Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.
on ping (adrurl, title, permalink, excerpt, weblogName) {
<<4/25/03; 7:19:07 PM by DW
<<Add Content-Length header for POST requests, per Ben Trott's suggestion.
<<4/25/03; 12:41:58 PM by DW
<<When Trackback was coming online, the Trotts changed from GET to POST. So for older sites that haven't upgraded, we have to use GET. As they upgrade we'll use POST.
<<4/24/03; 6:57:39 AM by DW
<<Created. See the spec here:
<<Comments here:
adrurl^.whenPing = ();
local (urllist = string.urlSplit (adrurl^.pingUrl), server = urllist [2], path = urllist [3]);
local (tc = clock.ticks (), xmltext);
bundle { //make the request, 4/25/03 by DW
if adrurl^.flGotUrlFromAbout {
path = path + "&title=" + string.urlencode (title) + "&url=" + string.urlencode (permalink) + "&excerpt=" + string.urlencode (excerpt) + "&blog_name=" + string.urlencode (weblogName);
xmltext = string.httpresultsplit (tcp.httpClient ("GET", server:server, path:path, ctFollowRedirects:5))}
else {
on encode (s) {
s = string.replaceall (s, " ", "+");
return (s)};
local (body = "title=" + encode (title) + "&url=" + encode (permalink) + "&excerpt=" + encode (excerpt) + "&blog_name=" + encode (weblogName));
xmltext = string.httpresultsplit (tcp.httpClient ("POST", server:server, path:path, ctFollowRedirects:5, data:body, datatype: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", debug:false))}};
adrUrl^.ctPingSeconds = (clock.ticks () - tc) / 60;
local (xstruct);
xml.compile (xmltext, @xstruct);
adrurl^.xTrackbackResponse = xstruct;
adrurl^.errorstring = "";
adrurl^.flpinged = true;
local (adrresponse = xml.getaddress (@xstruct, "response"));
local (adrerror = xml.getaddress (adrresponse, "error"));
if adrerror^ != "0" { //error
try {adrurl^.errorstring = xml.getvalue (adrresponse, "message")}}};
bundle { //test code
local (adrmsg = @tbtestManilaWebsite.["#discussionGroup"].messages.["0000005"]);
local (adrurl = @adrmsg^.trackback.outbound.urls.[""]);
local (title = adrmsg^.subject);
local (permalink = "");
local (excerpt = adrmsg^.newsitem.description);
local (weblogname = "tbtest");
ping (adrurl, title, permalink, excerpt, weblogname)}
<<bundle //more test code
<<local (adrurl = @scratchpad.aPost.trackback.outbound.urls.[""])
<<new (tableType, adrurl)
<<local (title = "New comment prefs")
<<local (permalink = "")
<<local (excerpt = "I just finished a pair of new preferences on the News Items preferences page...")
<<local (weblogName = "Jake's Test Weblog")
<<trackback.discoverPingInfo (adrurl)
<< (adrurl, title, permalink, excerpt, weblogName)
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.