Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:03 AM.


on draw (pta = nil) { //Draws the HTML form for an htmlDialog
		<<7/29/05; 7:30:39 PM by DW
			<<Changed the default max length on strings to 255. It was 25, which made life unnecessarily difficult for users.
		<<Tuesday, August 08, 2000 at 3:02:54 PM by JES
			<<Removed requirement for a prefs table within the wizard table. Fixed problem getting default values when a getValue callback is not defined.
		<<Sat, Sep 2, 2000 at 11:45:28 PM by JES
			<<New type, HTML, which is a textarea with an HTML editor.
		<<Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 5:41:22 PM by JES
			<<Added prompt item type, and okButtonText and cancelButtonText attributes to the panel. Added align attribute to item elements.
		<<Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 6:49:09 PM by JES
			<<Small adjustment to spacing of rendered dialog items.
		<<2/28/01; 3:34:07 PM by JES
			<<If pta^.flDrawCancelButton is defined and false, don't draw the Cancel button.
		<<Monday, July 24, 2000 at 11:56:49 PM by JES
			<<Rewritten to handle multi-column forms
			<<bundle // old version
				<<on draw (pta=nil)
					<<Draws the HTML form for an htmlDialog
						<<Monday, July 24, 2000 at 4:10:04 PM by JES
							<<Changed formatting of preferences items, to make the dialogs look more like standard Windows dialogs.
					<<if not system.environment.isWindows
						<<scriptError ("HTML dialogs are only available on Windows.")
					<<if pta == nil
						<<pta = html.getPageTableAddress ()
					<<local (prefsAddress = pta^.wizardPrefsAddress)
					<<local (adrWizard = pta^.wizard)
					<<local (adrCallbacks = @adrwizard^.callbacks, flCallbacks = defined (adrCallbacks^))
					<<local (panelNum = pta^.panelNum)
					<<local (htmlText = "", indentLevel = 0)
					<<local (adrPanel)
					<<local (panelTitle, panelType, description)
					<<local (pageName = nameOf (pta^.adrobject^))
					<<local (valueString)
					<<on add (s)
						<<htmlText = htmlText + string.filledString ("\t", indentLevel) + s + "\r"
					<<html.dialog.compileIfDirty (pta) //compile the XML if needed
					<<bundle //get the address of the panel structure
						<<local (panelList = xml.getAddressList (@adrWizard^.structure [1], "panel"))
						<<adrPanel = panelList [panelNum]
					<<bundle //get the panel title, description, height, width, and type
						<<panelTitle = xml.getAttribute (adrPanel, "title")^
						<<pta^.title = panelTitle
						<<bundle // height and width, replaced in the CSS later
							<<try //get dialog height
								<<height = xml.getAttributeValue (adrPanel, "height")
								<<height = 250
							<<try //get dialog width
								<<width = xml.getAttributeValue (adrPanel, "width")
								<<width = 250
						<<try //get dialog description
							<<description = xml.getValue (adrPanel, "description")
							<<description = string.replaceAll (description, "\t", "")
							<<description = string.replaceAll (description, "\r", "<p>")
						<<try //get dialog type
							<<panelType = xml.getAttribute (adrPanel, "type")^
					<<bundle //handle the cascading style sheet
						<<if typeOf (pta^.css) == addressType
							<<pta^.css = string (pta^.css^)
						<<pta^.css = string.replaceAll (pta^.css, "[[height]]", height)
						<<pta^.css = string.replaceAll (pta^.css, "[[width]]", width)
					<<if panelType // short-circuit for special types
						<<Right now, there are only two special types, notify and alert
							<<notify corresponds to dialog.notify()
								<<static text with no inputs, and only an OK button.
							<<alert corresponds to dialog.alert()
								<<same as dialog.notify, but with a beep
						<<on doNotifyOrAlert ()
							<<local (s, adrText = xml.getAttribute (adrPanel, "adr")^)
							<<bundle // page table attributes to make it easy to edit the text
								<<pta^.javaScript = ""
								<<pta^.clayCompatibility = true
								<<pta^.autoParagraphs = true
							<<bundle // the top part of the window -- above the buttons
								<<s = "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">\r"
								<<s = s + string (adrText^) + "\r"
								<<s = s + "</td></tr>\r"
							<<bundle // add the OK button at the bottom
								<<s = s + "<tr><td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"right\">\r"
								<<s = s + "<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.close ()\" value=\"    OK    \">\r<p>"
								<<s = s + "</td></tr></table>"
							<<return (s)
						<<case panelType
								<<speaker.beep ()
								<<return (doNotifyOrAlert ())
								<<return (doNotifyOrAlert ())
					<<on getPrefAddress (partialAddress) //takes a partial address, returns an address into user's member table
						<<local (nomad = @prefsAddress^, s)
						<<partialAddress = string.replaceAll (partialAddress, "_", ".")
							<<if not (partialAddress contains ".")
								<<nomad = @nomad^.[partialAddress]
							<<s = string.nthField (partialAddress, '.', 1)
							<<nomad = @nomad^.[s]
							<<if not defined (nomad^)
								<<new (tableType, nomad)
							<<partialAddress = string.delete (partialAddress, 1, sizeOf (s) + 1)
						<<return (nomad)
					<<local (adrTable = @pta^.argTable, ct = sizeof (adrTable^), i, adrItem, val)
					<<bundle //add the form with the items
						<<add ("<table cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"); indentlevel++
						<<local (itemlist = xml.getAddressList (adrpanel, "item"))
						<<local (ct = sizeof (itemList), i, adritem, adr, title, type, popuptext, defaultvalue, inRow = false, colspan, colspanString)
						<<for i = 1 to ct
							<<adritem = itemlist [i]
							<<bundle //set title
								<<title = ""
								<<try // not all items have titles -- rowStart and rowEnd types are examples
									<<title = string.replaceAll (xml.getattribute (adritem, "title")^, " ", " ")
							<<try // get the colspan attribute
								<<colspan = false
								<<colspanString = ""
								<<colspan = xml.getattribute (adritem, "colspan")^
								<<colspanString = " colspan=\"" + colspan + "\""
							<<type = string.lower (xml.getattribute (adritem, "type")^) //types are unicase
							<<case string.lower (type) // handle special cases: separator, rowStart and rowEnd
									<<bundle // add the sub-table for the heading
										<<add ("<tr><td" + colspanString + " style=\"padding-left: 8;\">"); indentlevel++
										<<add ("<p><br><table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr>"); indentlevel++
										<<add ("<td valign=\"top\">" + string.replaceAll (title, " ", " ") + "  </td>")
										<<add ("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100%\"><hr></td>")
										<<add ("</tr></table>"); indentlevel--
										<<add ("</td></tr>"); indentlevel--
									<<add ("<tr>"); indentlevel++
									<<inRow = true
									<<add ("</tr>"); indentlevel--
									<<inRow = false
							<<try // get the address of the pref
								<<adr = xml.getattribute (adritem, "adr")^ //adr attribute is optional, for example separators don't have adrs
								<<adr = ""
							<<adr = string.replaceAll (adr, ".", "_")
							<<if not inRow
								<<add ("<tr>"); indentlevel++
							<<bundle //set defaultvalue
								<<defaultvalue = ""
									<<local (adrobject = getPrefAddress (adr))
									<<if typeof (adrobject^) == tabletype //it's a multi-part object
										<<defaultvalue = adrobject^.filename
										<<if typeOf (adrObject^) == listType
											<<defaultvalue = string (adrobject^)
											<<defaultvalue = adrobject^
								<<if flcallbacks
									<<local (adrcallback = @adrcallbacks^.getValue)
									<<if defined (adrcallback^)
										<<defaultvalue = adrcallback^ (string.replaceAll (adr, "_", "."), defaultvalue) //adr is the partial address, the callback should be a big case statement, based on which value is being asked for
							<<local (titleOnRight = false)
							<<local (titleOnTop = false)
							<<case string.lower (type) // set booleans for formatting the item's title.
									<<titleOnTop = true
									<<titleOnRight = true
							<<if titleOnRight // checkbox item titles go on the right side
								<<add ("<td style=\"padding-left:60;\" colspan=\"2\">"); indentlevel++
								<<if titleOnTop
									<<add ("<td valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding-left:60;\" colspan=\"2\">" + title + "<br>"); indentlevel++
									<<add ("<td valign=\"middle\" style=\"padding-left:60;\">" + title + "</td>")
									<<add ("<td>"); indentlevel++
							<<case string.lower (type) // add the form's input elements
									<<local (size = adrWizard^.prefs.stringDefaultSize, maxlength = adrWizard^.prefs.stringDefaultMaxLength)
									<<try {size = xml.getattribute (adritem, "size")^}
									<<try {maxlength = xml.getattribute (adritem, "maxlength")^}
									<<add ("<input type=\"text\" name=\"" + adr + "\" size=\"" + size + "\" maxlength=\"" + maxlength + "\" value=\"" + defaultvalue + "\">")
									<<Add the hidden field so the value is processed with the form, add just the defualt value as the static display.
									<<add (defaultvalue)
									<<add ("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + adr + "\" value=\"" + defaultvalue + "\">")
									<<Add the hidden field so the value is processed with the form.
									<<add ("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + adr + "\" value=\"" + defaultvalue + "\">")
									<<<SELECT name="state">
										<<<OPTION>Select a state
										<<<OPTION VALUE="AL">Alabama 
										<<<OPTION VALUE="AK">Alaska 
										<<<OPTION VALUE="AZ">Arizona 
										<<<OPTION VALUE="AR">Arkansas 
									<<add ("<select name=\"" + adr + "\">"); indentLevel++
									<<local (optionList = xml.getAddressList (adritem, "option"))
									<<local (i, ct = sizeof (optionList), title, value, s)
									<<for i = 1 to ct
										<<title = xml.getAttribute (optionList [i], "title")^
										<<value = xml.getAttribute (optionList [i], "value")^
										<<s = ""
										<<if defaultValue == value
											<<s = " selected"
										<<add ("<option value=\"" + value + "\"" + s + ">" + title + "</option>")
									<<add ("</select>"); indentlevel--
									<<local (size = adrWizard^.prefs.passwordDefaultSize, maxlength = adrWizard^.prefs.passwordDefaultMaxLength)
									<<try {size = xml.getAttribute (adritem, "size")^}
									<<try {maxlength = xml.getAttribute (adritem, "maxlength")^}
									<<add ("<input type=\"password\" name=\"" + adr + "\" size=\"" + size + "\" maxlength=\"" + maxlength + "\" value=\"" + defaultValue + "\">")
									<<local (rows = adrWizard^.prefs.textDefaultRows, cols = adrWizard^.prefs.textDefaultCols)
									<<try {rows = xml.getattribute (adritem, "rows")^}
									<<try {cols = xml.getattribute (adritem, "cols")^}
									<<add ("<textarea name=\"" + adr + "\" rows=\"" + rows + "\" cols=\"" + cols + "\" wrap=\"soft\">" + defaultvalue + "</textarea>")
									<<on addradio (val, flchecked, linetext)
										<<local (s = "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"" + adr + "\" value=" + val)
										<<if flchecked
											<<s = s + " checked"
										<<add (s + ">" + linetext)
									<<addradio ("true", boolean (defaultvalue), "Yes")
									<<addradio ("false", !boolean (defaultvalue), "No")
									<<add ("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"" + adr + "\" value=" + "1 checked" + ">" + "Yes")
									<<add ("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"" + adr + "\" value=\"" + "0" + "\">" + "No")
									<<if defaultvalue
										<<add ("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" + adr + "\"  value=\"" + defaultvalue + "\" checked>")
										<<add ("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" + adr + "\"  value=\"" + defaultvalue + "\">")
									<<add ("<input name=\"" + adr + "\" type=\"file\" size=\"40\" value=\"" + defaultvalue + "\">")
									<<if flcallbacks //allow application to do object rendering
										<<local (adrcallback = @adrcallbacks^.customRenderer)
										<<if defined (adrcallback^)
											<<add (adrcallback^ (string.replaceAll (adr, "_", "."), defaultvalue, adritem)) //send the partial address, the default value, and the address of the XML table of the object being rendered
										<<add (" ")
							<<else // unrecognized type -- don't render an input element
								<<add (" ")
							<<case type // use correct JavaScript corresponding to input type
									<<valueString = valueString + "\"" + adr + "=\" + " + adr + ".status"
									<<valueString = valueString + "\"" + adr + "=\" + " + adr + "[0].checked"
								<<valueString = valueString + "\"" + adr + "=\" + " + adr + ".value"
							<<if i < ct
								<<valueString = valueString + " + \"&\" + "
							<<if titleOnRight // checkbox item titles go on the right side
								<<add ("<td valign=\"middle\">" + title + "</td>")
								<<add (title + "</td>")
							<<add ("</td>"); indentlevel--
							<<if not inRow
								<<add ("</tr>"); indentlevel--
						<<add ("<tr>"); indentlevel++
						<<add ("<td> </td>")
						<<bundle //add OK and Cancel buttons
							<<local (s)
							<<s = s + " <input type=\"button\" onclick=\"doCancel ()\" value=\"Cancel\">"
							<<s = s + " <input type=\"submit\" onclick=\"doOkay ()\" value=\"    OK    \">"
							<<add ("<td align=\"right\" colspan=\"10\"><p><br>" + s + "</td>")
						<<add ("</tr>"); indentlevel--
						<<add ("</table>"); indentlevel--
						<<add ("</form>"); indentlevel--
					<<bundle //handle JavaScript script
						<<if typeOf (pta^.javaScript) == addressType
							<<pta^.javaScript = string (pta^.javaScript^)
						<<pta^.javaScript = string.replace (pta^.javaScript, "[[values]]", valueString)
					<<return (htmlText)
	if not system.environment.isWindows {
		scriptError ("HTML dialogs are only available on Windows.")};
	if pta == nil {
		pta = html.getPageTableAddress ()};
	local (prefsAddress = pta^.wizardPrefsAddress);
	local (adrWizard = pta^.wizard);
	local (adrCallbacks = @adrwizard^.callbacks, flCallbacks = defined (adrCallbacks^));
	local (panelNum = pta^.panelNum);
	local (htmlText = "", indentLevel = 0);
	local (adrPanel);
	local (panelTitle, panelType, description, okButtonText = "    OK    ", cancelButtonText = "Cancel");
	local (pageName = nameOf (pta^.adrobject^));
	local (valueString);
	on add (s) {
		htmlText = htmlText + string.filledString ("\t", indentLevel) + s + "\r"};
	html.dialog.compileIfDirty (pta); //compile the XML if needed
	bundle { //get the address of the panel structure
		local (panelList = xml.getAddressList (@adrWizard^.structure [1], "panel"));
		adrPanel = panelList [panelNum]};
	bundle { //get the panel title, description, height, width, and type
		panelTitle = xml.getAttribute (adrPanel, "title")^;
		pta^.title = panelTitle;
		bundle { // height and width, replaced in the CSS later
			try { //get dialog height
				height = xml.getAttributeValue (adrPanel, "height")}
			else {
				height = 250};
			try { //get dialog width
				width = xml.getAttributeValue (adrPanel, "width")}
			else {
				width = 250}};
		try { //get dialog description
			description = xml.getValue (adrPanel, "description");
			description = string.replaceAll (description, "\t", "");
			description = string.replaceAll (description, "\r", "<p>")};
		try { //get dialog type
			panelType = xml.getAttribute (adrPanel, "type")^};
		try { //get okButtonText
			okButtonText = xml.getAttribute (adrPanel, "okButtonText")^};
		try { // getCancelButtonText
			cancelButtonText = xml.getAttribute (adrPanel, "cancelButtonText")^}};
	bundle { //handle the cascading style sheet
		if typeOf (pta^.css) == addressType {
			pta^.css = string (pta^.css^)};
		pta^.css = string.replaceAll (pta^.css, "[[height]]", height);
		pta^.css = string.replaceAll (pta^.css, "[[width]]", width)};
	if panelType { // short-circuit for special types -- alert and notify
		<<Right now, there are only two special types, notify and alert
			<<notify corresponds to dialog.notify()
				<<static text with no inputs, and only an OK button.
			<<alert corresponds to dialog.alert()
				<<same as dialog.notify, but with a beep
		on doNotifyOrAlert () {
			local (s, adrText = xml.getAttribute (adrPanel, "adr")^);
			bundle { // page table attributes to make it easy to edit the text
				pta^.javaScript = "";
				pta^.clayCompatibility = true;
				pta^.autoParagraphs = true};
			bundle { // the top part of the window -- above the buttons
				s = "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">\r";
				s = s + string (adrText^) + "\r";
				s = s + "</td></tr>\r"};
			bundle { // add the OK button at the bottom
				s = s + "<tr><td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"right\">\r";
				s = s + "<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.close ()\" value=\"    OK    \">\r<p>";
				s = s + "</td></tr></table>"};
			return (s)};
		case panelType {
			"alert" {
				speaker.beep ();
				return (doNotifyOrAlert ())};
			"notify" {
				return (doNotifyOrAlert ())}}};
	on getPrefAddress (partialAddress) { //takes a partial address, returns an address into user's member table
		local (nomad = @prefsAddress^, s);
		partialAddress = string.replaceAll (partialAddress, "_", ".");
		loop {
			if not (partialAddress contains ".") {
				nomad = @nomad^.[partialAddress];
			s = string.nthField (partialAddress, '.', 1);
			nomad = @nomad^.[s];
			if not defined (nomad^) {
				new (tableType, nomad)};
			partialAddress = string.delete (partialAddress, 1, sizeOf (s) + 1)};
		return (nomad)};
	bundle { //add the form with the items
		on getDefaultValue (adr) {
			local (defaultvalue = "");
			try {
				local (adrobject = getPrefAddress (adr));
				if typeof (adrobject^) == tabletype { //it's a multi-part object
					defaultvalue = adrobject^.filename}
				else {
					if typeOf (adrObject^) == listType {
						defaultvalue = string (adrobject^)}
					else {
						defaultvalue = adrobject^}}};
			if flcallbacks {
				local (adrcallback = @adrcallbacks^.getValue);
				if defined (adrcallback^) {
					defaultvalue = adrcallback^ (string.replaceAll (adr, "_", "."), defaultvalue)}}; //adr is the partial address, the callback should be a big case statement, based on which value is being asked for
			return (defaultValue)};
		on startTable (padding=0) {
			add ("<table cellpadding=\"" + padding + "\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"); indentlevel++};
		on endTable () {
			add ("</table>"); indentlevel--};
		on startRow (padding=0) {
			add ("<tr><td style=\"padding-left: " + padding + ";\"> </td>"); indentlevel++};
			<<add ("<tr><td style=\"padding-left: " + padding + ";\">"); indentlevel++
		on endRow () {
			add ("</td></tr>"); indentlevel--};
			<<add ("</tr>"); indentlevel--
		on td (indent=0, align=nil) {
			local (styleString = "", alignString = "");
			if indent != 0 {
				styleString = " style=\"padding-left:" + indent + "\""};
			if align != nil {
				alignString = " align=\"" + align + "\""};
			add ("<td" + styleString + alignString + ">")};
		on addField (adrItem, type, adrPref="", defaultValue="") {
			case type { // add the form's input elements
				"text" {
					local (rows = adrWizard^.prefs.textDefaultRows, cols = adrWizard^.prefs.textDefaultCols);
					try {rows = xml.getattribute (adritem, "rows")^};
					try {cols = xml.getattribute (adritem, "cols")^};
					add ("<textarea name=\"" + adrPref + "\" rows=\"" + rows + "\" cols=\"" + cols + "\" wrap=\"soft\">" + defaultvalue + "</textarea>")};
				"html" {
					local (rows = adrWizard^.prefs.textDefaultRows, cols = adrWizard^.prefs.textDefaultCols);
					try {rows = xml.getattribute (adritem, "rows")^};
					try {cols = xml.getattribute (adritem, "cols")^};
					add (string (;
					add ("<textarea name=\"" + adrPref + "\" rows=\"" + rows + "\" cols=\"" + cols + "\" wrap=\"soft\">" + defaultvalue + "</textarea>")};
					<<Add the hidden field so the value is processed with the form, add just the defualt value as the static display.
					<<add (defaultvalue)
					<<add ("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + adrPref + "\" value=\"" + defaultvalue + "\">")
					<<<SELECT name="state">
						<<<OPTION>Select a state
						<<<OPTION VALUE="AL">Alabama 
						<<<OPTION VALUE="AK">Alaska 
						<<<OPTION VALUE="AZ">Arizona 
						<<<OPTION VALUE="AR">Arkansas 
					<<add ("<select name=\"" + adrPref + "\">"); indentLevel++
					<<local (optionList = xml.getAddressList (adritem, "option"))
					<<local (i, ct = sizeof (optionList), title, value, s)
					<<for i = 1 to ct
						<<title = xml.getAttribute (optionList [i], "title")^
						<<value = xml.getAttribute (optionList [i], "value")^
						<<s = ""
						<<if defaultValue == value
							<<s = " selected"
						<<add ("<option value=\"" + value + "\"" + s + ">" + title + "</option>")
					<<add ("</select>"); indentlevel--
					<<add ("<input name=\"" + adrPref + "\" type=\"file\" size=\"40\" value=\"" + defaultvalue + "\">")
				"string" {
					local (size = 25, maxlength = 255); // 08/08/00 JES: added defaults so adrWizard^.prefs can be undefined
					try {size = adrWizard^.prefs.stringDefaultSize};
					try {maxlength = adrWizard^.prefs.stringDefaultMaxLength};
					try {size = xml.getattribute (adritem, "size")^};
					try {maxlength = xml.getattribute (adritem, "maxlength")^};
					add ("<input type=\"text\" name=\"" + adrPref + "\" size=\"" + size + "\" maxlength=\"" + maxlength + "\" value=\"" + defaultvalue + "\">")};
				"password" {
					local (size = 25, maxlength = 25); // 08/08/00 JES: added defaults so adrWizard^.prefs can be undefined
					try {size = adrWizard^.prefs.stringDefaultSize};
					try {maxlength = adrWizard^.prefs.stringDefaultMaxLength};
					try {size = xml.getAttribute (adritem, "size")^};
					try {maxlength = xml.getAttribute (adritem, "maxlength")^};
					add ("<input type=\"password\" name=\"" + adrPref + "\" size=\"" + size + "\" maxlength=\"" + maxlength + "\" value=\"" + defaultValue + "\">")};
				"hidden" {
					<<Add the hidden field so the value is processed with the form.
					add ("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + adrPref + "\" value=\"" + defaultvalue + "\">")};
				"boolean" {
					on addradio (val, flchecked, linetext) {
						local (s = "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"" + adrPref + "\" value=" + val);
						if flchecked {
							s = s + " checked"};
						add (s + ">" + linetext)};
					addradio ("true", boolean (defaultvalue), "Yes");
					addradio ("false", !boolean (defaultvalue), "No")};
					<<add ("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"" + adrPref + "\" value=" + "1 checked" + ">" + "Yes")
					<<add ("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"" + adrPref + "\" value=\"" + "0" + "\">" + "No")
				"checkbox" {
					if defaultvalue {
						add ("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" + adrPref + "\"  value=\"" + defaultvalue + "\" checked>")}
					else {
						add ("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" + adrPref + "\"  value=\"" + defaultvalue + "\">")}};
				"custom" {
					if flcallbacks { //allow application to do object rendering
						local (adrcallback = @adrcallbacks^.customRenderer);
						if defined (adrcallback^) {
							add (adrcallback^ (string.replaceAll (adrPref, "_", "."), defaultvalue, adritem))}} //send the partial address, the default value, and the address of the XML table of the object being rendered
					else {
						add (" ")}}}
			else { // unrecognized type -- don't render an input element
				add (" ")};
			if type == "custom" { //do nothing right now -- custom items don't return values.
			case type { // add JavaScript corresponding to input type
				"checkbox" {
					valueString = valueString + "\"" + adrPref + "=\" + " + adrPref + ".status"};
				"boolean" {
					valueString = valueString + "\"" + adrPref + "=\" + " + adrPref + "[0].checked"};
				"text" {
					valueString = valueString + "\"" + adrPref + "=\" + " + adrPref + ".innerText"}}
			else {
				valueString = valueString + "\"" + adrPref + "=\" + " + adrPref + ".value"};
			valueString = valueString + " + \"&\" + "};
		on addItem (adrItem, indent=0) {
			local (itemType = string.lower (xml.getattribute (adrItem, "type")^)); //types are unicase
			local (itemTitle, itemAlign, itemIndent = indent);
			local (prefAdr);
			try {prefAdr = string.replaceAll (xml.getattribute (adrItem, "adr")^, '.', '_')};
			try {itemTitle = xml.getattribute (adrItem, "title")^};
			try {itemAlign = xml.getattribute (adrItem, "align")^};
			try {itemIndent = xml.getattribute (adrItem, "indent")^};
			case itemType { // format the item
				"prompt" {
					if !itemIndent {
						itemIndent = 25};
					td (itemIndent, itemAlign);
					add (getDefaultValue (prefAdr));
					add ("</td>")};
				"text"; // textareas, strings and passwords are indented with a prompt above the field
				"password" {
					td (itemIndent, itemAlign);
					if itemTitle != nil {
						add (itemTitle + "<br>")};
					addField (adrItem, itemType, prefAdr, getDefaultValue (prefAdr))};
					<<add ("</td>")
				"html" {
					td (10);
					if itemTitle != nil {
						add (itemTitle + "<br>")};
					addField (adrItem, itemType, prefAdr, getDefaultValue (prefAdr))};
				"boolean" { // booleans are indented with the prompt to the left
					td (indent);
					if itemTitle != nil {
						add (itemTitle)};
					addField (adrItem, itemType, prefAdr, getDefaultValue (prefAdr));
					add ("</td>")};
				"checkbox" { // checkboxes are indented with the prompt to the right 
					td (indent);
					addField (adrItem, itemType, prefAdr, getDefaultValue (prefAdr));
					if itemTitle != nil {
						add (" " + itemTitle + "</td>")}};
				"separator" {
					<<bundle // old code
						<<add ("<td style=\"padding-left: 8;\">"); indentlevel++
						<<add ("<p><br><table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr>"); indentlevel++
						<<add ("<td valign=\"top\">" + string.replaceAll (itemTitle, " ", " ") + "  </td>")
						<<add ("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100%\"><hr></td>")
						<<add ("</tr></table>"); indentlevel--
						<<add ("</td>"); indentlevel--
					add ("<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr>"); indentlevel++;
					td (0); add (" </td>");
					if itemTitle != nil {
						add ("<td valign=\"top\">" + string.replaceAll (itemTitle, " ", " ") + "  </td>")};
					add ("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100%\"><hr></td>");
					add ("</tr></table>"); indentlevel--};
					<<add ("</td>")
				"custom" { // custom items are handled by the callback, and are on a row by themselves
					addField (adrItem, itemType, prefAdr, getDefaultValue (prefAdr))}}
			else {
				addField (adr, itemType, prefAdr, getDefaultValue (prefAdr))}};
		local (itemIndent = 15);
		startTable (padding: 2);
		local (adr); //, rowType, cols = countCols (adrPanel))
		for adr in adrPanel {
			type = xml.convertToDisplayName (nameOf (adr^));
			case (type) {
				"description" {
					};// not currently used
				"item" {
					startRow ();
					startTable ();
					<<local (colspanText = "", styleText = "")
					addItem (adr, itemIndent + 12);
					endTable ();
					endRow ()};
				"group" {
					startRow ();
					startTable ();
					local (adrRows = xml.getAddressList (adr, "row"), adrRow);
					for adrRow in adrRows {
						startRow (itemIndent);
						local (adrItems = xml.getAddressList (adrRow, "item"), adrItem, itemType);
						for adrItem in adrItems {
							addItem (adrItem)};
						endRow ()};
					endTable ();
					endRow ()}}};
		endTable ();
		bundle { //add OK and Cancel buttons
			local (s);
			add ("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr>"); indentlevel++;
			if (not defined (pta^.flDrawCancelButton)) or pta^.flDrawCancelButton {
				s = s + "<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"doCancel ()\" value=\"" + cancelButtonText + "\"> "};
			s = s + "<input type=\"submit\" onclick=\"doOkay ()\" value=\"" + okButtonText + "\">";
			add ("<td align=\"right\" colspan=\"10\" style=\"padding-right:15;\"><p><br>" + s + "</td>");
			add ("</tr></table>"); indentlevel--}};
	bundle { //handle JavaScript script
		valueString = string.mid (valueString, 1, sizeOf (valueString) - 9); // strip off the trailing ' + "&" + '
		if typeOf (pta^.javaScript) == addressType {
			pta^.javaScript = string (pta^.javaScript^)};
		pta^.javaScript = string.replace (pta^.javaScript, "[[values]]", valueString)};
	return (htmltext)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.