Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:03 AM.

on uninstall (f) {
		<<9/17/10; 11:40:03 PM by DW
			<< look for scripts in user.scheduler2, else user.scheduler.
		<<06/24/02; 3:07:13 PM by JES
			<<Un-register any languages which were installed by, when the Tool was installed.
		<<06/13/02; 3:40:42 PM by JES
			<<Uninstall the Tool's callbacks from, if is defined.
		<<11/26/01; 11:01:34 PM by JES
			<<Call callbacks at with address of the Tool's database before uninstalling the Tool. If the callback returns false, don't uninstall the Tool.
			<<Call callbacks at with the path to the Tool's database, after installing the Tool. The return value is ignored.
		<<07/02/01; 2:56:01 AM by JES
			<<Uninstall windowTypes.
		<<04/28/01; 7:44:21 PM by JES
			<<Uninstall the website framework site in a try block, because user.webserver.responders.websiteFramework may not exist.
		<<10/01/00; 11:33:58 PM by PBS
			<<Minor cleanups.
		<<Tuesday, September 26, 2000 at 11:21:55 PM by JES
	local (adrTool = @[f]);
	bundle { //run beforeUninstall callbacks -- if any of the callbacks returns false, don't uninstall the Tool
		local (adrcallbacks =;
		local (adrcallback);
		for adrcallback in adrcallbacks {
			try {
				while typeOf (adrcallback^) == addressType {
					adrcallback = adrcallback^};
				if not adrcallback^ (adrTool) { //callback returned false -- don't install
					return (false)}}}}; //not installed
	local (name = (file.fileFromPath (f)));
	on getTable (t) {
		local (adrTable = @adrTool^.[name + t]);
		return (adrTable)};
	on unInstallAddressEntry (adrEntry, expectedAdr = nil) {
		if defined (adrEntry^) {
			if typeOf (adrEntry^) == addressType {
				delete (adrEntry);
				return (true)}};
		return (false)};
	on deleteFromTable (adrTable) {
		<<Delete the item in the table, if it exists.
		if defined (adrTable^.[name]) {
			delete (@adrTable^.[name])}};
	on deleteFromSubtables (adrTable) {
		<<Delete from all the sub-tables of a table. Callbacks, for instance.
		local (adr);
		for adr in adrTable {
			deleteFromTable (adr)}};
	deleteFromTable (@user.webserver.responders);
	deleteFromTable (@user.betty.rpcHandlers);
	deleteFromTable (@user.scheduler.threads);
	try { //websiteFramework responder might not be installed
		deleteFromTable (};
	bundle { //scheduler scripts, 9/17/10 by DW
		local (adrscheduler);
		if {
			adrscheduler = @user.scheduler2}
		else {
			adrscheduler = @user.scheduler};
		deleteFromTable (@adrscheduler^.everyMinute);
		deleteFromTable (@adrscheduler^.hourly);
		deleteFromTable (@adrscheduler^.overnight)};
	deleteFromSubTables (@user.callbacks);
	if system.environment.isPike {
		deleteFromSubTables (};
	if defined ( {
		deleteFromSubTables (};
	deleteFromSubTables (@user.html.callbacks.fileWriters.ftp); (name); //delete sub-menu from Tools menu
	bundle { //localizations
		on uninstallLocalization (adrTable) {
			local (adr);
			for adr in adrTable {
				if typeOf (adr^) == addressType {
					local (s = string (adr^));
					local (addressList = string.parseAddress (s));
					local (path = string.lower (addressList [1]));
					if path endsWith (file.getPathChar () + string.lower (file.fileFromPath (f))) {
						delete (adr)}}}};
		if defined ( {
			uninstallLocalization (};
		if defined (mainResponder.localization.languages) {
			uninstallLocalization (@mainResponder.localization.languages)};
		if defined (manilaData.localization.languages) {
			uninstallLocalization (@manilaData.localization.languages)}};
	bundle { //nodeTypes -- tricky -- we have to look for the expected file name
		local (adr);
		for adr in {
			if typeOf (adr^) == addressType {
				local (s = string (adr^)); //convert to string
				local (addressList = string.parseAddress (s));
				local (path = string.lower (addressList [1]));
				if path endsWith file.getPathChar () + string.lower (file.fileFromPath (f)) {
					delete (adr)}}}}; //delete this nodetype
	bundle { //windowTypes -- almost exactly like nodeTypes
		local (adr);
		for adr in {
			if typeOf (adr^) == addressType {
				local (s = string (adr^)); //convert to string
				local (addressList = string.parseAddress (s));
				local (path = string.lower (addressList [1]));
				if path endsWith file.getPathChar () + string.lower (file.fileFromPath (f)) {
					delete (adr)}}}}; //delete this windowType
	bundle { //set to uninstalled
		if defined ([name]) {[name].flInstalled = false}};
	bundle { //adjust the Tools table at[name]
		if defined ([name].url) {
			delete ([name].url)}};
	bundle { //run afterUninstall callbacks -- the return value is ignored
		local (adrcallbacks =;
		local (adrcallback);
		for adrcallback in adrcallbacks {
			try {
				while typeOf (adrcallback^) == addressType {
					adrcallback = adrcallback^};
				adrcallback^ (f)}}}; //return value ignored
	return (true)};
bundle { //test code
	uninstall ("Macintosh HD:Users:davewiner:Desktop:OPML:Guest Databases:apps:Tools:scripting2.root")}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.