Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.


on newPost (title, body, email=nil, password=nil, type=nil, generator=nil, pubDate=nil, flPrivate=nil, tags=nil, format=nil, group=nil, data=nil, caption=nil, clickThroughUrl=nil, flMultipart=false, fData=nil, idPost=nil) {
		<<11/23/09; 2:09:23 PM by DW
			<<Add idpost optional param, if specified, we're modifying that post.
		<<6/9/09; 7:35:58 PM by DW
		<<5/14/09; 9:57:51 AM by DW
	local (adrdata = tumblr.init (), apiurl = "", params);
	bundle { //set defaults
		if email == nil {
			email = adrdata^};
		if password == nil {
			password = adrdata^.prefs.password};
		if type == nil {
			type = "regular"};
		if generator == nil {
			generator = frontier.getprogramname ()}};
	bundle { //build params
		if flmultipart {
			new (tabletype, @params)}
		else {
			params = ""};
		on push (name, value) {
			if value != nil {
				if flmultipart {
					params.[name] = value}
				else {
					params = params + "&" + name + "=" + string.urlencode (value, flFullEncode:true)}}};
		push ("email", email);
		push ("password", password);
		push ("title", title);
		push ("body", body);
		push ("type", type);
		push ("generator", generator);
		push ("post-id", idPost); //11/23/09 by DW
		push ("pubDate", date.netstandardstring (pubDate));
		if flPrivate != nil {
			if flPrivate {
				push ("private", 1)}
			else {
				push ("private", 0)}};
		push ("tags", tags);
		push ("format", format);
		push ("group", group);
		if not flmultipart {
			push ("data", data)};
		push ("caption", caption);
		push ("click-through-url", clickThroughUrl);
		if not flmultipart {
			params = string.delete (params, 1, 1)}}; //pop the first &
	local (response, code);
	if flmultipart {
		local (f, fldelete = false);
		if fData != nil {
			f = fData}
		else {
			f = frontier.getSubFolder ("ops/Temp") + "tumblr" + clock.ticks () + ".data";
			file.writewholefile (f, data);
			fldelete = true};
		response = tcp.httpPostMultipart (apiurl, f, adrparams:@params, filePartName:"data", adrCode:@code);
		if fldelete {
			file.delete (f)}}
	else {
		local (urllist = string.urlsplit (apiurl));
		response =  tcp.httpClient ("POST", server:urllist [2], path:urllist [3], data:params, datatype:"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", ctFollowRedirects:3, flMessages:false, debug:false);
		<<wp.newtextobject (string (scratchpad.httpcommand), @tumblr.testing.request)
		code = tcp.httpGetStatusCode (response);
		response = string.httpResultSplit (response)};
	<<wp.newtextobject (response, @tumblr.testing.response)
	bundle { //throw an error if code != 201
		if code == 403 {
			scriptError ("Couldn't create the post because the email address or password were incorrect.")};
		if code == 400 {
			scriptError ("Couldn't create the post because there was at least one error while trying to save your post.")}};
	return (response)}
<<bundle //test code
	<<bundle //photo
		<<local (bits = file.readwholefile ("ohio:test:chumby.jpg"))
		<<newPost ("My New Chumby", "", type:"photo", data:bits)
	<<bundle //50 random states
		<<local (body = "")
		<<for i = 1 to 50
			<<body = body + states.nthstate (random (1, 50)) + " "
		<<dialog.alert (newPost ("50 random states", body))
	<<bundle //post from an outline
		<<local (oldtarget = target.set (@tumblr.testing.postOutline))
		<<op.firstsummit ()
		<<local (title = op.getlinetext (), bodytext = "")
		<<op.expand (infinity)
		<<op.go (right, 1)
			<<bodytext = bodytext + "<p>" + op.getlinetext () + "</p>\r"
			<<if not op.go (down, 1)
		<<s = string.replaceall (s, "</p>", "+++++")
		<<s = searchengine.stripmarkup (s)
		<<s = string.replaceall (s, "+++++ ", "\r\r")
		<<s = string.replaceall (s, " ", " ")
		<<s = string.replaceall (s, "\";->\"", ":-)")
		<<wp.newtextobject (s, @tumblr.testing.s)
		<<local (id = newPost (title, bodytext))
		<<newPost (title, string.upper (bodytext), idpost:id) //text should now be uppercase
		<<target.set (oldtarget)

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.