Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.
on initSiteListCache () {
<<12/12/03; 11:08:41 PM by JES
<<Add sites to the site list cache in a try block. Prevents some possible errors from keeping the admin site home page from being displayed.
<<Fix a bug which for very (very) old Manila sites would cause the site not to be listed on the home page.
<<Fix a bug which could cause sites not to be listed if their membership group is outside of the site root table.
<<9/19/02; 12:58:41 AM by JES
<<Made the check for the www folder case-insensitive. Fixes a problem on some windows installations which would prevent sites from being listed on the admin site home page.
<<6/9/02; 4:09:56 PM by JES
<<Created. Initialize a cache of info tables about sites on this server, at system.temp.mainResponder.misc.siteListCache. Return the address of the cache table.
local (adrmisc = @system.temp.mainResponder.misc);
if not defined (adrmisc^) {
new (tableType, adrmisc)};
local (adrcache = @adrmisc^.siteListCache);
if not defined (adrcache^) {
new (tableType, adrcache);
adrcache^.whenExpires = () + (60 * 10)}; //cache for 10 minutes
local (adrincache = @adrcache^.sites);
local (flRebuild = false);
if not defined (adrincache^) {
flRebuild = true};
if adrcache^.whenExpires <= () {
flRebuild = true};
if flRebuild { //build cache
adrcache^.whenExpires = () + (60 * 10); //cache for 10 minutes
new (tableType, adrincache);
if defined (config.manila.sites) and defined (manilaSuite) { //make sure Manila is installed
local (adrSites = @config.manila.sites);
local (lowerWwwFolder = string.lower (Frontier.getSubFolder ("www")));
local (prefsRootFile = lowerWwwFolder + "prefs.root");
on addOneSite (adrsite) {
local (siteName = nameOf (adrSite^));
local (canonicalSiteName = siteName);
if string.lower (siteName) endsWith "manilawebsite" {
siteName = string.delete (siteName, sizeOf (siteName) - 12, 13)};
<<Create a new entry in the table for this site.
local (adrItem = @adrincache^.[siteName]);
new (tableType, adrItem);
adrItem^.adrsite = adrSite;
<<Get information about this site.
try { //the list should never fail to build, even if there's an abberant site out there
local (displaySiteName = manilaSuite.getNewsSitePref ("siteName", adrsite, siteName));
local (tagline = string (manilaSuite.getNewsSitePref ("tagline", adrsite, "")));
local (siteUrl = adrSite^.["#ftpSite"].url);
local (flInstalled = defined (config.manila.sites.[siteName]) or defined (config.manila.sites.[nameOf (adrSite^)]) );
local (editor = adrSite^.["#newsSite"].sysopMail);
if typeOf (editor) == listType {
editor = editor [1]};
local (dgName = adrSite^.["#prefs"].discussionRoot);
local (dgUrl = adrSite^.["#urls"].discussHomePage);
local (profilesUrl = adrSite^.["#urls"].profilesHome);
if not (profilesUrl endsWith "$") {
profilesUrl = profilesUrl + "$"};
local (membershipGroupName = adrSite^.["#prefs"].defaultMembershipGroup);
<<Populate the entry in the table.
adrItem^.flInstalled = flInstalled;
adrItem^.site = siteName;
adrItem^.siteUrl = siteUrl;
adrItem^.managingEditor = editor;
adrItem^.discussionGroup = dgName;
adrItem^.dgUrl = dgUrl;
adrItem^.profilesUrl = profilesUrl;
adrItem^.membershipGroupName = membershipGroupName;
adrItem^.tagline = tagline;
adrItem^.displaySiteName = displaySiteName;
local (adrDiscuss, adrMembers);
try { //if the site is installed, use mainResponder.discuss.openRoot to get adrDiscuss and adrMembers
local (t); new (tableType, @t);
t.discussionRoot = dgName;
adrDiscuss = mainResponder.discuss.openRoot (@t);
local (adrgroup = manilaSuite.members.getGroupFromSiteAddress (adrsite));
adrMembers = @adrGroup^.users}
else { //set adrDiscuss and adrMembers to the the discussion group in the site table
adrDiscuss = @adrSite^.["#discussionGroup"];
adrMembers = @adrsite^.["#membershipGroup"].users};
adrItem^.adrDiscuss = adrDiscuss;
adrItem^.adrMembers = adrMembers;
local (adrMessages = @adrDiscuss^.messages);
local (ctMessages = sizeOf (adrMessages^));
try {
adrItem^.modified = "unknown";
local (adrMostRecentMessage = @adrMessages^ [ctMessages]);
local (lastModDate = adrMostRecentMessage^.postTime);
adrItem^.modified = lastModDate};
adrItem^.ctMessages = ctMessages;
local (ctMembers = sizeOf (adrMembers^));
adrItem^.ctMembers = ctMembers;
bundle { //total hits all-time
if defined (config.manila.stats.sites.allTime.[siteName]) {
adrItem^.totalHits = config.manila.stats.sites.allTime.[siteName].totalHits}
else {
if defined (config.manila.stats.sites.allTime.[canonicalSiteName]) {
adrItem^.totalHits = config.manila.stats.sites.allTime.[canonicalSiteName].totalHits}
else {
adrItem^.totalHits = 0}}};
bundle { //total hits today
if defined ([siteName]) {
adrItem^.hitsToday =[siteName].totalHits}
else {
if defined ([canonicalSiteName]) {
adrItem^.hitsToday =[canonicalSiteName].totalHits}
else {
adrItem^.hitsToday = 0}}}}
else { //garbage collection
<<scriptError (tryError)
delete (adrItem)};
return (true)};
on visitproc (f) {
try {
if not (string.lower (f) beginsWith lowerWwwFolder) { //skip everything outside of the www folder
return (true)};
case string.lower (f) { //skip config, discuss, index, members, mainResponder and manila.root
prefsRootFile {
return (true)}};
local (adrdb = @[f]);
if manilaSuite.isManilaSite (adrdb) {
addOneSite (adrdb)}
else {
local (adr);
for adr in adrdb {
if manilaSuite.isManilaSite (adr) {
addOneSite (adr)}}}};
return (true)}; //don't stop visiting databases
table.visitOpenDatabases (@visitproc);
<<bundle //original code
<<for i = 1 to sizeOf (adrSites^)
<<if defined (adrSites^ [i]^)
<<try //PBS 01/05/01: moved sites or no longer existing sites can cause an error: the error should be non-fatal
<<Get information about this site.
<<local (adrSite = adrSites^ [i])
<<if not (manilaSuite.isManilaSite (adrSite)) //PBS 02/23/00: don't list sites that aren't Manila sites
<<local (siteName = nameOf (adrSite^))
<<if string.lower (siteName) endsWith "manilawebsite"
<<siteName = string.delete (siteName, sizeOf (siteName) - 12, 13)
<<local (siteUrl = adrSite^.["#ftpSite"].url)
<<local (editor = adrSite^.["#newsSite"].sysopMail)
<<if typeOf (editor) == listType
<<editor = editor [1]
<<local (dgName = adrSite^.["#prefs"].discussionRoot)
<<local (dgUrl = adrSite^.["#urls"].discussHomePage)
<<local (profilesUrl = adrSite^.["#urls"].profilesHome)
<<if not (profilesUrl endsWith "$")
<<profilesUrl = profilesUrl + "$"
<<local (membershipGroupName = adrSite^.["#prefs"].defaultMembershipGroup)
<<Create a new entry in the table for this site.
<<local (adrItem = @infoTable.[siteName])
<<new (tableType, adrItem)
<<Populate the entry in the table.
<<adrItem^.site = siteName
<<adrItem^.siteUrl = siteUrl
<<adrItem^.managingEditor = editor
<<adrItem^.discussionGroup = dgName
<<adrItem^.dgUrl = dgUrl
<<adrItem^.profilesUrl = profilesUrl
<<adrItem^.membershipGroupName = membershipGroupName
<<local (adrDiscuss)
<<pta^.discussionRoot = dgName
<<adrDiscuss = mainResponder.discuss.openRoot ()
<<local (adrMessages = @adrDiscuss^.messages)
<<local (ctMessages = sizeOf (adrMessages^))
<<local (adrMostRecentMessage = @adrMessages^ [ctMessages])
<<local (lastModDate = adrMostRecentMessage^.postTime)
<<adrItem^.modified = lastModDate
<<flFoundSites = true
return (adrcache)}
<<bundle //test code
<<local (pt); new (tableType, @pt)
<<pt.pta = @pt
<<with pt
<<initSiteListCache ()
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.