Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.


on getMostRecentAddress (adrCalendar, ()) {
	<<Tue, May 23, 2000 at 5:44:42 PM by AR
		<<Old code
			<<on getMostRecentAddress (adrCalendar, ())
					<<Thu, 11 Mar 1999 20:00:22 GMT by AR
						<<adrcalendar is the address of a valid calendar structure.
						<<d is an optional date which defaults to ().
						<<If the address corresponding to d exists, we return it.
						<<Otherwise we walk backwards in time until we find an element and return its address.
						<<We throw a scriptError if the calendar does not contain elements corresponding to times before d or if adrcalendar does not point to a valid non-empty calendar structure.
				<<local (adrDay, dmin = mainResponder.calendar.getFirstDay (adrCalendar))
				<<while (dmin <= d)
						<<adrDay = mainResponder.calendar.getDayAddress (adrCalendar, d, flcreate:false)
						<<if defined (adrDay^)
							<<return (adrDay)
					<<d = date.yesterday (d)
				<<scripterror ("Can't get the most recent address in the calendar because the calendar doesn't contain any elements before " + d + ".")
	kernel (mrcalendar.getmostrecentaddress)}
<<bundle  //test code
	<<dialog.notify (getMostRecentAddress (@scriptingNews))

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.