Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.


	<<7/15/08; 5:45:58 PM by DW
		<<Respect the enabled boolean.
	<<7/24/06; 8:40:01 AM by DW
		<<Subtract one from startticks so that the denominator of the division is never 0.
	<<7/11/06; 4:39:54 PM by DW
		<<When comparing the clock to the whenNextCheck, compare for >= not >.
local (ctticks = 0, startticks = clock.ticks () - 1);
filesynch.init ();
system.temp.filesynch.idThread = thread.getCurrentId ();
system.temp.filesynch.ctloops = 0;
loop {
	<<msg (this)
	local (adr, tc = clock.ticks ());
	for adr in @user.filesynch.synchpoints {
		fileSynch.initSynchPoint (nameof (adr^));
		if adr^.prefs.enabled { //7/15/08 by DW
			if () >= adr^.stats.whenNextCheck {
				fileSynch.synch (adr);
				adr^.stats.whenNextCheck = () + adr^.prefs.secsBetweenScans}}};
	local (nowticks = clock.ticks ());
	ctticks = ctticks + (nowticks - tc);
	system.temp.filesynch.portionCpuUsed = double (ctticks) / double (nowticks - startticks);
	system.temp.filesynch.ctTicksUsed = ctticks;
	<<thread.sleepfor (random (0, 5))
	local (day, month, year, hour, minute, second);
	date.get ( (), @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @second);
	<<msg ("")
	thread.sleepfor (10 - ((second + 10) % 10))}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.