Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.


	<<11/6/01; 11:33:08 PM by JES
		<<Bug fix: check to see if system.verbs.builtins.pike.isLocalOutline is defined, instead of system.verbs.builtins.pike.
	<<06/24/01; 1:33:50 AM by JES
		<<This is the entry point for the Add Bookmark command in the Bookmarks menu.
			<<First we call the callbacks at user.callbacks.addBookmark.
			<<If all of the callbacks return false, meaning that the command was not consumed, then the rest of this code will execute:
			<<First, we check to see if this is a file-based window. If so, we call bookmarksMenu.getFileLogic to get the script and command's default name.
			<<Next we check to see if it's an addressible object. If so, we call bookmarksMenu.getLogic to get the script and the command's default name.
			<<After that, we're out of luck -- we put up an error dialog.
		<<The Add Bookmark command in the right-click menu is handled by builtins.bookmarksMenu.addNode.
local (adrwindow = window.frontmost ());
local (adr = table.getCursorAddress ());

local (logic, title);

bundle { // give the user callbacks a chance to handle the command
	local (nomad);
	for nomad in @user.callbacks.addBookmark {
		try {
			while typeOf (nomad^) == addressType {
				nomad = nomad^};
			if nomad^ (adr, @logic, @title) {
				return (bookmarksMenu.addBookmark (@logic, @title))}}}};
bundle { //handle windowTypes windows
	if defined ( {
		local (type);
		if window.attributes.getOne ("type", @type, adrwindow) { //it has a type
			local (adrtype);
			if (type, @adrtype) {
				if defined (adrtype^.getBookmarkLogic) {
					if adrtype^.getBookmarkLogic (adrwindow, @logic, @title) {
						return (bookmarksMenu.addBookmark (@logic, @title))}
					else { //windowTypes getBookmarkLogic scripts return false if they fail
						return (false)}};
				if table.tableContains (@system.temp.windowTypes, adrwindow) { //can't find type or type has no getBookmarkLogic script
					dialog.alert ("Can't add a bookmark for this window because temporary windows of type '" + type + "' have no getBookmarkLogic script.");
					return (false)}};
			if table.tableContains (@system.temp.windowTypes, adrwindow) { //can't find type or type has no getBookmarkLogic script
				dialog.alert ("Can't add a bookmark for this window because there is no windowType, '" + type + "'.");
				return (false)}}}};
bundle { // handle file-based windows
	local (f = window.getFile (adr));
	local (isFile = (f != "") );
	if system.environment.isRadio {
		if defined (system.verbs.builtins.pike.isLocalOutline) {
			if pike.isLocalOutline (adr) {
				local (adrFileInfo = parentOf (adr^));
				f = adrFileInfo^.f;
				isFile = true}}};
	if isFile {
		bookmarksMenu.getFileLogic (adr, f, @logic, @title);
		return (bookmarksMenu.addBookmark (@logic, @title))}};
bundle { // handle object database objects
	bookmarksMenu.getLogic (adr, @logic, @title);
	return (bookmarksMenu.addBookmark (@logic, @title))}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.