Friday, March 25, 2011 at 12:00 AM.


on view ( (), source=nil, maxitems=100, flHeaderFooter=false, flSingleDay=true, flNestedTable=true) {
		<<3/24/11; 11:43:55 PM by DW
			<<New optional param, flNestedTable. If true, we display the table inside another table so there is a solid line betw cells. If it's false, you get a single table. 
		<<9/12/10; 12:12:32 AM by DW
			<<Call new verb, date.viewDate to display the time/date of the log item.
		<<9/4/10; 3:12:20 PM by DW
			<<When displaying the time/date of the update, if it happened today, show the time -- if it happened before today, show the date.
		<<8/28/09; 10:13:46 AM by DW
			<<Add optional param, flSingleDay, default true. If false we go back into previous days if there are less than "maxitems" entries today.
		<<7/17/09; 8:28:40 AM by DW
			<<Turn off cache, for debugging. (Not clear it helps perf much.
		<<7/17/09; 8:02:31 AM by DW
			<<Add an optional parameter, flHeaderFooter, default false. If true, we display a navigation header and footer for the log readout.
		<<7/16/09; 2:25:05 PM by DW
			<<Remove dependencies on photoFanSuite.
		<<7/16/09; 1:27:37 PM by DW
			<<Add source param. If non-nil, we only include log elements from that source. Add maxitems param.  Make the cache really work.
		<<2/5/08; 12:32:18 PM by DW
			<<Handle the case where there is no previous day (i.e. when you first install the software).
		<<1/20/08; 5:28:03 AM by DW
			<<Overhaul for new calendar-based event log. Accept a parameter that says what date to display events for.
		<<11/25/07; 6:27:10 PM by DW
			<<Relocate the cache to system.temp.photoFan.cache.viewEventsLog.
		<<11/25/07; 6:23:46 PM by DW
			<<Remove various FlickrRivr dependencies.
		<<11/25/07; 5:15:03 PM by DW
			<<Ported from FlickrRivr.
	local (adrdata = log2.init (), framecolor = "DCDCDC", cellBgColor = "FFFFFF");
	local (adrcal = @adrdata^.calendar, now = ());
	local (flusecache = false, adrcache = @system.temp.log2.viewLogCache);
	if flusecache {
		if not defined (adrcache^) {
			new (tabletype, adrcache)};
		if source == nil {
			adrcache = @adrcache^.["nil"]}
		else {
			adrcache = @adrcache^.[string (source)]};
		if defined (adrcache^) {
			return (adrcache^)}};
	<<local (pta = html.getpagetableaddress ())
	local (htmltext = "\r", indentlevel = 0, navtable);
	on add (s) {
		htmltext = htmltext + string.filledstring ("\t", indentlevel) + s + "\r"};
	bundle { //add next/prev links
		if flHeaderFooter {
			local (prevlink = "Previous", nextlink = "Next");
			bundle { //set prevlink
				local (nomad = when);
				loop {
					nomad = date.yesterday (nomad);
					if date.sameday (nomad, mainresponder.calendar.getfirstday (adrcal)) {
					try {
						local (adrtable = mainresponder.calendar.getdayaddress (adrcal, nomad, false));
						if defined (adrtable^) {
							local (day, month, year, hour, minute, second);
							date.get (nomad, @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @second);
							month = string.padwithzeros (month, 2);
							day = string.padwithzeros (day, 2);
							prevlink = "<a href=\"" + pta^.uri + "?d=" + year + "/" + month + "/" + day + "\">" + prevlink + "</a>";
					else {
			bundle { //set nextlink
				local (nomad = when);
				loop {
					if date.sameday (nomad, now) {
					nomad = date.tomorrow (nomad);
					local (adrtable = mainresponder.calendar.getdayaddress (adrcal, nomad, false));
					if defined (adrtable^) {
						local (day, month, year, hour, minute, second);
						date.get (nomad, @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @second);
						month = string.padwithzeros (month, 2);
						day = string.padwithzeros (day, 2);
						nextlink = "<a href=\"" + pta^.uri + "?d=" + year + "/" + month + "/" + day + "\">" + nextlink + "</a>";
			navtable = "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td>" + date.longstring (when) + "</td><td align=\"right\">" + prevlink + " / " + nextlink + "</td></tr></table>";
			add (navtable + "<br>")}};
	add ("<center>"); indentlevel++;
	if flNestedTable {
		add ("<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr bgcolor=\"" + frameColor + "\"><td>"); indentlevel++};
	add ("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"5\">"); indentlevel++;
	bundle { //add header
		add ("<tr bgcolor=\"" + cellBgColor + "\">"); indentlevel++;
		add ("<td><b>Event</b></td>");
		add ("<td><b>What Happened</b></td>");
		<<add ("<td><center><b>Picture</b></center></td>") //11/23/07 by DW -- disabled
		add ("<td align=\"right\"><b>When</b></td>");
		add ("<td align=\"right\"><b>Seconds</b></td>");
		add ("</tr>"); indentlevel--};
	local (ct = 0);
	on doOneItem (adritem) {
		if source != nil { //7/16/09 by DW
			if adritem^.source != source {
		if flusecache and defined (adritem^.cache) {
			add (adritem^.cache)}
		else {
			local (s);
			if flNestedTable {
				s = s + "<tr bgcolor=\"" + cellBgColor + "\">"}
			else {
				s = s + "<tr>"};
			s = s + "<td valign=\"top\" nowrap>" + adritem^.eventType + " </td>";
			bundle { //add htmltext
				local (htt = adritem^.htmlText);
				htt = string.replaceall (htt, "/frimg/", "/pfi/");
				s = s + "<td valign=\"top\">" + htt + "</td>"};
			<<bundle //imghtml, you can simplify this tomorrow,  //11/23/07 by DW -- disabled
				<<if defined (adritem^.imghtml)
					<<s = s + "<td valign=\"top\"><center>" + adritem^.imghtml + "</center></td>"
					<<s = s + "<td valign=\"top\"> </td>"
			local (when = date (xml.convertToDisplayName (nameof (adritem^))));
			s = s + "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"right\" nowrap>" + date.viewDate (when) + "</td>";
			s = s + "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"right\" nowrap>" + adritem^.secs + "</td>";
			s = s + "</tr>";
			adritem^.cache = s;
			add (s)};
		return (++ct < maxitems)};
	if flSingleDay {
		local (adrday = mainresponder.calendar.getdayaddress (adrcal, when), i);
		for i = sizeof (adrday^) downto 1 {
			if not doOneItem (@adrday^ [i]) {
	else {
		mainresponder.calendar.visitReverseChronologic (adrcal, @doOneItem)};
	if flNestedTable {
		add ("</td></tr></table>"); indentlevel--};
	add ("</table>"); indentlevel--;
	add ("</center>"); indentlevel--;
	if flHeaderFooter {
		add ("<br>" + navtable)};
	filemenu.savemyroot (adrcal);
	if flusecache {
		adrcache^ = htmlText};
	return (htmlText)};
bundle { //test code
	webbrowser.displaytext (view (source:"river2"))}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.