Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.
on setGlobalTable (adrTable, majorswitch) {
<<the table becomes the current table
<<we smash the address at system.misc.paths.cardPath to point at it
<<its contents become globals
<<if flmajorswitch is true we install the embedded menubar
<<this should be set true on activate events in Card Runner
<<Tue, Sep 3, 1996 at 6:15:11 PM by dmb
<<New runtime code for running cards inside of Frontier
<<Thu, Sep 26, 1996 at 4:44:50 PM by dmb
<<no longer set misc.paths.cardPath
local (cardInFrontier); <<running inside of Frontier?
local (destAdr);
if majorswitch {
if defined (^.menubar) { <<remove old menubar
cardInFrontier = (sys.frontmostApp() == file.fileFromPath (Frontier.getProgramPath ()));
if cardInFrontier {
menu.remove (^.menubar)}};
<<destAdr = @system.menubars.[file.creator (sys.frontmostApp())]
<<if defined (destAdr^)
<<delete (destAdr) = adrTable;
if defined (adrTable^.menubar) { <<install new menubar, if present
cardInFrontier = (sys.frontmostApp() == file.fileFromPath (Frontier.getProgramPath ()));
if cardInFrontier {
menu.install (@adrTable^.menubar)}}};
<<system.menubars.DRPb = adrTable^.menubar
return (true)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.