Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.


on getUserTimeLine (screenname, adrtable, urlparam=nil, since=nil, maxcount=20) {
		<<5/21/09; 3:31:21 PM by DW
			<<Extract user information from each status record.
		<<3/12/09; 5:53:29 AM by DW
			<<Laconica doesn't support in_reply_to_screen_name; add workaround.
		<<1/5/09; 6:04:51 PM by DW
			<<Add optional "maxcount" parameter, indicates the maximum number of posts to retrieve, defaults to 20.
		<<1/4/09; 4:34:39 PM by DW
			<<Add optional "since" param to get all posts since a certain date-time. Loop over "pages" of results so we aren't limited to 20 at a time. Major upgrade. 
		<<1/4/09; 11:45:39 AM by DW
			<<Add support for inReplyToScreenName and createdAt.
		<<8/16/08; 11:46:58 AM by DW
			<<Add support for inReplyToStatusId and inReplyToUserId in timelines.
		<<7/17/08; 10:08:25 PM by DW
			<<Add optional url parameter so the caller can provide it (so the same code can be used with an app that clones the Twitter API).
		<<4/28/07; 11:05:43 AM by DW
			<<Created. I just need a simple routine that returns the unauthenticated public statuses from a given user, who may have no relationship to me. Trying to do this by adding parameters to getTimeline proved very frustrating. If you just enter the url in a brower, you get exactly what you need. 
	local (pagenum = 1, cttotalstatuses = 0, flmaxed = false);
	new (tabletype, adrtable);
	on decode (s) {
		s = xml.entitydecode (s, flAlphaEntities:true);
		return (s)};
	loop {
		local (url);
		if urlparam == nil { //use
			url = "[[screenname]].xml"}
		else {
			url = urlparam};
		url = string.replace (url, "[[screenname]]", screenname);
		bundle { //add pagenum
			url = url + "?page=" + pagenum++};
		bundle { //add optional params
			if since != nil {
				url = url + "&since=" + string.urlencode (date.netstandardstring (since))}};
		local (xmltext = tcp.httpreadurl (url), xstruct, adr, ctstatuses=0);
		xml.compile (xmltext, @xstruct);
		<<scratchpad.xstructusertimeline = xstruct
		local (adrstatuses = xml.getaddress (@xstruct, "statuses"));
		for adr in adrstatuses {
			if nameof (adr^) contains "status" {
				local (id = xml.getvalue (adr, "id"));
				local (adrsub = @adrtable^.[id]);
				new (tabletype, adrsub);
				adrsub^.text = decode (xml.getvalue (adr, "text"));
				adrsub^.inReplyToStatusId = xml.getvalue (adr, "in_reply_to_status_id"); //8/16/08 by DW
				adrsub^.inReplyToUserId = xml.getvalue (adr, "in_reply_to_user_id"); //8/16/08 by DW
				bundle { //get inReplyToScreenName -- identica doesn't return this, but twitter does, 3/12/09 by DW
					try {
						adrsub^.inReplyToScreenName = xml.getvalue (adr, "in_reply_to_screen_name")} //1/4/09 by DW
					else {
						adrsub^.inReplyToScreenName = ""}};
				adrsub^.createdAt = twitter.getTwitterTime (xml.getvalue (adr, "created_at")); //1/4/09 by DW
				twitter.extractUserInfo (adr, adrsub, false); //5/21/09 by DW
				if ++cttotalstatuses >= maxcount { //1/5/09 by DW
					flmaxed = true;
		if ctstatuses == 0 { //none were returned, don't ask for another page
		if flmaxed { //1/5/09 by DW
	<<bundle //old pre-looping code
		<<if url == nil //use
			<<url = "[[screenname]].xml"
		<<url = string.replace (url, "[[screenname]]", screenname)
		<<bundle //add optional params
			<<if since != nil
				<<url = url + "?since=" + string.urlencode (date.netstandardstring (since))
		<<local (xmltext = tcp.httpreadurl (url), xstruct, adr)
		<<xml.compile (xmltext, @xstruct)
		<<scratchpad.xuserstruct = xstruct
		<<new (tabletype, adrtable)
		<<for adr in xml.getaddress (@xstruct, "statuses")
			<<if nameof (adr^) contains "status"
				<<local (id = xml.getvalue (adr, "id"))
				<<local (adrsub = @adrtable^.[id])
				<<new (tabletype, adrsub)
				<<adrsub^.text = decode (xml.getvalue (adr, "text"))
				<<adrsub^.inReplyToStatusId = xml.getvalue (adr, "in_reply_to_status_id") //8/16/08 by DW
				<<adrsub^.inReplyToUserId = xml.getvalue (adr, "in_reply_to_user_id") //8/16/08 by DW
				<<adrsub^.inReplyToScreenName = xml.getvalue (adr, "in_reply_to_screen_name") //1/4/09 by DW
				<<adrsub^.createdAt = twitter.getTwitterTime (xml.getvalue (adr, "created_at")) //1/4/09 by DW
bundle { //test code
	getUserTimeLine ("arrington", @scratchpad.arrtimeline, maxcount:18)}
	<<getUserTimeLine ("davewiner", @scratchpad.dwtimeline, maxcount:18)

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.