.set (oldtarget)}}}}}};

bundle { //explanatory text
	add ("This page lists the Tools which are present in your Guest Databases/apps/Tools/ folder. Included is the Tool's name, author, release date, and version, if available. If the Tool has a Web page, then the name of the Tool is a link. The checkbox next to each Tool's name can be used to activate or deactivate the Tool -- check or uncheck the box, and then click the Submit button.<p>")};

bundle { //start the form
	add ("<form method=\"POST\">"); indentlevel++};
bundle { //start the table
	add ("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"5\">"); indentlevel++};
bundle { //add the Tools
	local (adrtable);
	for adrtable in {
		local (name = nameOf (adrtable^));
		local (adrdata =[name]);
		local (f = adrdata^.path);
		local (toolsFolder = ());
		if not file.exists (f) {
		bundle { //PBS 10/19/01: make sure it's actually in the Tools folder
			<<Mac filespecs may follow the Tool when it has been moved out of the Tools folder.
			local (folder = file.folderFromPath (f));
			if string.lower (folder) != string.lower (toolsFolder) { //check to see if its parent is the Tools folder
		if not defined ( {
			new (tableType,};
		local (adrtempdata =[ (name)]);
		if not defined (adrtempdata^) {
			new (tableType, adrtempdata)};
		local (adrinfo = @adrtempdata^.info);
		local (flGetInfo = false);
		if not defined (adrtempdata^.lastModified) {
			adrtempdata^.lastModified = date (0)};
		if adrtempdata^.lastModified != file.modified (f) {
			flGetInfo = true};
		if flGetInfo { //try to get the info out of the Tool
			local (flCloseFile = false);
			if not defined ([f]) { //try to open the database
				try { //avoid possible permissions problems on MacOS X
					if system.environment.isMac { //set type and creator if needed
						if not (file.type (f) == 'TABL') {
							file.setType (f, 'TABL');
							file.setCreator (f, 'LAND')}}; (f, true);
					flCloseFile = true}};
			local (adrinfotable = @[name + "Info"]);
			if defined (adrinfotable^) { //copy the info to the table
				adrinfo^ = adrinfotable^};
			if flCloseFile { //close the file if it had been opened
				filemenu.close (f)};
			adrtempdata^.lastModified = file.modified (f)};
		add ("<tr>"); indentlevel++;
		bundle { //add checkbox
			local (check = checkboxval);
			if adrdata^.flInstalled and defined ([f]) {
				check = check +  " checked"};
			add ("<td valign=\"top\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" + translateToEntities (name) + "\" value=" + check + "></td>")};
		local (displayName = name, homePageUrl = "", author = "", authorEmail = "", version = "", releaseDate = "", description = "");
		if defined (adrinfo^) {
			if defined (adrinfo^.name) {
				displayName = adrinfo^.name}
			else {
				displayName = name};
			if defined (adrinfo^.homePageUrl) {
				homePageUrl = adrinfo^.homePageUrl}
			else {
				homePageUrl = ""};
			if defined (adrinfo^.author) {
				author = adrinfo^.author}
			else {
				author = ""};
			if defined (adrinfo^.authorEmail) {
				authorEmail = adrinfo^.authorEmail;
				if author == "" {
					author = authorEmail}}
			else {
				authorEmail = ""};
			if defined (adrinfo^.version) {
				version = adrinfo^.version}
			else {
				version = ""};
			if defined (adrinfo^.releaseDate) {
				releaseDate = date.shortString (adrinfo^.releaseDate)}
			else {
				releaseDate = ""};
			if defined (adrinfo^.description) {
				description = string (adrinfo^.description)}
			else {
				description = ""}};
		bundle { //add the tool info
			displayName = "<b>" + displayName + "</b>";
			local (nameLink = displayName, docslink = "", authorLink = author);
			if defined ([name].url) { //make the Tool's name a link to the Tool's page
				nameLink = html.getLink (displayName,[name].url)};
			if defined ([name].info.localUrl) { //make the Tool's name a link to the Tool's page
				nameLink = html.getLink (displayName,[name].info.localUrl)};
			if version != "" { //add the version next to the name
				nameLink = nameLink + " v" + version};
			if homePageUrl != "" { //link the globe to the home page
				docslink = "  " + html.getLink ("Docs", homePageUrl)};
			if authorEmail != "" { //mailto link on the author name
				authorLink = html.getLink (author, "mailto:" + authorEmail)};
			bundle { //add the author and release date to the description
				if authorLink != "" {
					description = description + " Author: " + authorLink;
					if releaseDate == "" {
						description = description + "."}
					else {
						description = description + "; "}};
				if releaseDate != "" {
					description = description + " Released: " + releaseDate + "."}};
			local (s = nameLink);
			if description != "" { //add the description
				s = s + ": " + description};
			s = s + docsLink;
			add ("<td>"); indentlevel++;
			add ("<div>" + s + "</div>");
			add ("</td>"); indentlevel--};
		add ("</tr>"); indentlevel--}};
bundle { //submit button
	add ("<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" style=\"padding-left:9px\"><br><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></td></tr>")};
add ("</table>"); indentlevel--;

add ("</form>");

return (string.replaceAll (htmltext, "{", "{"))

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.