Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.
on pathEvaluation () {
<<6/23/10; 3:47:58 PM by DW
<<I got caught up in here again, this time I just wired the whole thing off if it's the OPML Editor.
<<5/20/10; 9:24:56 AM by DW
<<I don't understand why this code works this way, but it's making it impossible for me to get to the opmlEditor configuration site when I use port 5337. So -- if system.environment.isOpmlEditor is true, we return true instead of throwing a 404 error. You can still get to the controlpanel and mainresponder resources, but it doesn't stop you from going other places.
<<6/12/02; 4:33:05 PM by JES
<<Allow loads of controlPanel and mainResponderResources URLs to pass through unmodified.
<<6/6/02; 12:26:36 PM by JES
<<Created. If the port is the one specified by user.inetd.config.http2, set the address of the object to serve, to the address of the specified object in the admin site table.
if system.environment.isOpmlEditor { //6/23/10 by DW
return (true)};
local (pta, port);
if defined (host) { //This strange construction allows for easier debugging. See notes below.
<<When called from mainResponder.respond, host will be defined, and its parent is the page table.
pta = parentOf (host);
port = pta^.port}
<<bundle //debugging code. NOTE: comment this out when done debugging.
<< = pta^
else { //for debugging
<<Since host was not defined, we assume that we've got a saved page table from a previous browser hit, and get the port and pageTableAddress from there.
port =;
pta =};
on gatherAttributes () {
local (adratt);
pta^.responderAttributes.allowScriptsToRun = true;
for adratt in["#prefs"] {
pta^.[nameOf (adratt^)] = adratt^}};
on adminSiteDive (pathstring) {
local (flSetPageTableAddress = false);
local (nomad =;
if pathstring == "" { //the admin site home page
pta^.adrObjectToServe = @nomad^.default;
return (true)};
while sizeOf (pathstring) > 0 {
if flSetPageTableAddress {
html.setPageTableAddress (pta)}
else {
flSetPageTableAddress = true};
local (s = string.nthField (pathstring, "/", 1));
pathstring = string.delete (pathstring, 1, sizeOf (s) + 1);
nomad = @nomad^.[s];
if not defined (nomad^) {
return (false)}};
pta^.title = nameOf (nomad^); //default title
pta^.adrObjectToServe = nomad;
<<gatherAttributes ()
return (true)};
on toolsDive (pathstring) {
local (pathpart = string.nthfield (pathstring, "/", 1));
pathstring = string.delete (pathstring, 1, sizeOf (pathpart) + 1);
local (nomad =;
if defined (nomad^.[pathpart]) {
nomad = @nomad^.[pathpart]}
else {
return (false)};
if nomad^.flInstalled {
if nomad^.flEnabled {
local (toolname = (file.fileFromPath (nomad^.path)) );
nomad = @[nomad^.path]; //the Tool's database
nomad = @nomad^.[toolname + "Website"];
if defined (nomad^) {
if not defined (system.temp.mainResponder.misc) {
new (tableType, @system.temp.mainResponder.misc)};
local (adrtempsite = @system.temp.mainResponder.misc.adminSite);
if not defined (adrtempsite^) {
adrtempsite^ =};
if pathstring == "" { //default or index page
if defined (nomad^.default) {
table.assign (@adrtempsite^.default, nomad^.default);
pta^.title = "default";
pta^.adrObjectToServe = @adrtempsite^.default;
return (true)};
if defined (nomad^.index) {
table.assign (@adrtempsite^.index, nomad^.index);
pta^.title = "index";
pta^.adrObjectToServe = @adrtempsite^.index;
return (true)}};
while sizeOf (pathstring) > 0 {
local (s = string.nthField (pathstring, "/", 1));
pathstring = string.delete (pathstring, 1, sizeOf (s) + 1);
nomad = @nomad^.[s];
if not defined (nomad^) {
return (false)};
if typeOf (nomad^) == tableType {
adrtempsite = @adrtempsite^.[s];
new (tableType, adrtempsite);
continue}; //recurse
adrtempsite^.[s] = nomad^;
pta^.title = s;
pta^.adrObjectToServe = @adrtempsite^.[s];
<<gatherAttributes ()
return (true)}}}};
return (false)};
if port == user.inetd.config.http2.port {
local (pathstring = string.popLeading (pta^.uri, "/"));
if string.lower (pathstring) beginsWith "controlpanel" {
return (true)};
if string.lower (pathstring) beginsWith "mainresponderresources" {
return (true)};
if adminSiteDive (pathstring) {
return (true)};
if toolsDive (pathstring) {
return (true)};
bundle { //didn't find the page in the admin site or in a Tool
if system.environment.isOpmlEditor { //5/20/10 by DW
return (true)};
pta^.code = 404;
pta^.responseBody = mainResponder.adminSite.html.errorPage ("404 Not Found", "The requested URL http://" + pta^.host + pta^.uri + " was not found on this server.");
try {delete (@pta^.responseHeaders.["Content-Type"])};
scriptError ("!404 notFound")}};
return (true)};
bundle { //test code
pathEvaluation ()}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.