Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.


on writeFile (email, password, relativepath, filetext, adrurl = nil, adrmsg = nil, adrdata =, flShowMessages = true) {
		<<4/2/01; 8:06:56 AM by DW
			<<Created. This is the core routine in xmlStorageSystem.
			<<email/password identify an account in the cloud.
			<<relativepath is a string, like myLists/todo/april2.xml, it says where the file is to be stored in the cloud, relative to the user's root directory.
			<<filetext is a string, containing the text of the file.
		<<6/25/01; 1:32:18 PM by JES
			<<Don't attempt to set adrurl^ if the server's response does not include a urllist.
			<<Commented out test code.
		<<7/23/01; 9:45:30 PM by JES
			<<The data table now supports both xmlRpcPath, and the more general rpcPath, used for both XML-RPC and for SOAP. This is for support for SOAP-based xmlStorageSystem implementations which have a request URI which is different from the value of the SOAPAction header.
		<<8/14/01; 3:14:00 AM by JES
			<<New optional parameter: flShowMessages. This flag is passed to xml.rpc, which in turn is passed to tcp.httpClient. Default is true, which preserves existing behavior.
	local (params = {"email":email, "password":string.hashmd5 (password), "relativePathList":{relativepath}, "fileTextList":{string (filetext)}});
	local (rpcPath);
	if defined (adrdata^.xmlRpcPath) {
		rpcPath = adrdata^.xmlRpcPath};
	if defined (adrdata^.rpcPath) {
		rpcPath = adrdata^.rpcPath};
	with adrdata^ {
		local (response = xml.rpc (server, port, "xmlStorageSystem.saveMultipleFiles", @params, rpcPath:rpcPath, fldebug:fldebug, flShowMessages:flShowMessages, protocol:protocol, soapAction:soapAction));
		if adrurl != nil {
			if defined (response.urllist) {
				adrurl^ = response.urllist [1]}};
		if adrmsg != nil {
			adrmsg^ = response.message};
		return (not response.flerror)}};
<<bundle //test code
	<<local (url)
	<<with user.xmlStorageSystem
		<<writeFile (email, password, "/test/clock2.html", (), @url)
	<<webbrowser.openurl (url)
<<bundle //synchronous benchmark code
	<<local (ct = 0, totalticks = 0, n = 300)
	<<for i = 1 to n
		<<local (now = clock.ticks ())
		<<with user.xmlStorageSystem
			<<writeFile (email, password, "/test/clock2.html", (), @url, flShowMessages: false)
		<<local (ticks = clock.ticks () - now)
		<<totalTicks = totalTicks + ticks
		<<msg (ct + "; " + totalTicks + "; " + double (totalTicks) / ct)
	<<dialog.alert ("For " + n + " requests, total ticks: " + totalTicks + "; avg: " + double (totalTicks) / ct + ".")
bundle { //asynchronous benchmark code
	<<bundle //copy the script below to a script object at workspace.doRequest
		<<on doRequest (adrCt, adrTotalTicks, adrCtThreads)
				<<local (now = clock.ticks ())
				<<with user.xmlStorageSystem
					<<xmlStorageSystem.writeFile (email, password, "/test/clock" + adrct^ + ".html", (), @url, flShowMessages: false)
				<<local (ticks = clock.ticks () - now)
				<<adrTotalTicks^ = adrTotalTicks^ + ticks
	local (ct = 0, totalticks = 0, n = 600, maxThreads = 20, ctThreads = 0);
	local (now = clock.ticks ());
	for i = 1 to n {
		if ct > 0 {
			workspace.avg = double (clock.ticks () - now) / ct;
			msg (i + "; " + totalTicks + "; " + workspace.avg)};
		while ctThreads >= maxThreads {
			thread.sleepTicks (1)};
		thread.callScript (@workspace.doRequest, {@ct, @totalTicks, @ctThreads})};
	while ctThreads > 0 {
		thread.sleepTicks (1)};
	local (later = clock.ticks ());
	local (time = later - now);
	dialog.alert ("For " + n + " requests, total ticks: " + time + "; avg: " + double (time) / ct + ".")}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.