Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.


on buildFileAtts (w, runnable = false) {
	<<Thursday, July 17, 1997 at 12:22:23 PM by PBS
		<<w may also be an odb address.
		<<New parameter: runnable. Desktop scripts
		<<are saved with runnable set to true.
			<<Fri, Jun 13, 1997 at 5:49:06 PM by dmb
				<<w may be a window title, or a filespec, depending on whether or not
				<<the window has ever been saved.
			<<05/24/01; 10:12:48 PM by PBS
				<<Added support for file-based OPML documents.
	local (htmltext = "");
	on add (s) {
		htmltext = htmltext + s};
	add ("\r<!--\r#fatPage\r"); //Wed, Feb 26, 1997 at 7:44:57 AM by DW, added extra \r before #
	on addHint (name, value, flencode=false) {
		local (s = string (value));
		if flencode {
			s = base64.encode (string (value), 0)};
		add ("#" + name + " " + s + "\r")};
	addHint ("version", 1);
	addHint ("docs", "");
	<<bundle <<add window rect hint
		<<local (x, y, w, h)
		<<window.getPosition (w, @x, @y)
		<<window.getSize (w, @w, @h)
		<<addHint ("windowRect", string (y) + ',' + x + ',' + (y + h) + ',' + (x + w))
	local (data);
	if (defined (w) && (parentOf (w^) == "" || parentOf (w^) == "system.compiler.files") && w != @root) { //It's a file-based object.
		packWindow (w, @data);
		if file.exists (w) {
			if string.lower (file.type (w)) == "text" || string.lower (file.type (w)) == "txt" {
				<<Sun, Oct 19, 1997 at 12:49:51 AM by PBS
				unpack (@data, @temp.lasttextfile);
				htmltext = string (temp.lasttextfile);
				htmltext = string.replaceall (htmltext, cr + lf, cr);
				return (htmltext)};
			if string.lower (file.type (w)) == "opml" { //PBS 05/24/01: support for OPML files
				local (xmlText = op.outlineToXml (@[w]));
				return (xmlText)}}}
	else { //It's an odb object.
		adrPageData = w;
		data = binary (fatPages.encodePageData (adrPageData));
		<<setBinaryType (@data, getBinaryType (adrpagedata))
		setBinaryType (@data, typeof (adrpagedata^))};
	if defined (adrPageData) { <<Thu, Mar 20, 1997 at 7:24:45 AM by DW
		addHint ("adrPageData", adrPageData)};
	addHint ("objectType", "application/x-frontier-" + getbinarytype (data));
	addHint ("runnable", string (runnable)); //Thursday, July 17, 1997 at 12:22:11 PM by PBS
	addHint ("pageData", string (data), true);
	add ("-->\r");
	return (htmltext)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.