Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.


<<a script to try out all the features of uBASE as they go in

local (ubasefolder, fnum);

bundle { <<start up uBASE, create a new file, add its fields
	<<ubase.launch ()
	ubasefolder = file.folderFromPath (ubase.appinfo.path);
	fnum = ubase.newFile (ubasefolder + "Stress Database");
	ubase.bringToFront (); <<so we can watch the records being added
	ubase.addField (fnum, 'bool', booleanType);
	ubase.addField (fnum, 'long', longType);
	ubase.addField (fnum, 'date', dateType);
	ubase.addField (fnum, 'stri', stringType);
	ubase.addField (fnum, 'doub', doubleType);
	ubase.addField (fnum, 'bina', binaryType)};

on addRandomRecord () {
	local (holder, result, key);
	new (tableType, @holder);
	holder.bool = boolean (random (0, 1));
	holder.long = random (0, infinity); = date (random (0, infinity));
	holder.stri = states.nthState (random (1, 50));
	holder.doub = double (random (0, infinity));
	pack (suites.commercial.installApp, @holder.bina);
	key = states.nthState (random (1, 50));
	ubase.addRecord (fnum, key, @holder);
	ubase.lookupRecord (fnum, key, @result);
	bundle { <<check the fields, see that everything worked
		if holder.bool != result.bool || holder.bool != uBASE.getField (fnum, key, 'bool') {
			scriptError (holder.bool + " should equal " + result.bool + " for " + key + ".")};
		if holder.long != result.long || holder.long != uBASE.getField (fnum, key, 'long') {
			scriptError (holder.long + " should equal " + result.long + " for " + key + ".")};
		if != || != uBASE.getField (fnum, key, 'date') {
			scriptError ( + " should equal " + ( + " for " + key + ".")};
		if holder.stri != result.stri || holder.stri != uBASE.getField (fnum, key, 'stri') {
			scriptError (holder.stri + " should equal " + result.stri + " for " + key + ".")};
		if abs (holder.doub - result.doub) > 0.0000001 { <<account for imprecision in floating compares
			scriptError (holder.doub + " should equal " + result.doub + " for " + key + ".")};
		if abs (holder.doub - uBASE.getField (fnum, key, 'doub')) > 0.0000001 {
			scriptError (holder.doub + " should equal " + result.doub + " for " + key + ".")};
		if holder.bina != result.bina || holder.bina != uBASE.getField (fnum, key, 'bina') {
			scriptError ("the binary object does not compare equal for " + key + ".")}};
	msg ("Added " + key + ".");
	rollBeachball ()};

local (i);
for i = 1 to 100 {
	addRandomRecord ()};

ubase.closeFile (fnum)

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.