Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.


on getListOpml (adrlistinfo, title=nil) {
		<<11/8/09; 9:43:37 AM by DW
			<<Implements the "xSocial" namespace as described here:
		<<11/3/09; 2:39:38 PM by DW
			<<Change interface, now it just takes the address of the list. This allows it to come from a cache. 
		<<11/1/09; 7:54:57 PM by DW
			<<Change the URL in the <docs> element from a dummy url to the address of the OPML 2.0 spec.
		<<11/1/09; 7:49:01 PM by DW
			<<Change parameter list to be consistent with the list glue scripts.
		<<10/31/09; 8:26:16 AM by DW
			<<Experimental. Return the list in OPML format.
	local (xmltext = "", indentlevel = 0, now = (), listinfo);
	<<twitter.getListMembers (listname,  @listinfo, username, password, whoseList)
	bundle { //fill xmltext
		on add (s) {
			xmltext = xmltext + (string.filledstring ("\t", indentlevel) + s + "\r\n");};
		on encode (s) {
			if system.environment.isMac {
				return (xml.entityEncode (latinToMac.macToLatin (s), true))}
			else {
				return (xml.entityEncode (s, true))}};
		add ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
		bundle { //comment at top of OPML
			local (cautionstring = "");
			<<if adrdata^.prefs.flOpmlCaution
				<<cautionstring = "\r\r Important: Don't build systems that depend on this service, it's just a test."
			add ("<!-- OPML generated by " + frontier.getprogramname () + " on " + now + " Pacific." + cautionstring + " -->")};
		add ("<opml version=\"2.0\" xmlns:xSocial=\"\">"); indentlevel++;
		bundle { //<head> section
			add ("<head>"); indentlevel++;
			<<if username == nil
				<<username = user.twitter.prefs.username
			if title != nil {
				<<title = encode ("The \"" + listname + "\" list from Twitter user: \"" + username + "\"")
				add ("<title>" + encode (title) + "</title>")};
			add ("<docs></docs>");
			add ("<dateCreated>" + date.netstandardstring (now) + "</dateCreated>");
			add ("<dateModified>" + date.netstandardstring (now) + "</dateModified>");
			add ("</head>"); indentlevel--};
		bundle { //<body> section
			local (adrmember);
			add ("<body>"); indentlevel++;
			for adrmember in adrlistinfo {
				local (t, s = "");
				new (tabletype, @t);
				t.type = "rss";
				t.text = encode (adrmember^.username);
				t.xmlUrl = encode ("" + adrmember^.userId + ".rss");
				t.htmlUrl = encode ("" + adrmember^.userscreenname);
				t.title = t.text;
				t.["xSocial:userId"] = adrmember^.userId;
				t.["xSocial:userName"] = adrmember^.userName;
				t.["xSocial:userDescription"] = adrmember^.userDescription;
				t.["xSocial:userLocation"] = adrmember^.userLocation;
				t.["xSocial:userUrl"] = adrmember^.userUrl;
				t.["xSocial:userStatuses"] = adrmember^.userCtStatuses;
				t.["xSocial:userFollows"] = adrmember^.userFollows;
				t.["xSocial:userFollowedBy"] = adrmember^.userFollowedBy;
				t.["xSocial:userProfileImageUrl"] = adrmember^.userProfileImageUrl;
				t.["xSocial:userScreenName"] = adrmember^.userScreenName;
				for adrt in @t {
					s = s + nameof (adrt^) + "=\"" + encode (adrt^) + "\" "};
				add ("<outline " + s + "/>")};
			add ("</body>"); indentlevel--};
		add ("</opml>"); indentlevel--};
	return (xmltext)};
bundle { //test code
	local (s = getListOpml (@listBrowserData.cache.["davewiner/entourage"].listdata, "Members of @davewiner's \"entourage\" list."));
	workspace.ftptoscripting (s, "misc/xTwitterList.opml");
	webbrowser.openurl ("")}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.