Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:03 AM.

on updateUser (adrupdate) {
		<<8/21/10; 5:11:04 PM by DW
			<<Toss my outline if the update came from another computer. When I receive a new outline, if it's from me, if I have an outline window open, if the two outlines are not identical, toss the local copy of the outline. 
		<<7/15/10; 10:55:55 AM by DW
	local (adrdata = io.init ());
	local (username = adrupdate^.username, startticks = clock.ticks ());
	local (adruser = io.client.initUser (username));
	op.xmltooutline (adrupdate^.data, @adruser^.outline);
	bundle { //op.xmltooutline leaves the window open
		if window.isopen (@adruser^.outline) { //7/5/10 by DW
			window.close (@adruser^.outline)}};
	adruser^.stats.ctTicksOutlineCompile = clock.ticks () - startticks;
	adruser^.stats.whenLastUpdate = ();
	adruser^.stats.flDirty = true;
	io.client.boldenBuddy (username);
	bundle { //toss my outline if the update came from another computer, 8/21/10 by DW
		if username == adrdata^.client.prefs.username { //it's my outline that's updating
			if defined ( { //my outline window is open
				local (fldelete = false);
				if defined ( {
					if adrupdate^.data != { //the update came from another computer
						fldelete = true};
					delete (}
				else {
					fldelete = true};
				if fldelete {
					delete (};
				bundle { //debug code
					new (tabletype, @scratchpad.comparisons); scratchpad.comparisons.opml1 = adrupdate^.data; scratchpad.comparisons.opml2 =}}}}};
bundle { //test code
	updateuser (@system.temp.realtime.client.updates.["0001249"])}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.