Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.


on findApplication (creator) {
		<<05/11/01; 6:54:10 PM by JES
			<<If the kernel call fails on Windows, try to find the application by examining the registry directly (if the winRegistry verb is present).
	on kernelCall (creator) {
		kernel (file.findApplication)};
	if system.environment.isMac {
		return (kernelCall (creator))}
	else { //Windows
		local (appPath = "");
		try { //this will fail for extensions longer than 4 chars
			appPath = kernelCall (creator)};
		if not defined ( {
			return (appPath)};
		if appPath == "" { //look in the registry
			local (fileType = ("HKCR\\." + creator));
			if not fileType { // returns false if there's no key at the specified path
				return (appPath)};
			local (systemPath = file.folderFromPath (file.getSystemFolderPath ()));
			systemPath = string.popTrailing (systemPath, "\\");
			local (command = ("HKCR\\" + fileType + "\\shell\\open\\command\\"));
			command = string.trimWhiteSpace (command);
			if command beginsWith "\"" {
				appPath = string.nthField (command, "\"", 2)}
			else { //parse the command
				local (ch, ix = 0, ct = sizeOf (command));
				loop {
					if ++ix == ct {
					ch = command[ix];
					if ch == " " {
						case command[ix+1] {
							"/" {
								appPath = string.mid (command, 1, ix);
				appPath = string.replace (appPath, "%SystemRoot%", systemPath)}};
		return (appPath)}};
bundle { //test code
	findApplication ("htm")}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.