Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.


<<check the States Database to be sure it's correct

local (fnum, hadError = false);
bundle { <<start up uBASE, open the file
	local (ubasefolder);
	ubase.launch ();
	ubasefolder = file.folderFromPath (ubase.appinfo.path);
	fnum = ubase.openFile (ubasefolder + "States Database");
	ubase.bringToFront ()}; <<so we can watch the records being checked

on checkState (name, capital, abbrev) {
	local (holder);
	if ubase.lookupRecord (fnum, name, @holder) {
		if holder.capi != capital {
			scriptError (holder.capi + " should equal " + capital + " [for " + name + "].")};
		if holder.abbr != abbrev {
			scriptError (holder.abbr + " should equal " + abbrev + " [for " + name + "].")};
		msg (capital)} <<show capital in Frontier main window
	else { <<  Report the error
		scriptError ("Error:  " + holder.errs)};
	rollBeachball ()};

bundle { <<check 50 states, their capitals and abbreviations
	checkState ("Alabama", "Montgomery", "AL");
	checkState ("Alaska", "Juneau", "AK");
	checkState ("Arizona", "Phoenix", "AZ");
	checkState ("Arkansas", "Little Rock", "AR");
	checkState ("California", "Sacramento", "CA");
	checkState ("Colorado", "Denver", "CO");
	checkState ("Connecticut", "Hartford", "CT");
	checkState ("Delaware", "Dover", "DE");
	checkState ("Florida", "Tallahassee", "FL");
	checkState ("Georgia", "Atlanta", "GA");
	checkState ("Hawaii", "Honolulu", "HI");
	checkState ("Idaho", "Boise", "ID");
	checkState ("Illinois", "Springfield", "IL");
	checkState ("Indiana", "Indianapolis", "IN");
	checkState ("Iowa", "Des Moines", "IA");
	checkState ("Kansas", "Topeka", "KA");
	checkState ("Kentucky", "Frankfort", "KY");
	checkState ("Louisiana", "Baton Rouge", "LA");
	checkState ("Maine", "Augusta", "ME");
	checkState ("Maryland", "Annapolis", "MD");
	checkState ("Massachusetts", "Boston", "MA");
	checkState ("Michigan", "Lansing", "MI");
	checkState ("Minnesota", "St. Paul", "MN");
	checkState ("Mississippi", "Jackson", "MS");
	checkState ("Missouri", "Jefferson City", "MO");
	checkState ("Montana", "Helena", "MT");
	checkState ("Nebraska", "Lincoln", "NE");
	checkState ("Nevada", "Carson City", "NV");
	checkState ("New Hampshire", "Concord", "NH");
	checkState ("New Jersey", "Trenton", "NJ");
	checkState ("New Mexico", "Santa Fe", "NM");
	checkState ("New York", "Albany", "NY");
	checkState ("North Carolina", "Raleigh", "NC");
	checkState ("North Dakota", "Bismarck", "ND");
	checkState ("Ohio", "Columbus", "OH");
	checkState ("Oklahoma", "Oklahoma City", "OK");
	checkState ("Oregon", "Salem", "OR");
	checkState ("Pennsylvania", "Harrisburg", "PA");
	checkState ("Rhode Island", "Providence", "RI");
	checkState ("South Carolina", "Columbia", "SC");
	checkState ("South Dakota", "Pierre", "SD");
	checkState ("Tennessee", "Nashville", "TN");
	checkState ("Texas", "Austin", "TX");
	checkState ("Utah", "Salt Lake City", "UT");
	checkState ("Vermont", "Montpelier", "VT");
	checkState ("Virginia", "Richmond", "VA");
	checkState ("Washington", "Olympia", "WA");
	checkState ("West Virginia", "Charleston", "WV");
	checkState ("Wisconsin", "Madison", "WI");
	checkState ("Wyoming", "Cheyenne", "WY")};

ubase.closeFile (fnum);
msg ("It all checks out!")

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.