Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.
on legalMacros () {
<<9/5/02; 2:32:40 PM by JES
<<Add () after the name of a macro in the list of legal macros, to indicate that the macro takes parameters.
<<8/20/02; 8:17:17 PM by JES
local (pta = html.getPageTableAddress ());
local (bgcolors = {pta^.trbg2, pta^.trbg1});
local (htmltext);
on add (s) {
htmltext = htmltext + (s + "\r");};
local (adrmacros = @config.mainResponder.prefs.legalMacros);
local (message = "");
if pta^.method == "POST" {
local (adrargs = @pta^.postArgs);
if defined (adrargs^.addMacro) { //add a new legal macro
local (name = adrargs^.macroName);
local (flParams = defined (adrargs^.macroTakesParameters));
local (adrmacro = @adrmacros^.[name]);
if flParams {
new (tableType, adrmacro);
adrmacro^.flLegal = true;
adrmacro^.flParams = true}
else {
table.assign (adrmacro, true)};
if flParams {
name = name + " ()"};
message = "The macro, \"" + name + "\" has been added to the legal macros for this server."};
if defined (adrargs^.removeMacros) { //remove one or more legal macros
for adr in adrargs {
local (name = string.urlDecode (nameOf (adr^)) );
if defined (adrmacros^.[name]) {
delete (@adrmacros^.[name])}};
message = "The selected macros have been removed from the list of macros which are legal on this server. <i>Note that this will not remove these macro calls from sites which already include them.</i>"}};
bundle { //add message if there is one
if message != "" {
add ("<p><b>" + message + "</b></p>")}};
bundle { //make macro legal form
add ("<p>To make a macro legal, enter its name below, check the box for whether or not the macro takes parameters, and click the Add button.</p>");
add ("<p>Macro name: <input type=\"text\" name=\"macroName\" /></p>");
add ("<p><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"macroTakesParameters\" checked /> Check this box if the macro takes parameters.</p>");
add ("<p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"addMacro\" value=\"Add\" /></p>")};
bundle { //legal macros
bundle { //explanatory text
add ("<p><br />The following table lists all of the macros which are legal on this server. To remove one or more legal macros, check the box next to its name, and click the Remove button at the end of the page.</p>")};
add ("<table cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"80%\">");
local (adr, ctmacros = 0);
for adr in adrmacros {
local (flParams = false);
if typeOf (adr^) == tableType {
if not defined (adr^.flLegal) {continue};
if not adr^.flLegal {continue};
if defined (adr^.flParams) {flParams = adr^.flParams}}
else { //boolean -- continue if false
if not adr^ {continue}};
local (name = nameOf (adr^));
add ("<tr bgcolor=\"" + bgcolors[ (++ctmacros % 2) + 1] + "\">");
add ("<td> <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" + string.urlEncode (name) + "\" /> </td>");
if flParams {name = name + " ()"};
add ("<td class=\"small\">" + name + "</td>");
add ("</tr>")};
add ("</table>");
add ("<p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"removeMacros\" value=\"Remove\" /></p>")};
pta^.flAddSubmitButton = false; //suppress the default submit button
return (htmltext)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.