Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.


on getReplies (adrreplies, username = nil, password = nil, repliesurl = nil, maxcount = 20) {
		<<3/12/09; 6:05:06 AM by DW
			<<Fixed a bug in the bug fix. :-)
		<<3/12/09; 5:36:55 AM by DW
			<<Fixed bug where it would infinitely loop if the total number of replies received by user was less than maxcount.
		<<2/19/09; 3:48:22 PM by DW
			<<Add optional "maxcount" parameter, indicates the maximum number of posts to retrieve, defaults to 20.
		<<8/16/08; 10:32:18 AM by DW
			<<Add support for inReplyToStatusId and inReplyToUserId in timelines.
		<<12/8/07; 4:55:27 PM by DW
			<<Copy the user's "protected" value into the replies table.
		<<12/6/07; 11:26:50 AM by DW
	local (pagenum = 1, cttotalstatuses = 0, flmaxed = false);
	new (tabletype, adrreplies);
	twitter.init ();
	bundle { //set defaults
		if username == nil {
			username = user.twitter.prefs.username};
		if password == nil {
			password = string (user.twitter.prefs.password)};
		if repliesurl == nil {
			repliesurl = user.twitter.prefs.repliesurl}};
	local (urllist = string.urlsplit (repliesurl));
	loop {
		try {
			local (tc = clock.ticks (), timeoutticks = 60 * user.twitter.prefs.timeOutSecs, path, flAtLeastOneStatus = false);
			bundle { //set path, 2/19/09 by DW
				path = urllist [3] + "?page=" + pagenum++};
			local (s = string.httpResultSplit (tcp.httpClient (server:urllist [2], path:path, username:username, password:password,  method:"GET", timeoutticks:timeoutticks, flMessages:false)));
			<<scratchpad.xmltext = s
			<<local (s = scratchpad.xmltext)
			user.twitter.stats.whenLastGet = ();
			user.twitter.stats.ctSecsLastGet = double (clock.ticks () - tc) / 60;
			bundle { //extract data from the xml in adrtimeline^
				local (xstruct, adrstatus);
				xml.compile (s, @xstruct);
				<<scratchpad.xstruct = xstruct
				local (adrstatuses = xml.getaddress (@xstruct, "statuses"));
				for adrstatus in adrstatuses {
					if nameof (adrstatus^) contains "status" {
						local (id = xml.getvalue (adrstatus, "id"));
						local (adrsub = @adrreplies^.[id]);
						new (tabletype, adrsub);
						flAtLeastOneStatus = true;
						adrsub^.createdAt = xml.getvalue (adrstatus, "created_at");
						adrsub^.text = xml.getvalue (adrstatus, "text");
						local (adruser = xml.getaddress (adrstatus, "user"));
						adrsub^.userId = xml.getvalue (adruser, "id");
						adrsub^.userName = xml.getvalue (adruser, "name");
						adrsub^.userScreenName = xml.getvalue (adruser, "screen_name");
						adrsub^.userLocation = xml.getvalue (adruser, "location");
						adrsub^.userDescription = xml.getvalue (adruser, "description");
						adrsub^.userProfileImageUrl = xml.getvalue (adruser, "profile_image_url");
						adrsub^.userUrl = xml.getvalue (adruser, "url");
						adrsub^.flProtected = xml.getvalue (adruser, "protected"); //12/8/07 by DW
						adrsub^.inReplyToStatusId = xml.getvalue (adrstatus, "in_reply_to_status_id"); //8/16/08 by DW
						adrsub^.inReplyToUserId = xml.getvalue (adrstatus, "in_reply_to_user_id"); //8/16/08 by DW
						if ++cttotalstatuses >= maxcount {
			user.twitter.stats.lastGetError = "";
			if (cttotalstatuses >= maxcount) or (not flAtLeastOneStatus) { //3/12/09 by DW
				return (true)}}
		else {
			user.twitter.stats.lastGetError = tryerror;
			return (false)}}}
<<bundle //test code
	<<getReplies (@scratchpad.twitterreplies, maxcount:100)

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.