Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.


on addMappingToSiteTree () {
		<<6/27/02; 5:25:57 PM by JES
			<<Created. UI for adding a site to a site tree mapping in
				<<The form has three fields, domain, path, and object to serve.
	local (pta = html.getPageTableAddress ());
	local (htmltext = "");
	on add (s) {
		htmltext = htmltext + (s + "\r");};
	on munge (s) {
		s = string.replaceAll (s, "\"", """);
		return (s)};
	<<bundle //explanatory text
		<<add ("To add a site to the domains served on this server, type the domain name and path, enter the object to serve, and click the Add Site button. If the domain already exists, the site will be added to its site tree. If the domain does not exist, a new domain will be created.")
	on sureDomain (domain) {
		local (adrdom =[domain]);
		if not defined (adrdom^) {
			new (tableType, adrdom);
			new (tableType, @adrdom^.siteTree);
			new (tableType, @adrdom^;
			op.newOutlineObject ("<siteTree></siteTree>", @adrdom^;
			mainResponder.siteTree.compileIfDirty (adrdom)};
		return (true)};
	on validatePath (domain, path, adrerror) {
		local (adrdom =[domain]);
		if not defined (adrdom^) {
			if path contains "/" {
				adrerror^ = "Can't create a sub-site for a site which does not exist.";
				return (false)}}
		else {
			if mainResponder.siteTree.domainIsSiteTree (adrdom) {
				if string.countFields (path, "/") > 2 {
					local (lastpart = string.nthField (path, "/", string.countFields (path, "/")));
					try {
						local (adrtopsite = @adrdom^[1][1]);
						local (adrparent = mainResponder.siteTree.dive (adrtopsite, parentpath));
						if not defined (adrparent^) {
							adrerror^ = "Can't create a sub-site for a site which does not exist.";
							return (false)}}
					else {
						adrerror^ = "Can't create a sub-site for a site which does not exist.";
						return (false)}}}
			else {
				if string.countFields (path, "/") > 2 {
					adrerror^ = "Can't create a sub-site for a site which does not exist.";
					return (false)}}};
		return (true)};
	local (errormessage="", domain="", path="", object="");
	if pta^.method == "POST" {
		<< = pta^
		local (adrargs = @pta^.postargs);
		if defined (adrargs^.addSite) {
			domain = adrargs^.domain;
			path = adrargs^.path;
			object = adrargs^.object;
			local (cleanpath = string.popLeading (string.popTrailing (path, "/"), "/"));
			if object beginsWith "http://" { //redirect
				if validatePath (domain, cleanpath, @errormessage) {
					local (cleanobj = string.popTrailing (object, "/"));
					sureDomain (domain);
					mainResponder.siteTree.addSiteToTree (domain, cleanpath, cleanobj, true, true)}}
			else {
				if file.exists (object) { //folder or database
					if validatePath (domain, cleanpath, @errormessage) {
						sureDomain (domain);
						mainResponder.siteTree.addSiteToTree (domain, cleanpath, object, true, true)}}
				else {
					if defined (object^) { //address
						if validatePath (domain, cleanpath, @errormessage) {
							sureDomain (domain);
							mainResponder.siteTree.addSiteToTree (domain, cleanpath, address (object), true, true)}}
					else { //error -- object does not exist
						errormessage = "Can't create the site because the object \"" + object + "\" does not exist."}}}}};
	add ("<br /><br />");
	if errormessage != "" {
		add ("<b>" + errormessage + "</b><br /><br />")};
	add ("<table cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">");
	bundle { //domain field
		add ("<tr>");
		add ("<td>Domain:</td>");
		add ("<td><input name=\"domain\" type=\"text\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"500\" value=\"" + munge (domain) + "\" /></td>");
		add ("</tr>")};
	bundle { //path field
		add ("<tr>");
		add ("<td>Path:</td>");
		add ("<td><input name=\"path\" type=\"text\" size=\"70\" maxlength=\"500\" value=\"" + munge (path) + "\" /></td>");
		add ("</tr>")};
	bundle { //object field
		add ("<tr>");
		add ("<td>Object:</td>");
		add ("<td><input name=\"object\" type=\"text\" size=\"70\" maxlength=\"500\" value=\"" + munge (object) + "\" /></td>");
		add ("</tr>")};
	bundle { //add site button
		add ("<tr>");
		add ("<td></td>");
		add ("<td><br /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"addSite\" value=\"Add Site\" /></td>");
		add ("</tr>")};
	add ("</table>");
	return (htmltext)};

bundle { //test code
	html.setPageTableAddress (;
	addMappingToSiteTree ()}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.