Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.
on filteredCopy (sourcepath, destpath, filter) {
<<3.0.2: kernel now supports copying of folders themselves, retaining attributes or original
local (pathchar = file.getPathChar ()); <<DW 11/3/97
on kernelcall (sourcepath, destpath) {
kernel (file.copy)};
on copyonefile (sourcepath, destpath) {
if not filter^ (sourcepath) { <<the filter says don't copy this file
return (true)};
sys.systemTask (); <<be extra sensitive to user input, other application tasks
return (kernelcall (sourcepath, destpath))};
if file.isFolder (sourcepath) { <<copying a folder
local (topdest = destpath); <<a global to the whole copying process
on foldercopy (folderpath, partialpath) {
local (f, newfolder);
if not filter^ (folderpath) { <<the filter says don't copy this folder
return (true)};
newfolder = topdest + partialpath;
bundle { <<do folder checking
if file.exists (newfolder) {
if not file.isFolder (newfolder) {
scriptError ("Can't copy because " + newfolder + " is a file, not a folder.");
return (false)}}
else { <<new folder doesn't exist, try to create it
if not kernelcall (folderpath, newfolder) {
return (false)};
newfolder = filespec (newfolder)}}; <<in case caller omitted trailing pathchar
fileloop (f in folderpath) {
rollBeachBall ();
if file.isFolder (f) {
if not foldercopy (f, partialpath + file.fileFromPath (f)) { <<recurse
return (false)}}
else {
if not copyonefile (f, newfolder + file.fileFromPath (f)) {
return (false)}}}};
return (foldercopy (sourcepath, ""))}
else { <<just copying a file
if string.hasSuffix (pathchar, destpath) {
if not file.isFolder (destpath) {
scriptError ("Can't copy the file into \"" + destpath + "\" because it is not a folder.")};
destpath = destpath + file.fileFromPath (sourcepath)}
else {
if file.exists (destpath) and file.isFolder (destpath) {
scriptError ("Can't copy the file as \"" + destpath + "\" because there is a folder at that location.")}};
return (copyonefile (sourcepath, destpath))}}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.