Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.
on client (rpcServer="localhost", rpcPort=user.inetd.config.http.port, procedureName="", adrparamlist=nil, fldebug=false, ticksToTimeOut=nil, flShowMessages=true, rpcPath=nil, flAsynch=false, adrCallback=nil, extraInfo=nil, adrErrorCallback=nil, username="", password="") {
<<8/20/02; 4:43:35 AM by JES
<<Respect user.betty.prefs.flSaveDatabaseAfterAsynchRpcCall.
<<1/4/02; 7:15:55 PM by DW
<<If user.betty.prefs.flKeepClientCallTicks is true, keep track of call stats in system.temp.betty.clientCallTicks.
<<Added a test code bundle at the end of the routine.
<<8/20/00 by AR
<<Added optional username and password parameters for HTTP Basic Authentication.
<<10/8/99 by DW
<<Added optional adrErrorCallback parameter, if specified, this script is called when there's an error sending an asynchronous XML-RPC call.
<<3/6/99 by DW
<<Added three optional parameters to allow asynchronous RPC-ing that try until they connect.
<<flAsynch, defaults to false, if true it's an asynchronous call.
<<adrCallback, defaults to nil, if non-nil, it's the routine we call when we connect.
<<It takes a single parameter, the value returned by the RPC server.
<<The routine pointed to by this address must not be local to the script calling betty.rpc.client because it won't be around when the actual RPC call is made.
<<It must be in Frontier.root or in a guest database.
<<extraInfo, defaults to nil, it's any kind of object, it's available to the callback to help it interpret the response.
<<It will create a table at user.betty.queueOutgoing, which is watched by the agent.
<<1/17/99 by DW
<<Change default value of ticksToTimeOut to nil. If it's nil, set it to user.betty.prefs.rpcClientDefaultTimeout.
<<Change default value of rpcPath to nil. If it's nil, set it to user.betty.prefs.rpcClientDefaultPath.
<<1/15/99 by DW
<<added optional parameter, rpcPath, to facilitate communication with non-Frontier XML-RPC servers.
<<11/14/98 by DW
<<In the 11/5 change, RPC error reporting lost a lot of its value due to a too-local declaration of adrtable.
<<11/5/98 by DW
<<At the end of betty.rpc.client, there was some real ancient code for producing examples
<<It was copying the XML request and the compiled XML that was returned into the params list
<<However, it's legal to call this routine without specifying the param list, it would fail if you did so.
<<This code was only useful to people writing docs and testing this.
<<Now it's deployed, things will run faster if we don't do this.
<<And now you can leave out params if the procedure you're calling takes no parameters.
<<11/1/98 by DW
<<Added ticksToTimeOut optional parameter, it's passed on to tcp.httpClient
<<Some operations take more than 30 seconds to complete, that's the default on tcp.httpClient
<<I imagine that some take much less than 30 seconds too...
<<Added flShowMessages optional parameter, it's also passed on to tcp.httpClient
<<If true, it will display messages in Frontier's About window, if false it won't.
<<Previously, there was no way for an RPC caller to turn on tcp.httpClient messages.
<<This is important if you want to see what's going on at the HTTP level.
<<7/17/98 by PBS
<<XML header is now lowercase to conform to spec.
<<Changed xml table from temp.rpcReturn to a local table for thread-safety.
<<4/4/98 by DW
<<A full-featured client for the RPC2 responder
local (startticks = clock.ticks ());
betty.init (); //1/17/99 DW, make sure user.betty.prefs is set up
bundle { //3/6/99 DW, handle asynchronous calls
if flAsynch {
local (adragent = @system.agents.asynchRPC);
if not defined (adragent^) {
new (scripttype, adragent);
local (oldtarget = target.set (adragent));
op.setlinetext ("betty.rpc.agent ()");
target.set (oldtarget);
script.compile (adragent)};
local (adrqueue = @user.betty.queueOutgoing);
if not defined (adrqueue^) {
new (tabletype, adrqueue)};
if not defined (adrqueue^.serialNum) {
adrqueue^.serialNum = 1};
local (adrtable = @adrqueue^.table);
if not defined (adrtable^) {
new (tabletype, adrtable)};
local (adritem = @adrtable^.[string.padwithzeros (adrqueue^.serialNum++, 7)]);
bundle { //populate it in a local table, don't want the agent catching it until we're ready
local (localtable);
new (tabletype, @localtable);
localtable.rpcServer = rpcServer;
localtable.rpcPort = rpcPort;
localtable.procedureName = procedureName;
localtable.paramlist = adrparamlist^; //have to copy the param list
localtable.fldebug = fldebug;
localtable.flShowMessages = flShowMessages;
localtable.rpcPath = rpcPath;
localtable.adrCallback = adrCallback;
localtable.adrErrorCallback = adrErrorCallback;
localtable.extraInfo = extraInfo;
localtable.readyToRunAt = ();
localtable.username = username;
localtable.password = password;
adritem^ = localtable};
if user.betty.prefs.flSaveDatabaseAfterAsynchRpcCall { ()};
return (true)}};
bundle { //1/17/99 DW, check ticksToTimeOut, rpcPath
if ticksToTimeOut == nil {
ticksToTimeOut = user.betty.prefs.rpcClientDefaultTimeout};
if rpcPath == nil {
rpcPath = user.betty.prefs.rpcClientDefaultPath}};
local (xmltext = "");
bundle { //build the XML request
local (indentlevel = 0);
on add (s) {
xmltext = xmltext + string.filledString ("\t", indentlevel) + s + "\r\n"};
add ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
add ("<methodCall>"); indentlevel++;
add ("<methodName>" + procedureName + "</methodName>");
add ("<params>"); indentlevel++;
if adrparamlist != nil {
local (item);
for item in adrparamlist^ {
add ("<param>"); indentlevel++;
<<add ("<name>" + nameOf (adritem^) + "</name>")
add ("<value>" + xml.coercions.frontierValueToTaggedText (@item, indentlevel) + "</value>");
add ("</param>"); indentlevel--;
if typeOf (item) == tableType {
delete (@item)}}};
add ("</params>"); indentlevel--;
add ("</methodCall>"); indentlevel--};
local (xtable);
bundle { //send the HTTP request, store result in xtable
local (s);
s = tcp.httpClient (method:"POST", server:rpcServer, port:rpcPort, path:rpcPath, data:xmltext, datatype:"text/xml", username:username, password:password, debug:fldebug, timeOutTicks:ticksToTimeOut, flMessages:flShowMessages);
if fldebug {
edit (@scratchpad.httpResult); //the result of setting debug to true in the call above
edit (@scratchpad.httpCommand)};
xml.compile (string.delete (s, 1, string.patternMatch ("\r\n\r\n", s) + 3), @xtable)};
<<wp.newtextobject (s, @scratchpad.rpcresponse) //2/7/08; 12:32:34 PM by DW
<<wp.newtextobject (xmltext, @scratchpad.rpccall) //2/7/08; 12:32:34 PM by DW
local (returnedValue, adrtable);
try { //walk the response structure, get returnedValue
adrtable = @xtable;
local (adrresponse = xml.getaddress (adrtable, "methodResponse"));
local (adrparams = xml.getaddress (adrresponse, "params"));
local (adrparam = xml.getaddress (adrparams, "param"));
returnedValue = xml.getvalue (adrparam, "value");
if typeOf (returnedValue) == tableType { //4/16/98; 1:51:28 PM by DW
local (newValue);
xml.coercions.structToFrontierValue (@returnedValue [1], @newValue);
table.assign (@returnedValue, newValue)}}
else { //scriptError
local (adrresponse = xml.getaddress (adrtable, "methodResponse"));
local (adrfault = xml.getaddress (adrresponse, "fault"));
local (adrvalue = xml.getaddress (adrfault, "value"));
local (adrstruct = xml.getaddress (adrvalue, "struct"));
local (memberlist = xml.getaddresslist (adrstruct, "member"));
local (member, name, value, faultCode, faultString);
for member in memberlist {
name = xml.getvalue (member, "name");
value = xml.getvalue (member, "value");
case name {
"faultCode" {
faultCode = value};
"faultString" {
faultString = value}}};
scriptError ("The server, " + rpcServer + ", returned error code " + faultCode + ": " + faultString)};
bundle { //track ticks, by procedure call in system.temp.betty.clientCallTicks
if user.betty.prefs.flKeepClientCallTicks {
local (adrtable = @system.temp.betty);
if not defined (adrtable^) {
new (tabletype, adrtable)};
adrtable = @adrtable^.clientCallTicks;
if not defined (adrtable^) {
new (tabletype, adrtable)};
local (adrcount = @adrtable^.[rpcServer + ":" + rpcPort + rpcPath + "/" + procedureName]);
if not defined (adrcount^) {
adrcount^ = 0};
adrcount^ = adrcount^ + (clock.ticks () - startticks)}};
return (returnedValue)}
<<bundle //test code
<<local (params = {"Dave's Handsome Radio Blog", ""})
<<scratchpad.response = betty.rpc.client ("", 80, "", @params)
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.