Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:03 AM.

on glossaryPatcher (adrPageTable=nil) {
	<<Scan the fully rendered page for [[#glossPatch xxx|yyy]]
		<<and generate relative href's for these references.
		<<Sun, Nov 3, 1996: if xxx is empty, just generate the URL, not an href
			<<This supports the JavaScript popup menu in the DaveNet website
		<<Author: Dave Winer,
		<<Mon, Jan 20, 1997 at 3:30:04 PM by PH
			<<Only do the work if the pref is set to true
	if adrPageTable == nil {
		adrPageTable = html.getPageTableAddress ()};
	if not html.getPref ("useGlossPatcher", adrPageTable) {
	if html.getPref ("useKernelCode", adrPageTable) {
		on kernelcall (adrPageTable) {
			kernel (html.glossarypatcher)};
		return (kernelcall (adrPageTable))};
	with adrPageTable^ {
		local (pattern = "[[#glossPatch ");
		local (ix, ixstart, ixend);
		loop {
			ixstart = string.patternMatch (pattern, renderedtext);
			if ixstart == 0 {
			ix = ixstart + sizeof (pattern);
			<<loop <<find the ]], when loop completes, ix points at second ]
				<<if ix > sizeof (renderedtext)
					<<ix = sizeof (renderedtext)
				<<if string.nthChar (renderedtext, ix) == ']'
					<<if string.nthChar (renderedtext, ix - 1) == ']'
						<<ixend = ix
			<<Performance boost: use string.patternMatch rather than the above loop.
				<<Monday, January 12, 1998 at 2:29:21 PM by PBS
			ixend = string.patternMatch ("]]", string.mid (renderedtext, ix, infinity)) + ix;
			ix = ixend + 1;
			if ix == 1 {
				ix = sizeOf (renderedtext)};
			local (url = "", nomad = adrObject);
			loop {
				nomad = parentof (nomad^);
				if nomad == parentOf (ftpsite^) {
				url = "../" + url};
			local (s, linetext, patch);
			s = string.mid (renderedtext, ixstart, ixend - ixstart + 1);
			s = string.delete (s, 1, sizeof (pattern));
			<<url = url + string.nthField (s, '|', 2) + html.getPref ("fileExtension", adrPageTable)
			bundle { //add the path to url, it's more complicated because the extension may already be there
				local (path = string.nthField (s, '|', 2));
				local (extension = string.nthField (path, '.', 2));
				if extension == "" { //no extension
					path = path + html.getPref ("fileExtension", adrPageTable)};
				url = url + path};
			linetext = string.nthField (s, '|', 1);
			if linetext == "" {
				patch = url}
			else {
				patch = "<a href=\"" + url + "\">" + linetext + "</a>"};
			renderedtext = string.delete (renderedtext, ixstart, ixend - ixstart + 1);
			renderedtext = string.insert (patch, renderedtext, ixstart)}};
	return (true)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.