Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.
on sendToDesktop (adrScript, path) {
<<Create a script that can be double-clicked in the Finder or Explorer.
<<Old code:
<<on sendToDesktop (adr, fname) <<create a script that can be double-clicked in the Finder
<<the contents of a desktop script:
<<two 'STR ' resources:
<<127 -- the number of parameters is expects (zero or one)
<<130 -- the object db address of the script that was exported
<<one 'scpt' or 'code' resource:
<<the script that's run when the file is double-clicked on
<<see Frontier.clickers.type2CLK for the other side of this script
<<if not defined (adr^) <<can't export something that doesn't exist
<<scriptError ("Can't export because there's no object named " + adr + ".")
<<bundle <<create the file, save the packed script
<<local (resdata)
<<local (type = typeOf (adr^))
<<Frontier.new2ClickFile (fname)
<<pack (adr^, @resdata)
<<rez.putresource (fname, type, 129, @resdata)
<<rez.putstringresource (fname, 130, adr) <<address of object is a STR resource
<<bundle <<save the parameter count -- one or zero
<<local (params = 0)
<<if type == scriptType <<scan parameter list
<<local (scriptheader, savedisplay, savecursor)
<<scriptheader = string.lower ("on " + nameOf (adr^))
<<target.set (adr)
<<savedisplay = op.getDisplay ()
<<op.setDisplay (false)
<<savecursor = op.getCursor ()
<<op.firstsummit ()
<<loop <<scan for script header
<<if not script.isComment () <<skip leading comments
<<local (s = string.lower (op.getLineText ()))
<<if (s beginsWith scriptheader) and not (s contains "()")
<<params = 1
<<if not op.go (down, 1)
<<op.setCursor (savecursor)
<<op.setDisplay (savedisplay)
<<target.clear ()
<<rez.putstringresource (fname, 127, string (params))
<<return (true)
<<Frontier 5.0d6: Friday, July 18, 1997 at 10:20:45 AM by PBS
<<Create a script of type 'FATP' that can be double-clicked and run.
<<local (s = fatPages.buildFileAtts (adr, true))
<<if sys.os () contains "Win"
<<fname = fname + ".fatp"
<<file.writeWholeFile (fname, s, 'FTsc', 'LAND', ())
<<return (true)
if sys.os () beginsWith "Win" { //make sure we have an extension
if not (string.lower (path) endsWith ".ftds") {
path = path + ".ftds"}};
if file.folderFromPath (path) == "" { //only a file name given
local (desk = file.getSpecialFolderPath ("", "desktop", false));
path = desk + path};
local (fatData = fatPages.buildFileAtts (adrScript, true));
file.writeWholeFile (path, fatData, 'FTds', 'LAND', ());
return (true)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.