Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.
<<4/29/10; 5:16:20 PM by DW
<<If the user gives us an HTML page, do the auto-discovery routine, cribbed from river2website.quicksub.
<<5/21/08; 8:40:30 PM by DW
<<Rewrite to handle RSS 2.0, 1.0 and Atom feeds. Faster. Much simpler.
<<3/19/06; 2:31:34 PM by DW
<<Cribbed from newsRiverSuite.menuCommands.addRssAtts.
<<Adds a node of type "rss" to the frontmost outline, after prompting the user for the URL of the feed.
on decode (s) {
return (xml.rss.decodeString (s))};
if not defined ( {
if defined (newsRiverData.prefs.lastFeedUrl) { = newsRiverData.prefs.lastFeedUrl}
else { = "http://"}};
local (url =;
local (clipboardValue = clipboard.getValue (stringType));
if string.lower (clipboardValue) beginswith "http://" {
url = clipboardValue};
op.attributes.getOne ("xmlUrl", @url);
if dialog.ask ("URL for feed:", @url) {
local (xmltext = tcp.httpreadurl (url), xstruct, atts);
try {
xml.compile (xmltext, @xstruct)}
else { //4/29/10 by DW
local (linktable, flfoundfeed = false);
xml.getHtmlLinks ("", @linktable, @xmltext);
on getlink (type) {
local (adrlink);
for adrlink in @linktable {
if adrlink^.rel == "alternate" {
if adrlink^.type == type {
url = nameof (adrlink^);
flfoundfeed = true;
return (true)}}};
return (false)};
if not getlink ("application/rss+xml") {
if not getlink ("application/atom+xml") {
return ("<h1>Can't subscribe because there are no suitable links in the HTML.</h1>")}};
if not flfoundfeed {
scriptError ("Can't add the feed because there is no feed link in the web page.")};
xml.compile (tcp.httpreadurl (url), @xstruct)};
<<scratchpad.xstruct = xstruct
new (tabletype, @atts);
atts.type = "rss";
atts.xmlUrl = url;
atts.title = "Untitled";
atts.htmlUrl = "http://";
bundle { //set atts.title, atts.htmlUrl
try { //try RSS 2.0 first
local (adrrss = xml.getaddress (@xstruct, "rss"));
local (adrchannel = xml.getaddress (adrrss, "channel"));
try {atts.title = decode (xml.getvalue (adrchannel, "title"))};
try {atts.htmlUrl = decode (xml.getvalue (adrchannel, "link"))}}
else { //then Atom, then RSS 1.0
try { //see if it's Atom
local (adrfeed = xml.getaddress (@xstruct, "feed"), adr);
try {atts.title = decode (xml.getvalue (adrfeed, "title"))};
for adr in adrfeed { //find atts.htmlUrl, which is buried in a link element (there could be many)
if nameof (adr^) endswith "link" {
try {
local (adratts = @adr^.["/atts"]);
if adratts^.rel == "alternate" {
if string.lower (adratts^.type) == "text/html" {
atts.htmlUrl = decode (adratts^.href)}}}}}}
else { //see if it's RSS 1.0
try {
local (adrrdf = xml.getAddress (@xstruct, "RDF"));
local (adrchannel = xml.getAddress (adrrdf, "channel"));
try {atts.title = decode (xml.getValue (adrchannel, "title"))};
try {atts.htmlUrl = decode (xml.getValue (adrchannel, "link"))}}}}};
op.setDisplay (false);
op.attributes.addgroup (@atts);
op.setlinetext (atts.title);
op.setDisplay (true);
<<bundle //old code, 5/21/08 by DW
<<local (adrdata = xml.aggregator.init ())
<<local (adrservice = @adrdata^.services.[url], atts)
<< = url
<<local (servicestable)
<<if not defined (adrservice^)
<<new (tabletype, @servicestable)
<<xml.aggregator.readService (url, @servicestable)
<<adrservice = @servicestable.[url]
<<if string.trimwhitespace (op.getlinetext ()) == ""
<<op.setlinetext (adrservice^.compilation.channeltitle)
<<new (tabletype, @atts)
<<atts.title = adrservice^.compilation.channeltitle
<<atts.htmlUrl = adrservice^.compilation.channellink
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.