Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.
on timeStamp () {
<<Saturday, December 30, 2000 at 10:42:56 AM by DW
<<This script is ancient and frustrating.
<<I like short timestamps, not the long string you see at the head of this comment.
<<So let's create a new preference, user.prefs.flShortTimeStamp. If it doesn't exist, we create it. It defaults to false. So if you prefer the current behavior, you do nothing. If you want a shorter stamp, set it true.
<<12/30/2000; 10:48:54 AM by DW
<<It works! ;->
<<12/30/2000; 10:52:56 AM by DW
<<When timestamping in a table, add the stamp in the table your cursor is in. This feature is so old it predates the outline browser for the object db tables.
<<12/30/00; 12:21:14 PM by DW
<<Chopped off the first two numbers of the year. You can figure it out.
local (flshortstamp);
bundle { //get flshortstamp
if not defined (user.prefs.flShortTimeStamp) {
user.prefs.flShortTimeStamp = false};
flshortstamp = user.prefs.flShortTimeStamp};
local (s);
bundle { //set the timestamp string
if flshortstamp {
local (year = date.year ());
s = string.replaceall ( (), year, string.mid (year, 3, 2)) + " by " + user.prefs.initials}
else {
s = string.dateString () + " at " + string.timeString () + " by " + user.prefs.initials}};
local (adr, type);
bundle { //set adr and type
adr = target.get ();
if defined (adr^) {
type = typeOf (adr^)}
else {
if window.isMenuScript (window.frontmost ()) {
type = outlinetype}
else {
type = unknowntype}}};
case type {
menubartype {
if wp.inTextMode () {
wp.insert (s)}
else {
local (dir = down);
if op.subsExpanded () {
dir = right};
if op.insert (s, dir) {
script.makeComment ()}}};
wptexttype {
wp.insert (s)};
tabletype {
local (adrparent = parentof (table.getcursoraddress ()^));
adrparent^ ["stampedTime"] = s}}
else {
return (false)};
return (true)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.