Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:03 AM.


on write (adrData, path, type, creator, creationDate, adrPageTable, adrStorage) {
	<<This script is called whenever a file needs to be written somewhere.
			<<adrData: this is the address of data the file should contain.
			<<path: path is a relative, /-delimited path.
				<<It's relative to the ftpSite^.folder.
			<<type: the file type.
			<<creator: the file creator.
			<<creationDate: should be the creation data of the file.
			<<adrPageTable: the address of the current page data table.
		<<This script doesn't have to write the file immediately --
			<<it could defer writing until the shutdown script is called.
			<<Thu, Jun 3, 1999 at 10:21:35 PM by PBS
				<<Put brackets around elements in path, so table names like 1999 would become ["1999"].
				<<Reworked the bundle that gets odbAddress from the ftpSite to avoid using try statements.
	local (adrFtpSite);
	local (objectName, adrItem);
	local (templateName = html.getCurrentTemplateName (adrPageTable));
	on assureTablePath (s) {
		table.sureDatabaseOpen (s);
		local (pathList = string.parseAddress (s));
		local (adr = @[pathList [1]]);
		local (i);
		if not defined (adr^) {
			new (tableType, adr)};
		for i = 2 to sizeOf (pathList) - 1 {
			adr = @adr^.[pathList [i]];
			if not defined (adr^) {
				new (tableType, adr)}};
		return (adr)};
	on getSuffix (s, chsep = '.') {
		local (i, suffix = "");
		for i = sizeOf (s) downto 1 {
			local (ch = s [i]);
			if ch == chsep {
			suffix = ch + suffix};
		return (suffix)};
	adrFtpSite = html.getSiteTable (adrPageTable);
	bundle { //get the odb address specified in the #ftpSite
		on setDest (adrOdbAddress) {
			if typeOf (adrOdbAddress^) == scriptType {
				adrItem = adrOdbAddress^ ()}
			else {
				adrItem = string (adrOdbAddress^)}};
		if defined (adrFtpSite^.[templateName].odbAddress) {
			setDest (@adrFtpSite^.[templateName].odbAddress)}
		else {
			setDest (@adrFtpSite^.odbAddress)}};
	objectName = getSuffix (path, '/');
	if path contains "/" {
		path = string.popSuffix (path, '/');
		<<Make brackets out of fields in path. PBS 6/3/99
		local (ct = 1);
		local (oldPath = path);
		path = "";
		loop {
			local (s = string.nthField (oldPath, '/', ct));
			if s == "" {
			s = "[\"" + s + "\"]";
			path = path + "." + s;
	else {
		path = ""};
	path = string.replaceAll (path, "/", ".");
	path = path + ".[\"" + objectName + "\"]";
	if not (path beginsWith ".") {
		path = "." + path};
	adrItem = adrItem + path;
	assureTablePath (adrItem);
	if typeOf (adrData^) == stringType {
		wp.newTextObject (adrData^, adrItem)}
	else {
		try {delete (adrItem)};
		adrItem^ = adrData^};
	if not defined (adrStorage^.adrDatabase) { //save adrDatabase for shutdown script
		local (adrDatabase = string.parseAddress (adrItem));
		adrDatabase = adrDatabase [1];
		adrStorage^.adrDatabase = adrDatabase};
	return (true)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.