Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:03 AM.


on tenderRender (adr) { //turn an object into HTML
	<<This does the low-level object rendering that html.buildObject needs.
		<<This code used to be in, which calls this routine.
		<<And then passes the resulting text thru html.processMacros.
			<<Tue, Apr 23, 1996 at 7:48:33 AM by DW
				<<implement #directives, sets fields of table
					<<#title sets adrPageTable^.title
					<<#ftpSite sets adrPageTable^.ftpsite
					<<#template sets adrPageTable^.template
				<<work with a local copy of the object
					<<we will modify the object before rendering it if it contains #directives
			<<Thu, Dec 12, 1996 at 5:28:51 PM by DW
				<<Allow outline renderers to run from the tools table
			<<10/12/98; 7:47:08 PM by DW
				<<implement #renderTableWith
					<<it can reference either a script or an outline
					<<does the same kind of thing as #renderOutlineWith
				<<we used to copy the object into a local before rendering it
					<<but near as I can tell, only the outline renderers care
					<<it would be wasteful to do this for tables, and for other large-ish types
					<<I'm going to try using it without making the copy and see if it hurts
			<<9/13/99; 2:33:10 PM by PBS
				<<Bug fix: you can use outlines as renderers when rendering tables via #renderTableWith.
				<<The locateRenderer subroutine now takes an optional parameter, flOutlinesOkay, which is false by default, but true when rendering a table via #renderTableWith.
				<<If flOutlinesOkay is true, then the locateRenderer subroutine will correctly locate renderers that are outlines.
			<<9/20/99; 12:07:14 PM by PBS
				<<Table renderers can be wp-text objects also. The locateRenderer routine now takes an additional optional parameter -- flWpTextOkay -- if true then the renderer can be a wp-text object. When rendering tables, this is true, otherwise it's false (by default).
	on locateRenderer (name, flOutlinesOkay=false, flWpTextOkay=false) { //returns the address of the renderer
		local (adr);
		on isValidRenderer () {
			<<PBS 9/13/99: bottleneck script for determining if an address points to a valid renderer.
				<<Renderers must be a script -- unless this is a table rendered via #renderTableWith, in which case a renderer may be an outline.
			if not defined (adr^) { //if it's not defined, it's not a valid renderer
				return (false)};
			local (objectType = typeOf (adr^));
			if objectType == scriptType { //scripts are always okay
				return (true)};
			if flOutlinesOkay and objectType == outlineType { //outlines are okay for tables
				return (true)};
			if flWpTextOkay and objectType == wpTextType { //wp-text objects are okay for tables
				return (true)};
			return (false)};
		try { //try it first as an address
			adr = address (name);
			if isValidRenderer () {
				return (adr)}};
		if defined (adrPageTable^.tools) { //see if it's in the tools table
			if defined (adrPageTable^.tools^) { //PBS 9/13/99: was: try //tools might not be a table
				adr = @adrPageTable^.tools^.[name];
				if isValidRenderer () {
					return (adr)}}};
		bundle { //see if it's in user.html.renderers
			adr = @user.html.renderers.[name];
			if isValidRenderer () {
				return (adr)}};
		scriptError ("Can't find a rendering script named \"" + name + "\".")};
	local (adrPageTable = html.getPageTableAddress ());
	local (objectType = typeOf (adr^));
	local (s = "");
	case objectType {
		tableType {
			if defined (adrPageTable^.renderTableWith) { //a table renderer has been defined
				local (name = adrPageTable^.renderTableWith);
				local (adrRenderer = locateRenderer (name, flOutlinesOkay:true, flWpTextOkay:true));
				case typeOf (adrRenderer^) {
					scriptType {
						s = adrRenderer^ (adr)}}
				else {
					adrPageTable^.adrTable = adr; //to be picked up by macros in the text
					s = html.runDirectives (string (adrRenderer^), adrPageTable)}}
			else {
				local (i);
				s = "<table width = 66% cellpadding=3 border = 1>\r<td><b>Name</b></td> <td><b>Value</b></td> <td><b>Kind</b></td>\r";
				for i = 1 to sizeOf (adr^) {
					local (itemaddress = @adr^ [i]);
					local (itemname = nameOf (itemaddress^));
					local (itemsize = sizeOf (itemaddress^));
					local (itemtype = typeOf (itemaddress^));
					local (flnowrapvalue = true);
					local (namestring, typestring, valuestring);
					s = s + "<tr>";
					<<namestring = "<a href=\"aretha.www.getpage.fcgi$" + string.urlEncode (string (itemaddress)) + "\">" + itemname + "</a>"
					namestring = itemname;
					valuestring = "---";
					case itemtype {
						directionType { <<added 4/27/96 DW
							valuestring = string (itemaddress^);
							typestring = "direction"};
						rgbType { <<added 4/27/96 DW
							valuestring = string (itemaddress^);
							typestring = "rgb"};
						pointType { <<added 4/27/96 DW
							valuestring = string (itemaddress^);
							typestring = "point"};
						rectType { <<added 4/27/96 DW
							valuestring = string (itemaddress^);
							typestring = "rect"};
						filespecType { <<added 4/27/96 DW
							valuestring = string (itemaddress^);
							typestring = "filespec"};
						aliastype {
							valuestring = string (itemaddress^);
							typestring = "alias [" + itemsize + "]"};
						binarytype {
							valuestring = itemsize + " bytes";
							typestring = "binary [" + getBinaryType (itemaddress^) + "]"};
						booleantype {
							valuestring = string (itemaddress^);
							typestring = "boolean"};
						chartype {
							valuestring = itemaddress^;
							typestring = "character"};
						datetype { <<added 12/11/95 DW
							valuestring = string (itemaddress^);
							typestring = "date"};
						addresstype { <<added 12/11/95 DW
							valuestring = string (itemaddress^);
							typestring = "address"};
						listtype {
							valuestring = itemaddress^;
							typestring = "list [" + itemsize + "]"};
						longtype {
							valuestring = string (itemaddress^);
							typestring = "number"};
						menubartype {
							valuestring = itemsize + " lines";
							typestring = "menu"};
						outlinetype {
							valuestring = itemsize + " lines";
							typestring = "outline"};
						scripttype {
							valuestring = itemsize + " lines";
							typestring = "script"};
						shorttype {
							valuestring = string (itemaddress^);
							typestring = "number"};
						string4type {
							valuestring = string (itemaddress^);
							typestring = "string4"};
						stringtype {
							valuestring = itemaddress^;
							typestring = "string [" + sizeof (valuestring) + "]"};
							<<flnowrapvalue = false <<let the browser client wrap this cell
						tabletype {
							local (itemcount = itemsize);
							if defined (itemaddress^.["{aretha stats}"]) {
							if itemcount == 1 {
								valuestring = itemcount + " item"}
							else {
								valuestring = itemcount + " items"};
							typestring = "table"};
						wptexttype {
							valuestring = itemsize + " chars";
							typestring = "wptext"};
							<<flnowrapvalue = false <<let the browser client wrap this cell
						picturetype {
							valuestring =  itemsize + " bytes";
							typestring = "picture"}};
					local (maxvaluelen = 80, valuelen);
					valuelen = sizeof (valuestring);
					if valuelen > maxvaluelen {
						valuestring = string.mid (valuestring, 1, maxvaluelen) + "..."};
					on td (flnowrap, itemtext) {
						local (s = "<td");
						if flnowrap {
							s = s + " NOWRAP"};
						s = s + ">" + itemtext + "</td>";
						return (s)};
					<<valuestring = string.replaceAll (valuestring, "<", "<") <<make sure HTML codes are readable
					s = s + td (true, namestring);
					<<s = s + td (flnowrapvalue, html.cleanforexport (valuestring))
					if sizeof (valuestring) == 0 {
						valuestring = "."};
					s = s + td (flnowrapvalue, valuestring);
					s = s + td (true, typestring);
					s = s + "\r"};
				s = s + "</table>\r"}};
		outlineType {
			local (localOutline = adr^); //work with a copy of the outline
			adr = @localOutline;
			html.runOutlineDirectives (adr, adrPageTable); //deletes the #attributes
			if defined (adrPageTable^.renderOutlineWith) {
				local (name = adrPageTable^.renderOutlineWith);
				local (adrScript = locateRenderer (name)); //scriptErrors if it fails
				local (oldTarget = target.set (adr));
				s = adrScript^ (adr);
				try {target.set (oldTarget)}}
			else {
				s = html.getOutlineHtml (adr, "\r<ul>", "\r</ul>", "\r<li>", "</li>")}};
		wpTextType {
			s = html.runDirectives (string (adr^), adrPageTable)};
		scriptType {
			s = string (adr^ ())}; //call the script, return the string it returns
		fileSpecType {
			local (f = adr^);
			if file.isAlias (f) {
				f = file.followAlias (f)};
			if true {
				s = s + html.runDirectives (string (file.readWholeFile (f)), adrPageTable)}
			else {
				scriptError (file.fileFromPath (f) + " is not a text file")}};
		addressType {
			return (html.tenderRender (adr^))}} //recurse
	else {
		try {
			s = "<pre>" + string (adr^) + "</pre>"}
		else {
			scriptError ("Can't render \"" + string (adr) + "\" because its type is \"" + objectType + "\"")}};
	return (s)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.