Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.
on searchEngineLog (maxitems=200) {
<<8/1/02; 7:52:20 PM by JES
local (pta = html.getPageTableAddress ());
pta^.title = "Search Log";
local (colors = {pta^.trbg1, pta^.trbg2});
local (columns = {"Time", "Page", "Hits", "Index", "Client"});
local (colsToAlignRight = {"Hits"});
on renderItemCallback (adritem) {
local (itemtext = "");
on add (s) {
itemtext = itemtext + (s + "\r");};
on td (s, align="") {
if align != "" {
align = " align=\"" + align + "\""};
return ("<td" + align + "><font size=\"-1\" class=\"small\">" + s + "</font></td>")};
with adritem^ {
add (td (string.replaceAll (string.popLeading (string.nthField (xml.convertToDisplayName (nameOf (adrItem^)), ";", 2), ' '), " ", " ") ));
local (link);
if defined (adrItem^.url) {
link = html.getLink (adrItem^.searchString, adrItem^.url)};
add (td (link));
add (td (adrItem^.hits, "right"));
add (td (adrItem^.index));
bundle { //add the member name, if we have it, otherwise do a DNS lookup
if defined (member) {
local (groupname = config.mainResponder.globals.defaultMembershipGroup);
local (link = mainResponder.members.linktomember (groupname, adritem^.member));
add (td (link))}
else {
local (client = adrItem^.client);
try {client = tcp.dns.getDomainName (adrItem^.client)};
add (td (client))}}};
return (itemtext)};
local (ctitems);
local (logtext = mainResponder.log.browseAny ("Search Engine", @renderItemCallback, colors, columns, 3, maxitems, colsToAlignRight, @ctitems));
if ctitems {
return (logtext)}
else {
return (logtext + "<p>There are no items to list at this time.</p>")}}
<<return ( (maxitems, colors, 3, "smallAlignTop", false))
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.