Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.


on writeTextFile (f, s, mimeType = nil, blockSize = nil, characterSet = nil, lineEnding = nil, creationDate = nil, type = nil, creator = nil) {
		<<12/18/01; 7:57:44 PM by JES
			<<Created. Creates a new text file with the specified path, writes the contents to it with the correct line-endings and character set as specified by the input parameters, and closes the file.
	local (pc = file.getPathChar ());
	local (fname = string.nthField (f, pc, string.countFields (f, pc)));
	local (ext = string.nthField (fname, ".", string.countFields (fname, ".")));
	local (os);
	bundle { //calculate os
		if system.environment.isWindows {
			os = "win"}
		else { //mac
			if system.environment.isCarbon {
				os = "osx"}
			else {
				os = "mac"}}};
	bundle { //set up default values
		if mimeType == nil { //get the mimeType from user.webserver.prefs.ext2MIME
			if defined (user.webserver.prefs.ext2MIME.[ext]) {
				mimeType = user.webserver.prefs.ext2MIME.[ext]}};
		if blockSize == nil { //default to infinity
			blockSize = infinity};
		if characterSet == nil { //base it on the mimeType
			case mimeType {
				"text/x-opml" {
					characterSet = "windows"}}
			else {
				case os {
					"win" {
						characterSet = "windows"};
					"mac" {
						characterSet = "mac"}}}};
		if lineEnding == nil { //base it on the current platform
			case os {
				"win" {
					lineEnding = "windows"};
				"osx" {
					lineEnding = "unix"};
				"mac" {
					lineEnding = "mac"}}};
		if creationDate == nil { //if the file exists, preserve the creation date
			if file.exists (f) {
				try {creationDate = file.created (f)}}};
		if system.environment.isMac { //set type/creator if not specified
			if type == nil { //get the type from user.webserver.prefs.MIME2type
				if defined (user.webserver.prefs.MIME2type) {
					if defined (user.webserver.prefs.MIME2type.[mimeType]) {
						type = user.webserver.prefs.MIME2type.[mimeType]}};
				if type == nil { //no type defined -- pick a sensible default
					if system.environment.isCarbon {
						type = '    '}
					else { //classic
						type = 'TEXT'}}};
			if creator == nil { //get the creator from user.webserver.prefs.MIME2creator, if defined
				if defined (user.webserver.prefs.MIME2creator) {
					if defined (user.webserver.prefs.MIME2creator.[mimeType]) {
						creator = user.webserver.prefs.MIME2creator.[mimeType]}}
				else { //set the default creator
					case mimeType {
						"text/x-opml" {
							creator =};
						"text/html" {
							creator = user.html.prefs.textFileCreator}}
					else { //couldn't determine mimeType -- use default creator for the platform
						if system.environment.isCarbon {
							creator = 'text'} //TextEdit
						else { //classic
							creator = 'ttxt'}}}}}}; //SimpleText (f); (f);
	bundle { //set type and creator on MacOS
		if system.environment.isMac {
			if type != nil {
				file.setType (f, type)};
			if creator != nil {
				file.setCreator (f, creator)}}};
	bundle { //convert text if necessary
		bundle { //convert line endings to the specified line endings
			local (eolChars);
			case lineEnding { //set eolChars
				"windows" {
					eolChars = "\r\n"};
				"unix" {
					eolChars = "\n"};
				"mac" {
					eolChars = "\r"}};
			local (ixCr = string.patternMatch ("\r", s));
			local (ixLf = string.patternMatch ("\n", s));
			if ixLf == 0 { //mac line-endings, or none in s
				if ixCr != 0 { //any eol characters at all? if so, convert them
					if eolChars != "\r" { //optimization
						s = string.replaceAll (s, "\r", eolChars)}}}
			else { //windows or unix line-endings in s
				if ixCr == 0 { //unix line-endings in s
					if lineEnding != "unix" {
						if eolChars != "\n" { //optimization
							s = string.replaceAll (s, "\n", eolChars)}}}
				else { //windows line endings in s
					if lineEnding != "windows" {
						if eolChars != "\r\n" { //optimization
							s = string.replaceAll (s, "\r\n", "\r")}}}}};
		case os { //convert character set to the one specified, if different from os
			"win" {
				case characterSet {
					"mac" {
						s = string.latinToMac (s)};
					"utf-8" {
						s = string.ansiToUtf8 (s)};
					"utf-16" {
						s = string.ansiToUtf16 (s)}}};
			"mac" {
				case characterSet {
					"windows" {
						s = string.macToLatin (s)};
					"utf-8" {
						s = string.macToLatin (s);
						s = string.ansiToUtf8 (s)};
					"utf-16" {
						s = string.macToLatin (s);
						s = string.ansiToUtf16 (s)}}}}};
	bundle { //write the text to the file, yielding processor time if necessary
		loop {
			ct = sizeOf (s);
			if ct > 0 {
				file.write (f, string.mid (s, 1, blockSize));
				if ct <= blocksize {
				s = string.delete (s, 1, blockSize)};
			thread.sleepTicks (0)}}; //yield some processor time
	file.close (f);
	if creationDate != nil { //set it
		file.setCreated (f, creationDate)};
	bundle { //call the callbacks, if present
		local (adrscript);
		if not defined (user.callbacks.fileWriteWholeFile) {
			new (tableType, @user.callbacks.fileWriteWholeFile)};
		for adrscript in @user.callbacks.fileWriteWholeFile {
			try {
				while typeOf (adrscript^) == addressType {
					adrscript = adrscript^};
				adrscript^ (f)}}};
	return (true)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.