Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.


on statusCenter () {
		<<6/7/02; 2:57:43 PM by JES
	local (pta = html.getPageTableAddress ());
	local (htmltext = "", indentlevel = 0);
	on add (s) {
		htmltext = htmltext + (string.filledString ("\t", indentlevel) + s + "\r\n");};
	on addSubItem (s) {
		add ("<div class=\"small\" style=\"padding-left: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;\">"); indentlevel++;
		add (s);
		add ("</div>"); indentlevel--};
	<<Notes -- to do?
		<<Add "web server" and "xml-rpc/soap" sections?
		<<Support center? (probably not yet)
	bundle { //trial status
		if defined (userland.trialVersion.flTrialVersion) {
			if userland.trialVersion.flTrialVersion {
				local (storeurl =;
				local (ctdays = 60 - ((number ( ()) - number (userland.trialVersion.whenInstalled)) /  (24 * 60 * 60)) );
				local (serialNumberUrl = "" + user.inetd.config.http2.port + mainResponder.adminSite.urls.serialNumber);
				add ("<div class=\"small\" style=\"padding-bottom: 5px;\"><b><a href=\"" + storeUrl + "\">Trial version</a></b></div>");
				addSubItem (ctdays + " days remaining. Click <a href=\"" + serialNumberUrl + "\">here</a> to enter your serial number. A license costs $899. We accept all major credit cards. Why delay? <i>Get yours today!</i>")}}};
	bundle { //server status
		on tooltip (s) {
			return ("title=\"Click this link for a detailed readout of " + s + " on this server.\"")};
		bundle { //header-link
			add ("<div class=\"small\" style=\"padding-bottom: 5px;\"><b><a href=\"" + mainResponder.adminSite.urls.readouts + "\">Server Status</a></b></div>")};
		bundle { //up-since, hits
			local (uphours = (number ( ()) - number (user.webserver.stats.upsince)) / 3600);
			addSubItem ("Up for " + uphours + " hours; " + string.addCommas (user.webserver.stats.hits) + " total <a href=\"" + mainResponder.adminSite.urls.http + "\" " + tooltip ("hits") + ">hits</a>; " + user.webserver.stats.maxConnections + " max connections.")};
		bundle { //RAM usage
			local (s);
			if defined (system.environment.isCarbon) and system.environment.isCarbon { //the way RAM works on MacOS X is totally different
				local (programName = file.fileFromPath (frontier.getProgramPath ()));
				programName = string.replaceAll (programName, "™", "");
				local (psout = sys.unixShellCommand ("ps -auxww | grep \"" + programName + "\"") );
				while psout contains "  " {
					psout = string.replaceAll (psout, "  ", " ")};
				local (memUsage = double (string.nthField (psout, " ", 5)) * 1024);
				local (resident = double (string.nthField (psout, " ", 6)) * 1024);
				s = "Total memory usage: " + string.gigabyteString (memUsage) + "; Resident: " + string.gigabyteString (resident) + "."}
			else { //original Windows and Mac Classic behavior
				s = "Available RAM: " + string.gigabytestring (memavail ()) + "; ";
				s = s + "Smallest: " + string.megabytestring (user.webserver.stats.minMemAvail) + "; ";
				s = s + "Largest: " + string.megabytestring (user.webserver.stats.maxMemAvail) + "."};
			addSubItem (s)};
		bundle { //databases
			local (totalSizeDouble = double (file.size (Frontier.getFilePath ())));
			local (adr);
			for adr in @system.compiler.files {
				totalSizeDouble = totalSizeDouble + file.size (nameOf (adr^))};
			addSubItem ((sizeOf (system.compiler.files) + 1) + " open <a href=\"" + mainResponder.adminSite.urls.databases + "\" " + tooltip ("open databases") + ">databases</a>, total size " + string.gigabyteString (totalSizeDouble) + ".")};
		bundle { //Frontier disk usage
			local (nomad = Frontier.pathString);
			local (pc = file.getPathChar ());
			while string.countFields (nomad, pc) > 1 {
				nomad = file.folderFromPath (nomad)};
			local (homeVolSize = file.volumeSizeDouble (nomad));
			local (homeVolFree = file.freeSpaceOnVolumeDouble (nomad));
			local (percentFree = (number (homeVolFree / homeVolSize * 1000)) / 10.0);
			addSubItem (string.gigabyteString (homeVolFree) + " of " + string.gigaByteString (homeVolSize) + " available on <a href=\"" + mainResponder.adminSite.urls.disk + "\" " + tooltip ("disk status") + ">disk</a>. (" + percentFree + "%)")}};
	bundle { //tools status
		local (adr, cttools = 0);
		for adr in {
			try {
				if adr^.flInstalled {
					local (adrtool = @[adr^.path]);
					if defined (adrtool^) { //is the database opened?
						local (toolname = (file.fileFromPath (adr^.path)));
						local (adrsuite = @adrtool^.[toolname + "Suite"]);
						if defined (adrsuite^) { //tools aren't required to have a suite sub-table
							if defined (adrsuite^.statusCenterMessage) {
								local (displayname = toolname + " Tool");
								local (adrinfo = @adrtool^.[toolname + "Info"]);
								bundle { //get displayname
									if defined (adrinfo^) {
										if defined (adrinfo^.name) {
											if sizeOf (adrinfo^.name) > 0 {
												if adrinfo^.name != toolname {
													displayname = adrinfo^.name}}}}};
								local (s);
								s = adrsuite^.statusCenterMessage ();
								local (toollink = displayname);
								local (host = pta^.host);
								bundle { //set host
									host = pta^.host;
									if host contains ":" {
										host = string.nthField (host, ":", 1)};
									local (adrlisten);
									if defined (adrinfo^.localUrl) {
										adrlisten = @user.inetd.config.http}
									else {
										if defined (user.inetd.config.http2) {
											adrlisten = @user.inetd.config.http2}};
									local (port = adrlisten^.port);
									if defined (adrlisten^.apparentPort) {
										port = adrlisten^.apparentPort};
									if port != 80 {
										host = host + ":" + port}};
								if defined (adrinfo^) and defined (adrinfo^.localUrl) {
									if adrinfo^.localUrl beginsWith "http://" {
										toollink = html.getLink (toollink, adrinfo^.localUrl)}
									else {
										local (url = adrinfo^.localUrl);
										if not (url beginsWith "/") {
											url = "/" + url};
										toollink = html.getLink (toollink, "http://" + host + adrinfo^.localUrl)}}
								else { //default link to the Tool's website
									if defined (adrtool^.[toolname + "Website"]) {
										toollink = html.getLink (toollink, "http://" + host + "/" + toolname + "/")}};
								add ("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr><td class=\"small\" style=\"padding-bottom:5px;\"><b>" + toollink + "</b><br />" + s + "</td></tr></table>");
	bundle { //version info
		local (osname = system.environment.osFullNameForDisplay, osversion);
		if system.environment.isMac {
			if defined (system.environment.isCarbon) and system.environment.isCarbon {
				osname = "MacOS X";
				bundle { //set osversion
					<<JES 8/4/02: MacOS X returns a version string in decimal, but the visual representation is actually the hexadecimal version -- we get something like 16.1.5, but that really should be displayed as 10.1.5. 0x10 == 16. Strange, but true...
					local (firstpart = string.nthField (system.environment.osVersionString, ".", 1));
					osversion = string.delete (system.environment.osVersionString, 1, sizeOf (firstpart));
					osversion = number (string.nthField (string.hex (firstpart), "x", 2)) + osversion}}
			else {
				osname = "MacOS";
				osversion = system.environment.osVersionString}}
		else { //windows -- add service pack name
			osversion = system.environment.osVersionString;
			if defined (system.environment.winServicePackNumber) {
				osversion = osversion + " " + string.trimWhiteSpace (system.environment.winServicePackNumber)}};
		add ("<div class=\"small\">Frontier v" + Frontier.version () + "<br />" + osname + " v" + osversion + ".</div>")};
	return (htmltext)};

<<bundle //test code
	<<statusCenter ()

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.