Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.


on importer (path) { <<a call to this script is saved with all exported objects
	<<it's run by Frontier.finder2Click when the user 2clicks on the file
		<<we import the object in the 'data' resource, into the object db
			<<if there is already an object with that name, we confirm
		<<then we edit the new object, so the user can see what he got
	Frontier.findertofront = false; <<Frontier should remain in front after importing
	local {
		resdata; <<holds the data received from resource fork
		cellname; <<object database name for the imported stuff
		adr}; <<address of object database cell for imported stuff
	if not rez.getnthresource (path, 'data', 1, @cellname, @resdata) {
		return (false)};
	loop { <<get destination address from the user
		if not dialog.ask ("Name for imported object?", @cellname) {
			return (false)};
		local (objname = nameOf (cellname^));
		if objname == "" { <<cellname isn't interpretable as an address
			if not dialog.confirm ("Can't import to " + cellname + " because the table doesn't exist.") {
				return (false)};
			continue}; <<try again
		if objname == cellname { <<avoid importing into a local
			adr = @root.[cellname]}
		else {
			adr = address (cellname)};
		if defined (adr^) { <<confirm, we're going to over-write it
			if not dialog.yesNo ("Replace existing object named " +  adr + "?") {
	bundle { <<double-unpack the data into the object database
		unpack (@resdata, @resdata);
		unpack (@resdata, @resdata);
		table.moveAndRename (@resdata, adr)};
	if typeOf (adr^) == tableType { <<see if it has an importSuite script
		if defined (adr^.importSuite) {
			adr^.importSuite (adr);
			return (true)}}; <<suites can open themselves if they want
	return (edit (adr))} <<show the newly imported object

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.