Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:03 AM.
on newTool (f) {
<<5/26/09; 9:30:48 AM by DW
<<New tools don't have their threads turned on. Create an init script. Rewrite install code for statuscenter script, thread script.
<<6/12/02; 12:26:44 AM by JES
<<Add a table to new Tools. This table is for callback scripts which will be installed at, when the Tool is installed.
<<12/4/01; 1:33:29 PM by JES
<<New Tools now have a toolSuite.statusCenterMessage script, which returns the string, "I'm a cool Tool!".
<<11/27/01; 3:13:21 AM by JES
<<Added a description element to the toolInfo table for new tools.
<<09/19/01; 7:05:20 PM by JES
<<Added initialization of the toolInfo table, which contains information about the Tool and the tool's author.
<<06/8/01; 12:12:16 PM by JES
<<Bug fix: The condition for the responder checked string.lower (path) against the inner-case name, which would always fail. Now it checks string.lower (path) against string.lower (toolName).
<<07/02/01; 2:57:22 AM by JES
<<Create an empty windowTypes table.
<<01/11/01; 12:18:44 PM by JES
<<Don't enable the responder for new tools.
<<09/30/00; 11:48:06 PM by PBS
<<Take the path to the tool as parameter, not the name of the tool.
<<09/25/00; 11:47:56 PM by JES
<<Create a new, empty tool database.
local (fname = file.fileFromPath (f));
local (name = (fname));
local (firstUpperName = string.upper (name[1]) + string.mid (name, 2, infinity));
local (adrTool);
bundle { // create the database (f, true);
adrTool = @[f]};
on newTable (t) { //create a subtable, return its address
local (adrTable = @adrTool^.[name + t]);
new (tableType, adrTable);
return (adrTable)};
on newScriptWithComment (adrScript, comment) {
new (scriptType, adrScript);
local (oldTarget = target.set (adrScript));
op.setLineText (comment);
script.makeComment ();
try {target.set (oldTarget)}};
newTable ("RpcHandlers");
newTable ("SoapHandlers");
newTable ("NodeTypes");
newTable ("WindowTypes");
bundle { //toolData and prefs subtable
local (adrData = newTable ("Data"));
new (tableType, @adrData^.prefs)};
bundle { //toolResponder (with sample any method)
local (adrResponder = newTable ("Responder"));
adrResponder^.condition = "(string.lower (path) beginsWith \"/" + string.lower (name) + "/\")";
adrResponder^.enabled = false; //01/11/01 JES: don't initially enable responder
new (tableType, @adrResponder^.methods);
local (s = "on any (pta) //boilerplate for your responder\r");
s = s + "\tpta^.responseHeaders.[\"Content-Type\"] = \"text/html\"\r";
s = s + "\tpta^.code = 200; //everything was OK\r";
s = s + "\tpta^.responseBody = \"\" //build response\r";
s = s + "\treturn (true)";
script.newScriptObject (s, @adrResponder^.methods.any);
local (oldTarget = target.set (@adrResponder^.methods.any));
op.firstSummit ();
op.fullExpand ();
try {target.set (oldTarget)}};
bundle { //toolSuite (background, callbacks, menu)
local (adrSuite = newTable ("Suite"));
bundle { //background
new (tableType, @adrSuite^.background);
newScriptWithComment (@adrSuite^.background.everyMinute, "This script runs every minute.");
newScriptWithComment (@adrSuite^.background.everyHour, "This script runs every hour.");
newScriptWithComment (@adrSuite^.background.everyNight, "This script runs every night.")};
bundle { //callbacks
new (tableType, @adrSuite^.callbacks);
new (tableType, @adrSuite^.callbacks.fileMenu);
new (tableType, @adrSuite^;
new (tableType, @adrSuite^.callbacks.user)};
bundle { //menu
new (menubarType, @adrSuite^.menu);
local (oldTarget = target.set (@adrSuite^.menu));
op.setLineText (firstUpperName);
try {target.set (oldTarget)};
menu.addMenuCommand (@adrSuite^.menu, firstUpperName, "Hello World", "dialog.notify (\"Hello, World!\")")};
bundle { //statusCenterMessage, 5/26/09 by DW -- rewrite
<<local (adrscript = @adrSuite^.statusCenterMessage)
<<newScriptWithComment (adrscript, "This script returns a string which appears in the Status Center on the Radio UserLand home page.")
<<local (oldTarget = target.set (adrscript))
<<op.insert ("return (\"I'm a cool Tool!\")", down)
<<try {target.set (oldTarget)} (, @adrSuite^.statusCenterMessage, name)};
bundle { //init //5/26/09 by DW (, @adrSuite^.init, name)}};
bundle { //toolThread
local (adrThread = newTable ("Thread"));
adrThread^.ct = 0;
adrThread^.enabled = false; //5/26/09 by DW (, @adrThread^.script, name);
<<newScriptWithComment (@adrThread^.script, "This script runs in its own thread.")
<<local (oldTarget = target.set (@adrThread^.script))
<<op.insert ("loop //loop until the application quits", down)
<<op.insert ("Add your code here.", right)
<<script.makeComment ()
<<op.insert ("thread.sleepFor (10) //sleep for ten seconds", down)
<<try {target.set (oldTarget)}
bundle { //toolWebsite
local (adrSite = newTable ("Website"));
adrSite^ =;
local (adrFtpSite = @adrSite^.["#ftpSite"]);
adrFtpSite^.url = "" + name + "/"};
bundle { //toolInfo
local (adrInfo = newTable ("Info"));
adrInfo^.author =;
adrInfo^.authorEmail = user.prefs.mailAddress;
adrInfo^.description = "";
adrInfo^.homePageUrl = "";
adrInfo^.name = string.popSuffix (file.fileFromPath (f), '.');
adrInfo^.releaseDate = ();
adrInfo^.version = "0.1"};
bundle { //clean up
try {delete (@adrTool^.["item #1"])};
local (oldTarget = target.set (adrTool));
wp.setTextMode (false);
op.firstSummit ();
try {target.set (oldTarget)}; (f)};
bundle { //install now if in Tools folder
local (toolsFolder = ());
local (lowerToolsFolder = string.lower (toolsFolder));
local (folder = file.folderFromPath (f));
local (lowerFolder = string.lower (folder));
if lowerFolder == lowerToolsFolder { (f)}}; //install now
return (adrTool)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.