Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.


on addToOutline (item, flHourlyRoll=true, outlineUrl=nil, logname="default", startticks=nil) {
		<<4/21/09; 2:40:27 PM by DW
			<<Call log.init.
		<<6/14/05; 8:14:24 PM by DW
			<<Optional outlineUrl param, defaults nil. If not nil, it represents the outline that's being logged about, for example it might be the outline being uploaded. 
		<<6/13/05; 5:20:43 AM by DW
			<<Created. A modern version of outline-based logging.
	on savelog () {
		system.temp.log.addsSinceSave = 0; //reset counter
		on pad (num) {
			return (string.padwithzeros (num, 2))};
		local (day, month, year, hour, minute, second);
		date.get (now, @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @second);
		local (f = user.log.prefs.folder + year + "." + pad (month) + "." + pad (day));
		if logname == "default" {
			f = f  + ".opml"}
		else {
			f = f  + "-" + logname + ".opml"};
		file.surefilepath (f);
		file.writewholefile (f, op.outlinetoxml (adroutline))};
	local (now = ());
	local (adroutline = @user.log.outlines.[logname]);
	log.init (); //4/21/09 by DW
	<<semaphores.lock (string (adroutline), 3600)
	bundle { //start outline fresh if new day
		local (flnewday = false, theDay = (now));
		if not defined (system.temp.log.dayLastLogAdd) {
			system.temp.log.dayLastLogAdd = 0};
		if theDay != system.temp.log.dayLastLogAdd {
			flnewday = true};
		if flnewday {
			try {savelog ()};
			new (outlinetype, adroutline);
			system.temp.log.lasthour = 0};
		system.temp.log.dayLastLogAdd = theDay};
	if not defined (adroutline^) {
		system.temp.log.lasthour = 0;
		new (outlinetype, adroutline)};
	local (oldtarget = target.set (adroutline));
	on additem (item, dir) {
		local (secs = "");
		bundle { //set secs
			if startticks != nil {
				local (s = string (double (clock.ticks () - startticks) / 60));
				local (lod = string.nthfield (s, ".", 1));
				local (rod = string.nthfield (s, ".", 2));
				if sizeof (rod) > 3 {
					rod = string.mid (rod, 1, 3)}
				else {
					if sizeof (rod) < 3 {
						rod = string.padwithzeros (rod, 3)}};
				secs = lod + "." + rod}};
		op.insert (item + " at " + date.timestring (now, true) + ", " + secs + " secs.", dir);
		if outlineUrl != nil {
			local (atts);
			new (tabletype, @atts);
			atts.type = "link";
			atts.url = outlineUrl;
			op.attributes.addgroup (@atts)}};
	if flHourlyRoll {
		local (day, month, year, hour, minute, second, flroll = false, insertdir = up);
		date.get (now, @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @second);
		if not defined (system.temp.log.lasthour) {
			flroll = true}
		else {
			flroll = (hour != system.temp.log.lasthour)};
		if flroll {
			op.firstsummit ();
			op.insert (date.timestring (date.set (day, month, year, hour, 0, 0), false), up);
			insertdir = right}
		else {
			op.firstsummit ();
			insertdir = right};
		additem (item, insertdir);
		system.temp.log.lasthour = hour}
	else {
		op.firstsummit ();
		additem (item, up)};
	target.set (oldtarget);
	if system.temp.log.addsSinceSave++ > user.log.prefs.addsBetweenSaves {
		savelog ()}};
	<<semaphores.unlock (string (adroutline))
	<<local (oldTarget = target.get ())
		<<if not defined (adroutline^)
			<<new (outlineType, adroutline)
			<<if flViewLog
				<<edit (adroutline)
		<<on addstring (s)
			<<s = s + "; on " + now
			<<if op.getlinetext () == ""
				<<op.setlinetext (s)
				<<op.insert (s, up)
		<<target.set (adroutline)
		<<op.firstSummit ()
		<<case typeof (item)
				<<addstring (item)
				<<if sizeOf (item) > 0
					<<local (i, dir = right)
					<<addstring (item [1])
					<<for i = 2 to sizeof (item)
						<<op.insert (item [i], dir)
						<<dir = down
					<<if dir == down
						<<op.go (left, 1)
				<<addstring (string (item))
		<<target.set (oldTarget)
		<<if flViewLog
			<<edit (adroutline)
bundle { //test code
	local (tc = clock.ticks () - 150);
	for i = 1 to 1 {
		local (item = states.nthstate (random (1, 50)));
		addToOutline (item, startticks:tc)}}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.